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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • EU: Resolving neighborly problems through dialogue, key for enlargement (RFE)
  • Osmani meets Pendarovski: Kosovo deserves EU candidate status (media)
  • Peach: Kosovo’s future is a multiethnic republic (media)
  • Rasic on removal of mayors through petition: Right and legitimate solution (EO)
  • Svecla: Serbia’s only symbol in Kosovo will be its embassy in Pristina (media)
  • Kurti discusses priorities for 2024 with EBRD representatives (Albanian Post)
  • Osmani: My focus is increased participation of women and girls in business (EO)
  • Hoxhaj: No political process in the north without the Serbs (KTV)
  • Abdixhiku: Latest poll shows LDK leads with 39-40% in Dukagjin (Nacionale)
  • Haziri: Kurti has no other priority but dialogue with Serbia (media)
  • Ahmeti: Kosovo one step closer to membership in Council of Europe (RTK)
  • Kelmendi: Don’t comprehend so-called controversy on ban of Serbia dinar (media)
  • Kosovo national arrested in Serbia; caught with 18 kg of marijuana (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic: Kurti will have a million ideas to prove that he has what he doesn't have - statehood (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic meets with ambassadors of EU member states (Tanjug)
  • Serbs in Leposavic told to remove tent across municipal building (Kosovo Online)
  • Billboard with honorary citizens of Zvecan removed (KoSSev)
  • Trial in case of Dusko Arsic continues, prosecution and defense to present concluding remarks (Kosovo Online)
  • Vlajic on Arsic’s case: Acquittal can be the only justice (Radio KIM)
  • Zeqiri: According to Constitution, referendums are organized based on special law, and such law has not been enacted (Kosovo Online)
  • Giaufre expects progress in normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina at beginning of this year (Danas, Nedeljnik)
  • Peach: Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia, support to normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Hina)
  • New protest on Friday, opposition official says (N1)
  • CINS reveals secret REM data on pro-government TV stations’ campaign reporting (N1)



Albanian Language Media  


EU: Resolving neighborly problems through dialogue, key for enlargement (RFE)

The news website reports that according to many diplomats at EU headquarters in Brussels, the idea mentioned by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and repeated by other officials to separate Kosovo’s process of European integration from the dialogue with Serbia, is illogical and impossible. Kurti had said that it would be in the interest of Kosovo, the EU, and the U.S. not to have Kosovo’s process of membership in the European bloc linked to the process of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Some EU diplomats that the news website talked to, say that the resolution of problems or open issues between neighbors is key for the enlargement process. “Regional cooperation, good neighborly relations, and the readiness to resolve open issues with neighbors through political means and dialogue has been set as a condition in the enlargement process since the Zagreb Summit in 2000. Without this condition, the enlargement would have no meaning, because the EU does not want to have member states that have conflicts with neighbors,” an unnamed EU diplomat said. “The normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is one of the most important issues not only for the two countries, but for the whole region of the Western Balkans”.

EU spokesperson Peter Stano too said that good neighborly relations and reconciliation are a cornerstone in the process of EU integration. “Good neighborly relations, reconciliation, and the normalization of relations are a cornerstone of the process of EU membership for every aspiring country. Moreover, this is a legal part included in all relevant documents about the membership processes of Kosovo, Serbia, and all other countries,” he said.

Stano also said that “the European Union and member states have been crystal clear – in public statements and directly with the partners, that the path toward the EU for Kosovo and Serbia goes through the dialogue for the normalization of relations”.

Osmani meets Pendarovski: Kosovo deserves EU candidate status (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani hosted a meeting today with her counterpart from North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, and reconfirmed Kosovo’s commitment for continued excellent relations. Osmani said that “Albanians living in North Macedonia are a bridge between the two countries and a pillar of stability, but also of the European integration of North Macedonia”.

Osmani thanked Pendarovski for his personal commitment to excellent relations between Kosovo and North Macedonia, and that “both countries have a shared vision for a stable Western Balkans and integration in the European Union”.

Osmani said that with the support of friendly countries like North Macedonia, Kosovo can advance on its path toward European integration and highlighted that Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe would be in the service of protecting the human rights of all citizens of Kosovo without any difference.

Osmani also argued that Kosovo has proved serious commitment in the implementation of substantial reforms and that it therefore deserves to get the candidate status for EU membership.

Peach: Kosovo’s future is a multiethnic republic (media)

UK Envoy for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach, said in an interview with Croatian news agency Hina, that Kosovo’s future is a multiethnic republic and expressed his support for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia saying that the whole region would benefit from this.

