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UNMIK Headlines 5 December

Headlines - 05.12.2014

Thaci: We will establish the Special Court (dailies)

All dailies cover the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Kosovo that was held on Thursday in New York. Most papers highlight Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci’s remarks that the new institutions in Pristina will be formed next week. Thaci said Kosovo is ready to establish the special court that will address war crimes allegations. He said that Kosovo is working hard to combat organized crime and corruption. Thaci also said that dialogue with Belgrade will resume and that much remains to be done in that regard. According to Thaci, Kosovo will soon become a Member State of the United Nations.

Dailies also cover the address of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) in Kosovo, Farid Zarif, highlighting his remarks that delays in establishing new institutions have damaged Kosovo. Kosova Sot quotes Zarif as urging Kosovo’s political leaders to complete the process of constituting the new government and institutions and to focus their efforts on establishing good governance. The SRSG also referred to municipalities in northern Kosovo and called for the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb-majority municipalities. Zarif also commended the Kosovo Police and security bodies for their contribution to containing transnational violent extremism.

Failure of PDK-LDK accord could lead to new elections (Tribuna)

The paper reports on the front page that disagreements over the post of Prime Minister have delayed the signing of the final coalition agreement between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Naser Osmani, a member of the LDK chairmanship, said that if LDK leader Isa Mustafa does not get the post of Prime Minister, the agreement with the PDK will fail. The paper also notes that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Vetevendosje Movement and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) are not willing to enter into a coalition with Thaci’s PDK.

Priorities: Economic development, rule of law, European integration (Koha)

The agreement between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) on the new government is being finalized and will be signed over the weekend. Unidentified sources told the paper that the names of government ministers will be announced a few hours before the agreement is signed. The paper also notes that the government programme is being drafted, and its three top priorities are economic development, the rule of law and European integration.

Kirby hopes new government will be formed next week (Zeri)

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Michael Kirby, the United States Ambassador to Serbia, said he hopes the new government of Kosovo will be formed next week and that this will advance the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. Kirby also said that the United States wants to see progress and economic development in Kosovo.

War veterans protest in front of University Rector’s office (dailies)

All dailies report on the protest by war veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) on Thursday in front of the Pristina University Rector’s Office. Protesters demanded the automatic admission of 1,000 children of war veterans and martyrs and called for the resignation of Rector Ramadan Zejnullahu. Police troops prevented protesters from storming the Rector’s office. Kosovo’s Minister for Education, Rame Buja, told protesters that an acceptable solution would be found and convinced the veterans to end their protest. The war veterans gave a one-week deadline to the university’s management to meet their request.

Tahiri: UN should address petition on raped women (Tribuna)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Edita Tahiri, met on Thursday with a UN delegation led by Danilo Rosales Diaz from the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Tahiri said Kosovo is a serious partner in global and regional efforts towards a more peaceful and safer world. “Kosovo’s visionary policies were proven by our continuous contribution to peace and stability in the region and our commitment for good neighborly relations during the dialogue in Brussels,” she said. Tahiri also said that UN mechanisms should address Pristina’s petition that seeks justice for women raped during the conflict in Kosovo.