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UNMIK Headlines 14 June

Headlines - 14.06.2014

Discussions for a technical government initiated (Tribuna)

Senior representatives of the political parties have started discussions for a formula which would help Kosovo overcome crisis and make holding of extraordinary elections unnecessary. Sources of this daily explained that a comprehensive technical government with a one year mandate could have been the solution which would also find the support of the international community. This scenario would have been more applicable with a process of partial recounting of votes at some polling centers, which could eventually enable Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR) pass the threshold. In such situation, the united opposition parties would not have the sufficient numbers to create the government without Vetevendosje, but neither would the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo and AKR.

Kosovo is required to amend its Constitution by the end of this year, in order to open way to the War Crimes Special Court. Therefore, even if parties manage to gather sufficient numbers to create the government, neither the united opposition nor PDK would reach 80 required votes to change the Constitution.

Opposition coalition prepares governing programme (Koha Ditore)

The united coalition of opposition parties has started establishing working groups which would prepare the programme of the Government, convinced that the President would give the mandate for their joint candidate for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj. If the President does the opposite, and nominates the candidate of the winning party, Hashim Thaci for prime Minister, opposition will address the Constitutional Court. Senior official of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Ardian Gjini, told this daily that opposition parties meet on daily bases. He added that they are working to establish the working groups, however they have not discussed names yet. Based on its reliable sources, this daily reports that representatives of Vetevendosje also participate at these meetings.

Discussions risk the coalition (Zeri)

The coalition of the opposition parties is facing dangers each day. Vetevendosje  leader, Albin Kurti, reiterated yesterday during the meeting with Bundestag deputy Marieluise Beck that the request for suspension of the discussions with Serbia as well as suspension of the prevatisation of major public enterprises, continue to be their demands in order to support the recently created coalition. Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) Teuta Sahatqija, told this daily that they have entered this process with Vetevendosje, therefore they are going to discuss the conditions and modalities together. She stressed that LDK has supported the discussions with Serbia and it supports partnership with the international community. She did not exclude the possibility for Vetevendosje to participater in these discussions. “We have started together and we will discuss many other issues with Vetevendosje,” she said. Member of Initiative leadership, Bilall Sherifi, stated that Vetevendosje has all the rights to encourage its ideas for the programme of the Government. Head of the National Council of this party, Jakup Krasniqi stated the same, adding that he does not see any wrong doing on this. “At the end, Vetevendosje has to set its own conditions to the coalition, and I do not see any obstacle,” said Krasniqi. He added that they agree on Vetevendosje’s conditions on privatisation and that their positions differ on the discussions with Serbia, but they are discussing them.

Jahjaga: Serbia should be punished for crimes committed in Kosovo  (dailies)

President Atifete Jahjaga, met on Friday in London with the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, Mr. William Hague, who was at the same time host of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence at Conflict.

President Jahjaga initially congratulated Mr. Hague for the success of the Global Summit and for the inclusion of Kosovo in joint international endeavours to end sexual violence. She thanked Secretary Hague for the support he has provided for the National Council on the Survivors of Sexual Violence during the war in Kosovo, and stated that international documents, in particular the International Protocol, signed by all the participants of the London Summit, will become important documents which will help prevent and end sexual violence utilized as a tool of war. President Jahjaga and Secretary Hague also discussed actual developments in Kosovo and its European perspective. Jahjaga stated that Kosovo has just concluded an important, comprehensive and democratic electoral process. She added that Kosovo has achieved advances, particularly in its European integrations path, by successful conclusion of the negotiations for the Stabilization Association Agreement, building new relations with EU. Kosovo is also playing an important role in cooperation with its neighbors, inclusive of Republic of Serbia, with which state it has reached important agreements during the dialogue on normalization of relations.

Secretary Hague said that he has strongly supported the establishment of the National Council on the Survivors of Sexual Violence during the War in Kosovo, as a mechanism which helps victims of this kind of violence. He also added that he fully supports Kosovo in handling of the issue of sexual violence during the war, also through sending of a team of experts and trainers which will work with professional teams in Kosovo.

Secretary Hague said that he has followed closely the developments in Kosovo and congratulated Jahjaga on holding of free and democratic elections. Secretary Hague said that United Kingdom supports Kosovo and the whole region of western Balkans in their process of European integrations.

UNHCR warns on refugees’ properties issue (Koha Ditore)

The Un Refugee Agency, UNHCR, urged through a report published two days ago in Geneva, Kosovo authorities to do more for the return of the displaced people and called on officials to enable not only return but also integration of the returnees in localities. “It is the time for Kosovo authorities to resolve the remaining property issues and locate parcels in order to enable voluntary return under secure and dignifying conditions,” stressed head of UNHCR in Kosovo, Jo Hegnauer, at a press conference where he presented the report.