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UNMIK Headlines 15 July

Headlines - 15.07.2013

Serb Gendarmerie patrolling along the Karaçevë-Rogaçicë road (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that it is has secured video footage of Serb Gendarmerie forces patrolling inside the territory of Kosovo, namely along the Karaçevë-Rogaçicë road. This was also confirmed by the mayor of the nearby municipality of Kamenica, Shaip Surdulli. “Serb Gendarmerie is continuing to make provocations by entering the territory of Kosovo. It has come as far as the asphalted road which is part of Kosovo and this causes feeling of insecurity with the citizens,” said Surdulli.

Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said the issue will be raised in the upcoming meeting of Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers set to take place on the 24th. “Kosovo’s territorial integrity should and will be preserved without any condition,” stressed Kuçi.

Serb parties in elections, only if they apply at CEC (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Kosovo stated that political parties from Serbia cannot participate in the elections of 3 November if they do not apply to register with Central Election Commission as a party or citizens’ initiative. However, CEC members insist that it is illegal to register parties if their headquarters is not in Kosovo. The Serb side, despite the agreement reached in Brussels, is still considering the possibility of allowing the parties that are not registered at CEC to participate in elections. Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri, stated that parties from Serbia will not be allowed to compete in Kosovo elections. 

Northern Mitrovica to “boycott” elections (Zëri)

A recent poll conducted by a local NGO Pasioni Rinor (Youth Passion) found that Serbs from northern part of Mitrovica will not take part in local elections on 3 November despite agreement between Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers. The poll was carried out in four northern municipalities and suggests the turnout in upcoming elections will not exceed 17 percent for North Mitrovica, 21 for Zubin Potok, 24 for Zveçan and 38 for Leposaviq.

Coordinator of the project, Fatmir Sheholli said the poll included 1,001 respondents of which 80 percent were of Serb ethnicity, 10 of Albanian, 7 of Bosniak community and 3 percent Roma.

Haradinaj: Serbs from the north to take part in Kosovo elections (Koha Ditore)

Alliance for Future of Kosovo leader Ramush Haradinaj said he maintains contact with representatives of Serb parties in Kosovo but that he has not spoken to them of the possibility of future coalitions. Haradinaj also expressed belief that Serbs in the north of Kosovo will take part in elections. “I believe there is great encouragement from Washington, Brussels and other places for this to happen and I am convinced Belgrade will move in this direction,” said Haradinaj.

EULEX mandate not to be revoked (Tribuna)

The efforts of the war veterans through the campaign, protests and threats against EULEX, after the arrests of former KLA commanders and soldiers, did not bring any results.  Deputies of Kosovo Assembly will debate this week on the European Mission for the Rule of Law, as requested by war veterans, however all that they can do is come up with a resolution which would request cooperation with this mission and engagement of the Government on establishment of a court for war crimes. The Assembly Chairmanship is expected to decide at their meeting on Monday, also on the request of PDK deputy Kurtan Kajtazi, who with the support of 61 deputies, has requested to debate on the work of the European mission.