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UNMIK Headlines 28 September

Headlines - 28.09.2015

Kosovo delegation meets world leaders in New York (RTK/Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, accompanied by his deputy, Hashim Thaci, and European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, met in New York the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. In the meeting, Mustafa spoke about the Kosovo government’s commitment to economic development, the creation of new jobs, reforms and the rule of law. Mustafa stressed that Kosovo has fulfilled all the criteria for signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU as well as for the visa liberalization process. Tusk, on his part, acknowledged progress and expressed support for Kosovo’s European integration. The Kosovo leaders also met in New York the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and urged Turkey to support Kosovo’s efforts to gain membership of UNESCO.

Mustafa in New York lobbying for UNESCO membership (dailies)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, and European Integration Minister Bekim Collaku, met in New York with Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Norwegian Foreign Minister, Borge Brende. Appreciating the support that Luxembourg and Norway have given so far, Mustafa urged further support for economic development and membership in international organizations, with special priority for UNESCO and INTERPOL, as well as European integration. Mustafa was invited by United States President Barak Obama to attend the summit on countering terrorism and violent extremism.

Jahjaga attends Clinton Global Initiative (dailies)

Kosovo’s President Atifete Jahjaga participated in the opening of the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. In his opening remarks, the former US President Bill Clinton noted the progress that Kosovo has achieved over the past years, saying that the mere fact that Kosovo has a woman as president shows the progress achieved. Jahjaga travelled to New York to attend the annual session of the UN General Assembly.

EU: Agreements, “a closed chapter” (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page quotes European Union officials as saying that the recent agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, signed by Prime Ministers Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vucic on August 25, are a closed chapter. While they did not want to comment on the consequences if the Kosovo government decides to withdraw its signature, EU officials said the agreements must be implemented in practice as soon as possible. “Kosovo is in the process of dialogue for its interests of normalizing relations with Serbia, as well as with the Kosovo Serbs. The agreements reached so far, including the agreement on the Association/Community, are key steps toward achieving this goal,” a spokesperson for the EU office in Pristina told the paper. “Therefore, we expect all agreements to be implemented in their entirety, primarily in the function of bringing normality for the people of Kosovo, as well as regional cooperation and good neighborly relations”. Meanwhile, opposition parties in Kosovo are adamant that the government should withdraw its signature from the agreements on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation with Montenegro. They argue that even the Constitution of Kosovo foresees the eventual withdrawal from international agreements.

Opposition refuses President’s mediation (Zeri)

The paper reports that the three opposition parties continue to challenge Prime Minister Isa Mustafa for signing the recent agreements with Serbia, saying that their actions will be intensified inside and outside of the Assembly. Representatives of the opposition said that they are against any attempt by the President Atifete Jahjaga to take the role of the mediator in this process. A few days ago during a TV talk show Jahjaga said that she was willing to play the role of unity even in this case. Muharrem Nitaj from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told the paper that the opposition will block the development of the plenary session until the government reflects on the recent agreements.

Grabovci: Mustafa will not report at the Assembly (RTK)

The head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, told RTK that most likely Prime Minister Isa Mustafa will not report at the Assembly on the recent agreements reached with Serbia. “This reporting has already lost its meaning. The Presidency of the Assembly will put in the agenda only the legislation on visa liberalization,” Grabovci said. The opposition warned that they will block the Assembly’s work until Mustafa annuls the agreements with Serbia.

New round of technical dialogue in Brussels starts today (Epoka e Re)

The Kosovo delegation, led by the Minister for Dialogue Edita Tahiri, will participate on Monday and Tuesday in the new round of the discussions between Pristina and Belgrade, held in Brussels. Kosovo government informed that the focus of these discussions is implementation of some of the agreements reached, eventual obstacles and solutions. They will mainly focus on the freedom of movement, the agreement for mutual recognition of university diplomas, return of cadastral documents and functioning of the liaison offices.

Hoxhaj: Kosovo should be offered visa liberalization (Epoka e Re)

Former Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj requested during an interview for the Austrian broadcaster ORF1 liberalization of visas for the people of Kosovo as well as temporary work permits. “Liberalization of visas for Kosovo is determinant on preventing illegal migration and in order for the people not to have the wrong expectations that they could gain asylum. Also the EU and its member states should think about legal forms of migration, where people from Kosovo could receive seasonal work permits in western countries,” Hoxhaj said.

“Vatican heading toward Kosovo recognition” (Koha)

Juliusz Janusz, an apostolic delegate of the Holy See for Kosovo, said during a visit to Prizren on Sunday that the Vatican was heading step by step toward recognizing Kosovo’s statehood. During a religious ceremony at a cathedral in Prizren, Janusz called on Kosovo’s youth to contribute in building a fair and peace-loving society in Kosovo.