“Citizens of both countries would benefit from the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and so would the region, including Croatia. Kosovo’s future is a multiethnic republic,” he said.

Peach said that the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in September last year was a grave incident and that Kosovo’s institutions are fully cooperating in the investigations. He argued that the weapons found in the area could have been highly destabilizing for Kosovo and he commended the professional and coordinated actions of Kosovo Police.

Peach said that “given the changing geopolitical circumstances and new conflicts it is more important than ever before not to allow new threats in the Western Balkans and not to allow those that want to destabilize the region to be successful.”

Rasic on removal of mayors through petition: Right and legitimate solution (EO)

Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, said in an interview with the news website today, that the process of signing petitions to make way for the removal of Albanian mayors in the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north, is a legitimate process and outlined by Kosovo’s institutions.

Rasic said that designing the Administrative Instruction was proof that creating a legal basis is something that Kosovo’s institutions can do with professionalism. “The first option was the resignation of mayors and this had a very strange connotation for the mayors to resign after a short period of time regardless of the legitimacy, I am talking about legality. And in this case when an Administrative Instruction is designed, for me this is proof that creating a legal basis is something that Kosovo’s institutions are willing to do in a professional manner,” he said.

Svecla: Serbia’s only symbol in Kosovo will be its embassy in Pristina (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, posted a video on Facebook today showing contractors removing in Zvecan “an illegal billboard with symbols and images of dictators and aggressors that are unacceptable in the Republic of Kosovo”.

Svecla said that “the Republic of Kosovo is clearly determined for democratic values and Euro-Atlantic orientation and our institutions remain committed to law and order and the implementation of constitutionality in every part of our country.”

Most news websites note that the billboard included pictures of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Kurti discusses priorities for 2024 with EBRD representatives (Albanian Post)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Wednesday with EBRD’s Managing Director for Central and Southeastern Europe, Charlotte Ruhe, and the EBRD Director for Kosovo, Sergey Maslichenko, and EBRD Deputy Director, Arianit Blakaj, to discuss priority projects for 2024.

“The meeting discussed eight ongoing projects that the Kosovo Government is implementing in cooperation with the EBRD, including the project for energy efficiency in public premises in the municipalities of Prishtina and Prizren, the wastewater treatment project in the municipality of Ferizaj and the project for the construction of a solar-powered heating plant,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.

Ruhe said that the EBRD would continue to support the implementation of numerous projects in infrastructure, telecommunications, energy and urban mobility, and Kurti thanked the EBRD representatives for their continuous support for Kosovo.

Osmani: My focus is increased participation of women and girls in business (EO)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said today on the third day of the Business Forum in Kosovo that her focus is on increased participation of women and girls in business. She said that the journey of women in business was filled with different challenges and called for the creation of an environment in which women would not have to choose between work and their families.

Osmani said that equal inclusion is key for a common well-being. “When women are active in society, societies advance. The world is undergoing changes and women are at the forefront. The path toward gender equality is long and we constantly need to fight stereotypes and prejudices,” she added.

Osmani wrote in a post on X that “the inclusion of women isn't just about gender equality; it's about unlocking our full economic potential. When women and girls lead, economies grow and societies prosper.”

Hoxhaj: No political process in the north without the Serbs (KTV)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, said on Wednesday evening that the Serb community in the north of Kosovo should be a consisting part of politics as that is the only way to integrate the north. He argued that the Kurti-led government has no clarity in terms of integrating the Serbs and that Serbia does not want the north to be integrated into Kosovo’s system.

“There shouldn’t be any political process in the north without the participation of the Serb community. It is crucial for the Serb community not to be only integrated but also a part of political processes. We are talking about four municipalities that are part of the Republic of Kosovo. Every attempt to remove the Serb community from public life in the north would serve only Serbia’s interests. It is not in the interest of Kosovo to have the north led with police in January 2024,” Hoxhaj said.

According to Hoxhaj, “Kosovo is protected if it has genuine coordination with American and European partners. What happened in the north and what happened in the international context, Kosovo will need another 10 years to consolidate what it had in 2020. The global order is in a bad situation, the global trend is not favorable, but Kosovo had the opportunity to use the outbreak of war in Ukraine to its advantage.”

Hoxhaj also said that Kosovo’s partners are worried about the situation in the north because in his opinion the Kurti-led government had a wrong approach in the process.

Abdixhiku: Latest poll shows LDK leads with 39-40% in Dukagjin (Nacionale)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdixhiku, said in an interview with the news website that according to a recent poll in the event of parliamentary elections in the Dukagjin region the LDK leads there with 39-40 percent. “We just received data from the Dukagjin region, where the LDK leads with around 39-40 percent in national elections. I am talking about the municipalities of Peja, Istog, Decan, Klina and Junik,” he said.

