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UNMIK Headlines 6 March

Headlines - 06.03.2013

Implementation of agreements in the north in Serbia’s hands (Koha Ditore)

Officially, Belgrade has taken over the obligation to convince authorities in northern Kosovo to implement any agreement reached in the political dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Serbia has even nominated the person who would deal with this task.

Sources involved in the process of the dialogue told Koha Ditore that Aleksandar Vucic has been tasked to convince local leaders to implement eventual agreements. Vucic is the Principal Deputy Prime Minister in the Government of Serbia and also the Minister of Defense.

“The issue of implementation of the agreements was also part of earlier discussions in Brussels. Vucic has been identified as the personality with more influence and it was agreed that he keep continuous contact with politicians with more influence in that area,” said the source. “Pristina cannot take over this burden. If it could convince them, there would have not been a need for dialogue with Serbia, at all.”

Exit strategy (Express)

Behxhet Pacolli’s request to reform the Government of Kosovo has not been considered by the PDK leader, Hashim Thaçi. Pacolli had stated that the changes would happen latest over the past week, and changes among ministers are not expected to take place this week either. Pacolli has now little possibilities to maneuver at the Government. Sources of this daily claimed that AKR leader is considering the possibility to leave the coalition since his requests are never being considered by Prime Minister Thaçi. According to the source, Pacolli says he is being used by Thaçi and has decided to change this. “The first option would be leaving the coalition and preparing for general elections,” he said. 

U.S. does not want a “Republika Srpska” in Kosovo (dailies)

“The United States does not want a ‘Republika Srpska’ in Kosovo because this hasn’t proven successful in Bosnia,” U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said during a visit to Novi Pazar. He told reporters that the U.S. are closely following Belgrade’s proposal for a connection between Serb municipalities in Kosovo. “I think talks between Kosovo and Serbia should lead to a solution for differences presented by both parties. A long-term and acceptable solution needs to be sought and both parties need to show courage in this respect.”

Blomeyer: Thaçi, Dacic don’t have time to lose (Epoka e Re)

Pristina and Belgrade do not have time to lose, and Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic know this, said German Ambassador in Kosovo Peter Blomeyer. He said that responsibilities, which have to belong to the association of municipalities in the north, which was stalled by the agreement, were properly described in the Ahtisaari Package. He called on Serbs to read the plan, because there will not be a third tier governance.

Haradinaj: Solutions must be in line with Constitution (Express)

“It is important that Kosovo continues to express readiness to find solutions for the concerns of its citizens in line with the Constitution and the applicable laws,” Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said. “We should not improvise. We believe the process needs to remain on track. There is no agreement or solution yet, but the process is on track and solutions need to be found in line with the Constitution and the laws.”

Klinaku: Talks will create conflicting situations (dailies)

Avni Klinaku, leader of the Movement for Unification, said his party is concerned with the course of political talks between Kosovo and Serbia and added that these talks will create new conflicting situations. Klinaku said, after six rounds of talks with Serbia, it is clear that Kosovo is entering a dead-end road.

Explosion near Kosovo police station in north Mitrovica (dailies)

Dailies report that northern Kosovo was shocked again by an explosion near the Kosovo Police station in northern Mitrovica. Police spokesperson for Mitrovica region Avni Zahiti said that unidentified ordnance exploded at 01:15 on “Tanaska Rajiq” street. According to him, the explosion happened between the street, which separates police station in the north, one building and coffee bar “Beli Dvor”. Zahiti rejected the notion that police knows who was targeted. Since the beginning of this year in north Mitrovica, 20 explosions occurred, in which two cases have been plastic explosives.