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UNMIK Headlines 17 December

Headlines - 17.12.2012

Vetëvendosje for, other parties against Mustafa’s idea (Zëri)

In a front-page report, all political parties except Vetëvendosje in Kosovo do not support LDK leader Isa Mustafa’s idea to hold early parliamentary and presidential elections. The other political parties think that elections are not on the agenda, while some political analysts call for a technical government until new elections.

“The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) is not doing a good thing by joining the PDK. The only solution from this situation is elections. Kosovo does not need a patched-up government,” Mustafa said, following the efforts of AAK leader Haradinaj and PDK leader Thaçi to create a KLA government.

“There won’t be early elections. Kosovo will have regular elections according to the respective timeframe,” PDK chairmanship member Nait Hasani said. “Any kind of co-governance with the AAK does not imply new elections.”

Haradinaj wants PM’s post (Express)

AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj continues to insist on taking the post of prime minister to enter the ruling government coalition, thus dismissing reports that he is willing to settle for deputy prime minister’s position. “Not to repeat myself, we gave an offer and we are working on making that happen,” said Haradinaj.

Selimi: PDK-AAK coalition, political marketing (dailies)

Vetëvendosje MP Rexhep Selimi said the possible coalition between PDK and AAK would be political marketing. He said the leadership of the two parties is campaigning using the families of fallen heroes in order to gain political capital in face of the new coalition. “If such a government would be engaged on concluding talks with Serbia and unifying Albanian lands, this would represent the fulfillment of the heroes’ will,” said Selimi.

Hoxhaj disappointed with EU (Zëri)

“Kosovo was expecting the green light to start the process of signing the Stabilization/Association Agreement,” Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj told Deutsche Welle. “The conclusions of the European Union are without a doubt disappointing for Kosovo because Kosovo has achieved tremendous progress in 2012. This progress is tangible, comparable and concrete, as required by the feasibility study.”

With Thaçi government, Kosovo far from Europe (Koha Ditore)

According to LDK experts, Kosovo continues moving further away from the European Union as long as it is under Thaçi’s government in terms of standard of living. “Unemployment in Kosovo reached 48 percent,” said LDK expert Avdullah Hoti, who blamed the government for this. He stated that Thaçi’s government is one of extortion and corruption. Hoti added that Kosovo cannot be compared to states of the region, let alone the European Union.

Scandals endanger visa liberalization (Koha Ditore)

In a front page report, Kosovo has made one step forward and two steps backwards in its efforts to achieve what all counties in the region already have: visa liberalization with the European Union. If they are to believe the promises of Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and other government officials made this weekend for the Christmas holidays, Kosovo citizens could possibly attend celebrations without visas in the Schengen area. Now that Thaçi’s promises have been futile, President Jahjaga came forward and promised that this will be achieved next year. The mood in Brussels is grim. According to EU diplomats, even though experts have reported progress in fulfilling few technical criteria from the guide for visa liberalization for Kosovo, scandals will negatively influence the visa liberalization process, such as the passport scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, those involving evidence theft by the police, the escape of the convicted Zharku, inconsistent police actions regarding public order, and the latest attacks against activists of “Kosova 2.0”.

Serbs announce protests in Jarinje (Koha Ditore)

Slavisa Militijevic, a Kosovo Serb businessman from Leposavic, announced a protest at the border crossing point in Jarinje today because the agreement for integrated border management was not respected by EULEX and the Kosovo Government. He said that businessmen from the north will organize a two-hour protest in Jarinje today. Militijevic told Serb media on Sunday that he spoke with the head of EULEX in Jarinje, Piter Noro, who supposedly said that EULEX officials did not receive any guidance about the clearance of goods following the meeting on Friday of Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Catherine Ashton. Dacic asked from Ashton on Friday for customs not to be paid at border crossing points, until 10 January when the new round of negotiations will be held.

Serbian authorities discuss platform for Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

Serbia’s senior authorities discussed the text of the platform for Kosovo on Sunday night. Serbian media reported that Prime Minister Ivica Dacic stated that the leaders of the country should discuss the document again before submitting to the parliamentary groups.

Belgrade media quoted sources from the Serbian Presidency saying that the platform is ready and will be presented to parliamentary groups next week. The platform is expected to clarifyBelgrade’s further approach in the discussions with Pristina.

Xhabir Zharku does not give in, threatens EULEX (dailies)

Xhabir Zharku, former mayor of the municipality of Kacanik, sentenced to three years in prison liability and illegally possessing a firearm. His son, Mërgim Zharku, said he will not yield to Kosovo police and requested to be retried. He also threatened EULEX and the Kosovo court that if his requests are not met, he will publish facts involving EULEX in connection with some scandals. “I have decided not to implement the decision of the court, while in the last weeks and days we have managed to gather new evidence and the same we have tried to present to the local court and EULEX, but it has been impossible to do this, while this is a political decision and instructed,” Zharku wrote in a letter sent to the newspaper on Sunday. Mërgim confirmed that the letter was written by his father but said he cannot confirm his location.