Abdixhiku said the poll, which was requested by the LDK, included 2,000 respondents. “I am not talking about the mayor of the municipality of Peja who has a support of around 65-66 percent. I am talking about national elections. I don’t use our polls for propaganda,” he said.

According to Abdixhiku, a recent poll by UBO Consulting according to which the Kurti-led Vetevendosje Movement is convincingly the leading party in Kosovo, was propaganda and that it was aimed at discoursing the electorate of the LDK.

Ahmeti: Kosovo one step closer to membership in Council of Europe (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kreshnik Ahmeti, after a joint visit with Assembly President Glauk Konjufca and the Kosovo delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, said that Kosovo is one step closer to membership in the organization.

“The review and addressing of recommendations by the eminent jurists of the Coordinating Group for the membership of the Republic of Kosovo at the Council of Europe; the Government’s adoption of the Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of Community Rights and their Members, the Government’s adoption of the Human Rights Indicators Framework, which refers to the standards of the Council of Europe and the European Union; the Prime Minister’s readiness for frequent and regular meetings with representatives of ethnic communities, were recorded by the rapporteurs and respective committees as swift and serious progress,” he said.

Ahmeti also said that “the readiness of Kosovo’s institutions to address the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the large political support at PACE and the Committee of Ministers, should be translated into a swift and merited membership of the Republic of Kosovo, so that its citizens, especially the minority communities, are not denied the protection by the Council of Europe mechanisms of their rights”.

Haziri: Kurti has no other priority but dialogue with Serbia (media)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lutfi Haziri, said in an interview for Front Online, that Prime Minister Albin Kurti has no other priority but the dialogue with Serbia. “Mr. Kurti has proved in the last three years that he does what he does not say. Even though he did not mention it, the dialogue [with Serbia] is his only priority. If he mentions other priorities he will not implement any of them, because that is only for internal consumption,” he argued.

According to Haziri, no one should trust the Kurti-led government. “Starting from education and healthcare, agriculture, family care and security, he has left all of them at the bottom of the pit,” he said. “One cannot trust him about anything anymore.”

Kelmendi: Don’t comprehend so-called controversy on ban of Serbia dinar (media)

Former Chief Executive Office of Klan Kosova and author of the Rubikon show, Adriatik Kelmendi, argued in a post on X on Wednesday evening that he doesn’t “comprehend the so-called controversy surrounding the ban on Serbia's dinar for official use in Kosovo. It is a just move! Just like you can't use Turkish lira as a means of payment in Serbia, you also can't use Serbian dinar officially in Kosovo. However, you are still allowed to possess Serbian dinar. Similarly, the Albanian lek cannot be used officially to simplify matters. In this case, EURO is the answer. The official currency in Kosovo as well as in 24 other countries in Europe.”

Kosovo national arrested in Serbia; caught with 18 kg of marijuana (media)

Several news websites report that a Kosovo national was arrested two days ago at the Batrovc crossing in Serbia, after Serbian police found over 18 kilograms of marijuana in his vehicle. Sinjali news website learns that the suspect is a member of the Kosovo Ministry of Interior Affairs that works at the Civil Registration Agency. According to the news website, the suspect was traveling with a vehicle with Austrian license plates. Following the decision of the High Public Prosecution in Sremska Mitrovica, the suspect was ordered to a 48-hour-detention and other legal measures are expected to follow.



Serbian Language Media


Dacic: Kurti will have a million ideas to prove that he has what he doesn't have - statehood (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic commenting on acts of Pristina and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, which endanger the Serbs in Kosovo such as abolition of Serbian dinar, said today that Kurti will have a million ideas to prove he has something which he does not actually have, a statehood, reported Kosovo Online, citing TV Pink.

"Kurti will have a million ideas related to emphasizing something that is not there, which is statehood. His idea is to shower with new escalations", Dacic said on TV Pink.

He pointed out that the situation regarding Kosovo is turbulent and a state policy which will be based on Serbia preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty is needed, but with a wise policy and other national interests.

"We need a wise policy that will be based on the fact that we will not recognize Kosovo independence and allow its membership in the UN, and on the other hand we have a wise policy to achieve all this without harming national interests, and I think that this is the policy that will be guided and the next government", said Dacic.

Commenting on the criticism of the meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, Dacic says that he is an important address for Serbia in terms of the region he deals with.

