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UNMIK Headlines 15 October

Headlines - 15.10.2015

Mustafa to opposition: Take the debate back to institutions (Indeksonline)

In a Facebook post, Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said the opposition should take the debate back to the institutions and that the people of Kosovo do not deserve to live in insecurity as a result of struggles for power. “Debate at the Assembly instead of blockade. Arguments instead of accusations. Visions for the future instead of setbacks,” he wrote. Mustafa also said that in a short period of time Kosovo will become member of UNESCO, sign the Stabilization/Association Agreement with the EU and gain visa-free travel to Europe. “Kosovo needs national consensus for these important processes and above all, Kosovo needs to demonstrate rationality and stability.”

Veseli: I will not order police intervention in Assembly (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli in an interview for said that he will be the first to go through the security check ahead of today’s session and added that the decision to step up security at the entrance of the parliament was necessary after events last week. Veseli insisted, however, that he would not order the police to intervene today at the Assembly if tensions flare up.

Police to enter Assembly if lives of MPs are in danger (dailies)

Several daily newspapers report today that Kosovo Police is very likely to intervene today in the Kosovo Assembly hall to remove the opposition MPs if they try to block the session of the Assembly or if it is considered that the lives of the MPs might be in danger. Sources within the Assembly Presidency told Zeri that security will intervene today in the Assembly hall if there is any physical confrontation between the MPs. But, despite this, the opposition says they will again block the work of Assembly. They said that Assembly President Kadri Veseli would be responsible for any escalation of the situation. “Our protests will continue and there will be no compromise without annulling the agreements,” said a joint statement issued by opposition. Yesterday, the Assembly Presidency took a decision to have strict control on the MPs when they enter the Assembly building, in order not to allow anyone enter the Assembly with dangerous weapons.

Krasniqi: We will prevent tomorrow’s session of the Assembly (Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje spokesman Frasher Krasniqi told Klan Kosova on Wednesday evening that the Vetevendosje Movement had warned four or five months ago that they were going to do everything to “ruin the coziness of government officials who have decided to ruin the lives of 2 million citizens of Kosovo”. “The Vetevendosje Movement and the other two opposition parties are determined to prevent the evils within Kosovo,” he said. Commenting on the egg attacks against Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi and Labor Minister Arban Abrashi on Wednesday, Krasniqi said, “they have sold out Kosovo. They go on vacations in the Caribbean with the people’s money”. Krasniqi also said, “we have a strategy in place on how to prevent the Assembly session on Thursday”.

Prosecutor: Police had no arrest warrant for Kurti (Kosova Sot)

Pristina chief prosecutor Imer Beka confirmed that his office did not issue an arrest warrant for former Vetevendosje leader and MP, Albin Kurti. Beka said that after the incident at the Assembly, the prosecutor made a request for collecting information as to what actually happened on 8 October and in this respect, there was a request to interview Kurti. Further to this, the police presented Kurti with two calls for interview, both of which were refused. As a result, Beka said, the police had the right to detain Kurti and bring him in for interview.

Kurti: I am against Serbia’s rights within Kosovo (RTK)

Vetevendosje Movement former leader Albin Kurti, in an interview with Klan TV said that Kosovo shouldn’t be a multiethnic state because Serbs make up only 6% of the population. “I am not against the rights of Serbs as they should have their own rights, but I am against Serbia’s rights within Kosovo,” Kurti said. Commenting on the recent actions of the opposition and the possibility that if no agreement is reached with the Kosovo government, Kosovo might turn into a kind of international protectorate, Kurti said that this would not change the current situation. “We are a protectorate. Kosovo has no integrity, no army… there is almost no element of a normal state. The citizens of Kosovo should be mobilized,” Kurti said.

Minister Abrashi pelted with eggs (Zeri)

Vetevendosje Movement activists yesterday evening attacked with eggs the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi. The attack occurred while Abrashi was exiting the offices of private television Rrokum TV. The attack was confirmed by Abrashi himself. Earlier yesterday, Vetevendosje activists also attacked with eggs the Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi.

Thaci: Kosovo one step closer to UNESCO (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, is participating in a conference organized by Crans Montana Forum in Geneva. "This is a good opportunity to introduce Kosovo’s new image as a state that promotes peace and stability, reconciliation and dialogue, cooperation, coexistence and tolerance. This is one step closer to UNESCO, the Council of Europe and Kosovo’s place in the international arena as a contributor to peace and progress,” Thaci wrote on his Facebook account.

EU keeps silent, Serbs react over Iber Bridge (Koha)

The paper reports in one of its front-page stories that the latest agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels 15 foresees the revitalization of the Iber Bridge to commence on October 15. The European Union is responsible for the implementation of the agreement, but Brussels did not say if they will stick the deadline foreseen in the agreement. Government officials in Pristina are insisting that the barricade on the Iber Bridge should be removed today. On the other hand, Serbian authorities have warned that they will not allow the removal of the barricade until a memorandum of understanding is agreed on the administrative boundaries of cadastral zones in Suhodoll and Kroi i Vitakut. Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said on Wednesday that the memorandum cannot be presented as a condition for the removal of the barricade.