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UNMIK Headlines 10 January

Thaci and Rama co-chair “national meeting” (Tribuna)
Kosovo and Albania on Saturday will start a new chapter of inter-state cooperation. The prime ministers of both countries, accompanied by respective ministers, will meet in Prizren and adopt several inter-state agreements. Kosovo’s European Integration Minister Vlora Citaku, who visited Tirana recently to prepare the agenda and details of Saturday’s meeting, told the paper that the meeting of the two governments and the following press conference of the two prime ministers will be held in separate facilities. “The joint meeting of the two governments will be held in ‘Theranda’ Hotel, while the press conference will be held in ‘The Prizren League’,” Citaku said. Citaku said the two governments will first adopt a document on strategic partnership. “This document contains the key points of cooperation. As such it will serve as a guideline for drafting joint projects between our countries in all areas,” she added. Citaku also said, “the Kosovo Prime Minister will open the meeting and then the two prime ministers will co-chair the meeting.” “We will sign agreements on trade facilitations, an agreement for cooperation in infrastructure and transport and an agreement to establish a joint committee for translating and coordinating legislation for the process of European integration … During the meeting, we will also decide on establishing a joint fund for Presevo Valley,” Citaku added.

EU: Inauguration, according to Kosovo laws (Epoka e Re)
Brussels has not managed to convince on Thursday the Serbian team that the process of inauguration and functioning of Serb municipalities should be carried according to the laws of the Republic of Kosovo. Deputy Prime Minister, Edita Tahiri, stated after the meeting with the representatives of the European Union that they have received guarantees for EU’s strong support on respecting of Kosovo laws by the new municipal bodies, both in the process of inauguration and their functioning. She informed that both delegations will continue with their meetings with EU representatives on Friday.

Pacolli promises recognitions from five African countries (Koha)
Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Behxhet Pacolli said on Thursday that the latest by March, five African countries - Mali, Zambia, Botswana, Lesotho and Mozambique – will recognize Kosovo’s independence. Pacolli said he would travel to Africa in the third week of January. New recognitions in 2014 were also announced by Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj who said that by the end of January, three states would recognize Kosovo’s independence. Pacolli on the other hand argues that recognitions promised by Hoxhaj have yet to arrive. “They have announced it few times. I can understand the desire of every Kosovo citizen to wish for good news in this respect, but as I have said earlier, the lobbying process is very complicated and the outcome is often not according to plan. Of course, recognitions were promised to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but they have yet to arrive,” Pacolli said.

AAK: Current dialogue should end! (Tribuna)
The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said on Thursday that it is not against dialogue with Serbia, but rather against the current format of dialogue. Haradinaj’s political party argues that the current format has reached its goals and that the two parties now need to assume responsibilities for fully implementing provisions deriving from this process. “The AAK believes that dialogue, in its current format, should end. The failure to implement provisions and conclusions is a heavy burden on the process. Moreover, Kosovo, the European Union, and probably Serbia too, have entered an election year. AAK still believes that dialogue is the only way to resolve all open issues between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia,” the AAK statement said.

Bajrami: AAK’s departure cannot ruin the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
Koha Ditore’s editor in chief, Agron Bajrami, stated for portal that the new position of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, regarding the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, is a reaction towards the failure of this party in local elections. According to him AAK’s position to stop the dialogue with Serbia, is more rhetoric. “To me, the new position of AAK is a reaction to the failure in elections,” said Bajrami and added that this is an attempt of this party and its leader to redefine themselves.

Deda: Brussels agreement has divided Kosovo (Koha)
Commenting on reports that Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers could win the Nobel Peace Prize, Pristina-based KIPRED director Ilir Deda said that 20 years ago the Peace Prize was awarded to Yasser Arafat and Jitcak Rabin, but the conflict of Palestinians and Israelis is still continuing. “Cooperation between Dacic and Thaçi is a result of circumstances: they try to stay in power, while EU and USA want to close down this story, but, like all other elections in Western Balkans, also this from Brussels is a short term and a half way solution. Ahtisaari Plan has incited building of Kosovo as a state of citizen, while the Brussels agreement has divided Kosovo into the Serb and Albanian part that is supposed to build peace but instead it includes the division of sovereignty,” Deda said in an interview for Belgrade-based Blic.

60 failures and scandals in 6 years of governance (Koha)
The paper reports in the leading front-page story that on Thursday, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci marked six years as prime minister. The paper recalls that Thaci made big promises before taking over power, from deployment of state sovereignty in the entire territory and Kosovo’s conversion to a “Silicon Valley.” Thaci also promised four highways, no electricity cuts, fight against crime and corruption, economic development and alleviation of unemployment, health and education in line with European standards. “Time however has proved otherwise,” the paper notes.

Ivanovic announces division from Pantic (Zëri)
Zëri reports that the radical stance of the mayor of north Mitrovica, Krstimir Pantic, is causing problems, not only with Albanians, but also with Serbs itself. Oliver Ivanovic, who is in talks for a coalition with Pantic, now expressed suspicions if he would continue cooperation with him. Furthermore, Ivanovic announces that he will not take part in inauguration ceremony to be held on Friday in the oath of Pantic. This is because that until late hours of Thursday, Ivanovic did not know if on Friday 10 January would be held inauguration session of municipal assembly in the north, the day which presents deadline to make the oath for municipal assembly. “Because of the lack of seriousness from the side of Pantic, even if he holds the meeting, about which still I do not know, I will not participate in it. It is scandalous if he notifies me in the midnight for such an important meeting if it is going to be held on Friday,” said Ivanovic.

Salustro leaves with his head down (Epoka e Re)
Prosecutor Maurizio Salustro will not be any longer EULEX prosecutor in Kosovo. He has requested not to extend his contract as a prosecutor. Lawyer Tomë Gashi, who was engaged in “Kleçka” case as well as in many other cases raised by Prosecutor Salustro against former KLA warriors, stated for this daily that Salustro is leaving as a looser. “His departure can be considered good news, because he has lost all the cases. The most notable case is Salustro’s loss of the judicial battle on Fatmir Limaj’s trial and retrial, where I was the defense,” stated Tomë Gashi.

Platini: Kosovo to be accepted in FIFA and UEFA after UN membership (Koha)
UEFA President Michel Platini said on Thursday that Kosovo would be accepted in UEFA and FIFA after it becomes a member state of the United Nations. Membership in the United Nations is a condition for being accepted in UEFA. “I am optimistic that Kosovo will soon become a member of UEFA and FIFA, certainly after it becomes a member of the United Nations,” Platini was quoted as saying.