"I guess everyone should be satisfied that Vucic met with him because the result of that meeting was a statement from the State Department that at least shows understanding for the problems Serbs in Kosovo are facing, all of which are a violation of Resolution 1244", Dacic said, recalling a statement from the State Department requesting Kosovo to reconsiders decision on the regulation abolishing the Serbian dinar.

Speaking about the pressure on Serbia from the West, Dacic said they "do not hesitate to openly say that we should do this and that, this can be done, that cannot be done", adding that they do not say when the date of entry is. Dacic notes that however, Serbia's goal is to join the EU, because it is also Serbia's geostrategic goal.

He also referred to his visit to Uganda, where he attended the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. "Brussels doesn't like that I was in Uganda, they think we shouldn't mess with those countries, they say if you want to be in the EU, you can't join the Non-Aligned Movement. Well, we are no longer a member, even though we are founders, but we help that movement", he said.

Dacic emphasized that the Non-Aligned Movement is objectively politically on the Serbian side in terms of territorial integrity and sovereignty, pointing that a large number of member countries have not recognized Kosovo.

"We have to look for partners and friends, they understand us a little better than those from the West because they had similar problems. We will continue good relations with those countries", said Dacic.

Petkovic meets with ambassadors of EU member states (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said on Wednesday he had a very productive and constructive discussion with ambassadors of EU member states at the seat of the EU Delegation to Serbia about a unilateral decision by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti to abolish the Serbian dinar in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reports.

In a post on the social media network X, Petkovic wrote that, together with National Bank of Serbia representatives, he had conveyed important messages and arguments to the diplomatic representatives about the catastrophic consequences the abolition of the dinar would have for Serbs in Kosovo.

"Grateful to the EU diplomats for their time and their interest in this topic, which is vital for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Also grateful to the host, EU Delegation chief Emanuele Giaufret, for the hospitality and for organizing the meeting", Petkovic added.

Serbs in Leposavic told to remove tent across municipal building (Kosovo Online)

Serbs in Leposavic were given the deadline to remove the tent located across the municipal building by 15:00 hrs today or it would be removed by Kosovo police, reads the notification that Kosovo Online portal said it had an insight in.

The notification was signed by current mayor Lulzim Hetemi, and Marko Jablanovic, current director of urbanism and spatial planning, the portal added.

The portal also reported earlier that “Republic of Kosovo” plaques had been placed yesterday on a building of Centre for Social Work and entrance door of the municipality, while Serbian and UN flags have been removed from a flagpole in front of the municipal facility. The municipal flag of Leposavic had also been removed.

A petition signed by more than 20 percent of voters to recall Lulzim Hetemi as a mayor was submitted on Monday, Kosovo Online portal recalled.

Billboard with honorary citizens of Zvecan removed (KoSSev)

The billboard with photos of honorary residents of Zvecan, located on the main road between Srbovac village and Banjska had been removed today, KoSSev portal reports.

The news was also shared by Kosovo Interior Minister, Xhelal Svecla, who today, together with the Minister of Local Self-Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, attended the removal of this billboard, the portal added.

The billboard in the background is dominated by the image of Zvecan fortress, Zvecan municipality logo and inscription of Zvecan municipality as well as honorary citizens of the Zvecan municipality.

In the upper part of the billboard is the photo of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who received the keys to this city in July 2021. Below it are photos of the world best tennis player, whose family originates from Zvecan, Novak Đokovic, recently deceased famous colorectal surgeon and proctologist, also from Zvecan - Zoran Krivokapic, then a Serbian diplomat born in the village of Rudine near Zvecan, Jugoslav Kostic, Russian President Vladimir Putin, former director of the Office for KiM and current Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric, as well as the director of the KiM Assistance Committee based in Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Momcilo Arlov.

The KoSSev portal also said that photos of presidents Vucic and Putin in particular bothered Svecla, citing his post on social media.

Trial in case of Dusko Arsic continues, prosecution and defense to present concluding remarks (Kosovo Online)

Trial of Dusko Arsic from Maticane village near Pristina continues at the Basic Court, with prosecution and defense expected to present concluding remarks today, Kosovo Online portal reports. Arsic is accused of allegedly committing war crimes in Kosovo in 1999 in the village of Butovac.

He was arrested on December 8, 2021 at Jarinje crossing point in presence of his two underage children, after coming to Kosovo to resolve the issues related to his usurped property in the village of Maticane, near Pristina.

Arsic filed a lawsuit to the court in Pristina related to his usurped property on September 20, 2021.

Vlajic on Arsic’s case: Acquittal can be the only justice (Radio KIM)

Following concluding remarks presented by prosecutor and defense lawyer in the trial of Dusko Arsic, the lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic said the only justice in this case would be to have an acquittal, Radio KIM reports.

