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UNMIK Headlines 29 April

Headlines - 29.04.2014

No-confidence motion against government if Assembly not dismissed (Koha)

A motion of no confidence against the government is the only way for the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) to have elections as soon as possible, provided that there is no agreement to dismiss the Assembly. LDK parliamentary group chief Ismet Beqiri said his party would support the dismissal of the Assembly as a result of a broad-based agreement. Beqiri said that if this doesn’t happen, the LDK would initiate a motion of no confidence against the government. Meanwhile, Vetevendosje and the AAK have supported the idea of a motion of no confidence.

Assembly will not be dismissed without reserved seats (Tribuna)

The paper reports on the front page that PDK leader Hashim Thaci is preparing an offer for LDK leader Isa Mustafa, whereby early parliamentary elections would be held on 15 June in exchange for the LDK’s vote in favor of extended reserved seats for minority communities in the assembly. Sources told the paper that minority communities would vote for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces while majority parties would vote in favor of extended reserved seats. The paper notes that if this doesn’t happen, the opposition lacks sufficient votes to bring down the government. Meanwhile, the PDK, LDK and AAK lack sufficient votes to dismiss the assembly. Vetevendosje is against the dismissal of the assembly, while the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) wants parliamentary elections to be held in autumn.

Mustafa: I won’t accept deal exchanging reserved seats for KAF (Botapress)

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, LDK leader Isa Mustafa, said, “The LDK supports the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces; however, it is not ready to make compromises on reserved seats for minority communities”.

Petrovic: Reserved seats are in Kosovo’s interest (Epoka e Re)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Slobodan Petrovic, told the public broadcaster, RTK, that the issue of the creation of the Kosovo Armed Forces and reserved seats should have been discussed more by the Assembly. “I think that these two issues are very important for the citizens of Kosovo,” he said. He added that the reserved seats represent a request of the minority communities; however, according to him, they are also of interest to Kosovo society.  Petrovic said, “We are witnesses that these issues are more discussed in the media, than where they are supposed to be discussed.”

Miletic: Now is not the time for KAF (Tribuna)

Petar Miletic, member of the Kosovo Assembly’s chairmanship, told Radio Kosova that Serb MPs are not conditioning the transformation of the KSF into the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) but that for the time being they are against the establishment of the KAF. “The Serb community has never conditioned the transformation of KSF into KAF with reserved seats. This is speculation by the media. I told the chairmanship today that we are against the establishment of the KAF because in the last two weeks no one has discussed the issue with us. Serb MPs will not vote for the KAF if some changes do not happen in the next couple of days,” Miletic was quoted as saying.

Gashi: There will be efforts to impede KAF in the north (Bota Sot)

The Deputy Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Bejtush Gashi, said for this daily that that there could be efforts to impede the mission of the Kosovo Armed Forces in the north; however, based on the proposed changes to the Constitution, specifically article 126, the KAF would defend the sovereignty of all of Kosovo. He added that this is currently the responsibility of KFOR; however, these competencies would be gradually transferred to the KAF.

Government supports “human and drug traffickers” (Koha)

In a front-page report, the paper notes that the government of Kosovo has pledged legal and financial support for people who will eventually be accused of “human and drug trafficking”. The government adopted a bill on Friday that foresees assistance for defendants of the special court and their families. Authors of the bill told the paper that only suspects of war crimes will receive assistance.

Ashton: Belgrade should normalize relations with Pristina (Epoka e Re)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, said yesterday in Belgrade while speaking to the Deputies of the Parliament of Serbia, that comprehensive normalization of relations is the next significant step for Belgrade and Pristina. “Serbia can now be an example for the others in the region and show what can be done with the right leadership. There is no better proof for successful relations, that we have built together during the last years, than the results that you have achieved in normalization of the relations with Pristina,” said Ashton. She hailed Belgrade for its courage and political maturity regarding its relations with Pristina, despite the many serious challenges and difficult decisions.

UNMIK chief condemns attack on EULEX vehicles (Kosova Sot)

UNMIK chief Farid Zarif condemned on Monday the 25 April attack against two EULEX vehicles as they were travelling to Bernjak, in northern Kosovo. “The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) stands in solidarity with EULEX, and reminds those who would carry out such acts that they are understood as acts against the international community as a whole, as well as against all civilised human values. Such acts must never be tolerated, regardless of motive or circumstance,” Zarif said in his reaction.

Williamson expected to finalize investigations at the end of June (Bota Sot)

Clint Williamson, prosecutor of the Special Investigations Task Force, is expected to finalize his investigations by the end of June. Details of the accusations will be learned after they are raised in the special court, which is expected to be established in early 2015.

Who is “lying”? Krasniqi or Pacolli? (Lajm)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi reacted yesterday towards an interview by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli in Express newspaper about the latter’s election as president in 2011. Krasniqi claims Pacolli offered him money in exchange for his vote in 2011. Pacolli wrote on his Facebook account that Krasniqi is lying. “Jakup, you are frustrated and you know the reasons why,” Pacolli wrote.