Vlajic said all evidence presented during this process does not support the prosecutor's allegations, but said that Dusko Arsic did not commit war crimes against the Albanian population.

He added the trial of Dusko Arsic resembles the process run against Serbs before Kosovo courts.

“It is about the case in which evidence is not only unconvincing, but there is none at all. The accused is a man who lived in Kosovo before and after the war, who established a family here, who never left Kosovo, moved freely, visited Kosovo institutions, worked in Kosovo and all of a sudden at the moment he wanted to sell his property and had a property related dispute, he is reported of having committed war crimes”, Vlajic said. The verdict will be passed on February 2, at 10.00.

Zeqiri: According to Constitution, referendums are organized based on special law, and such law has not been enacted (Kosovo Online)

European Centre for Minority Issues in Kosovo director Adrian Zeqiri said he was afraid that the process of holding new elections in four northern Serb-majority municipalities would encounter legal obstacles. He emphasized that the Constitution mandates referendums be organized based on a special law, and no such law had been decided upon by the Assembly.

"I see a significant problem for this process to continue, not because of the willingness of Serbian citizens. A referendum will have to be called, requiring more than 50% of the votes for the removal of the mayors", Zeqiri said. He added he believes a 50% threshold could be reached in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

"I am afraid that legal obstacles will be encountered, not due to political readiness, but due to legal shortcomings", he said.

Giaufre expects progress in normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina at beginning of this year (Danas, Nedeljnik)

The EU Delegation in Serbia Head Emanuele Giaufre, said progress is expected in the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina at the beginning of this year, reported daily Danas.

"The talks are continuing, and we all expect that we will be able to make progress on the implementation of the Agreement on the Road to Normalization in early 2024, provided that the two sides show the necessary political will, courage and leadership to do so," he told weekly Nedeljnik.

Giaufre also pointed out that EU enlargement proved to be a "key response to Russia's war of aggression".

"This gives a new opportunity for the Western Balkans that Serbia must not miss," he said. He reminded that from 2010 to 2022, 59 percent of direct foreign investments in Serbia came from companies based in the EU, and that they amounted to 20.3 billion euros.

"Secondly, in the last ten years, Serbia has received more than four billion euros in non-refundable financial aid from the EU. The results can be seen all over Serbia," he said. He also pointed out that through the reform process in Serbia there have been important reforms, but that there is still much to be done.

"More efforts need to be made in the fight against corruption and organized crime, cooperation between the government and civil society should be improved and freedom of expression and media freedom should be better guaranteed," he noted for the weekly, cited Danas.

Peach: Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia, support to normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Hina)

The British Prime Minister's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach said Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia and added that Great Britain provides absolute support for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, condemning the events in Banjska.

"Britain calls on Serbia to introduce sanctions against Russia because it is the last country in the Western Balkans that has not done so, and to investigate possible irregularities in the elections held in December, in order to preserve the integrity of the electoral process," Peach told Hina agency during a visit to Zagreb.

He expressed absolute support for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and condemned the events in Banjska on September 24.

The British envoy repeated that he was concerned about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasized that Republika Srpska cannot be an independent state. "London condemns those threats and says that the Republika Srpska is a legitimate entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it cannot be an independent state, as its president Milorad Dodik wants to make it. We continue to support the Dayton Agreement", Peach pointed out.

New protest on Friday, opposition official says (N1)

A Serbia Against Violence (SPN) official told N1 that the opposition is planning to stage a new protest on Friday, January 26. Miroslav Aleksic, leader of the People’s Movement of Serbia (NPS), said that the new protest over alleged election fraud committed at the December 17 elections by the authorities would begin at 6 pm in front of the Constitutional Court.

He said that a submission would be filed with the Constitutional Court to annul the elections. “We will go from there to the RTS (Serbian public broadcaster). We are continuing the struggle in institutions, on the streets and in the international community”, Aleksic said.

The People’s Movement of Serbia is part of the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition which started the protests after the mid-December elections.

CINS reveals secret REM data on pro-government TV stations’ campaign reporting (N1)

Following the Serbian December 17 elections, the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) published a report on media election campaign coverage, which contained no data on the television stations with national broadcasting licenses. The REM claimed it had none, which was not true, and the Centre for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) revealed what this data shows.

When the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) think-tank requested monitoring results for Pink TV, Happy TV, Prva TV and B92 TV, the REM briefly replied that “it has no other data besides the already published data.”

The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) said the REM monitored these television stations’ reporting and that this data exists.

The Centre for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) has had access to the data.

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