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UNMIK Headlines 28 October

Headlines - 28.10.2015

Jahjaga welcomes signing of SAA (Bota Sot)

President Atifete Jahjaga has welcomed the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the European Union. In a statement, Jahjaga said that Kosovo has now set on an irreversible journey to EU membership and congratulated the people of Kosovo for this achievement. “Kosovo has a long journey ahead, which requires hard work from us until we reach the final membership target,” she said.

Collaku: SAA, most important achievement since independence (Zeri)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, in an interview with the paper said that signing of the SAA is the most important event for Kosovo since the declaration of independence in 2008. According to him, this agreement clearly recognizes Kosovo's territory. Collaku also promised that within a few weeks he will present to the Kosovo institutions and citizens the platform to achieve candidate status for the EU. Regarding the recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly, Collaku said such differences will not be reflected in the SAA, since according to him, the European agenda enjoys an institutional and political consensus in Kosovo. Collaku said he is convinced that during the next year, the people of Kosovo will be able to travel without visas to the EU countries. 

EU Office and US embassy congratulate Kosovo on signing the SAA (dailies)

The EU Office in Kosovo and embassies of the EU member states congratulated the people of Kosovo on signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union. "The Stabilisation and Association Agreement is the first contractual relationship between Kosovo and the European Union. It represents an important milestone for Kosovo's European future,” the EU noted, urging all political parties to seize the opportunity of the signature of the SAA to return to political dialogue within the institutions and to reaffirm their commitment to the European values. The United States Embassy in Pristina also congratulated the government of Kosovo on signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) yesterday in Strasbourg. “Once approved by the Assembly and implemented, the SAA will provide tangible benefits to the people of Kosovo.  It represents real progress on integration into European and trans-Atlantic institutions,” reads the US Embassy press release. 

Lunacek: Kosovo Assembly to ratify SAA as soon as possible (dailies)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, said yesterday that the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Kosovo and the EU is an important step for Kosovo towards European integration. "The signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Kosovo and the EU is good news and at the same time an important step for Kosovo's path towards European integration," Lunacek said. She called on the Kosovo Assembly to as ratify this agreement as soon as possible. "I call on the Kosovo Assembly MPs to ratify this agreement as soon as possible, because the SAA will provide a powerful incentive for the implementation and institutionalization of reforms and new opportunities to strengthen Kosovo's relations with its neighbors and contribute to the stabilization of the region,” Lunacek said. 

Next Assembly session on Monday (dailies)

The Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly yesterday decided that the next Assembly session will be held on Monday, 2 November. Assembly President Kadri Veseli called on the security authorities to provide security during the session and said that “the security authorities should be held accountable for any drugs, alcohol, teargas and eggs entering the Assembly building.” 

Ymeri: Thaci and Veseli to face justice (Kosova Sot)

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri accused Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and Assembly President Kadri Veseli of using psychological violence. “Those who call for searching of opposition MPs are the same ones who committed the biggest crimes in our country, in the 15 years after the war,” said Ymeri. He warned that it will not be far-off when the leaders’ illegally obtained wealth will be scrutinized and they will face justice.

Haradinaj: Opposition with same scenario for next session (Kosova Sot)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said the opposition parties will apply the same scenario as in the past several sessions in the upcoming meeting of the Assembly, scheduled for Monday. He said the AAK will not try to block the session only when the ratification of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) in on the agenda.

Limaj: The Assembly was bypassed, referendum is possible (Klan Kosova)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj, said in an interview for Klan Kosova that a referendum is a realistic option which could be implemented. He said that the government bypassed the Assembly by not discussing the agreements at the Assembly prior to their signing. “They did not win the elections to decide something out of their mandate. With these acts, they decided for Kosovo. They do not have the right to decide beyond the constitutional order. The solution is addressing the population, be it with elections or referendum…You do the referendum and you end this. One cannot go to the Assembly after signing something, there should have been a debate prior to the signature, this is insulting,”   Limaj said. 

Deda: Referendum unblocks the Assembly (Epoka e Re)

Vetevendosje deputy, Ilir Deda, assessed in an interview for this daily that the only way to overcome the political crisis is reaching an agreement between the parliamentary parties or holding of a referendum. If this does not happen, he continued, the agreements should be sent to the Venice Commission, because there is no other solution. Deda said that the last Assembly session should not have been held, instead they should have given time to President Jahjaga to conclude her initiative for dialogue. He said that locals should resolve the current crisis on their own. 

Selimi coordinates with Quint about UNESCO (KosovaPress)

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Petrit Selimi, hosted on Tuesday a meeting with the Ambassadors of the Quint states, representatives of Turkey and the Office of the European Union in Kosovo. He informed them about the recent developments in the process of Kosovo’s membership at multilateral international organizations. Selimi expressed his gratitude for the help of these countries during the lobbying process for membership at the UNESCO. He described the current situation regarding the votes required for Kosovo’s membership at this organization and presented a strategy that would ensure the required votes for the meeting of UNESCO’s General Assembly. The Ambassadors promised to continue with their support for Kosovo’s integration in the international community, congratulated Kosovo for the success at the UNESCO Executive Board and the signing of the Stabilization Association Agreement. They also noted that the latest political developments in Kosovo, especially at the Assembly, were broadcast in all significant world media and they harmed seriously the image of Kosovo. 

Kosovo terror suspect believed to be hiding in Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Bekim Mulolli, one of the suspects behind an attack on two US Christian missionaries in Kosovo in 2013, is believed to be hiding in Serbia along with his family, sources told the paper. Mulolli had admitted to have taken part in the attack and was subsequently sentenced to house arrest. However, media recently reported that Mulolli in fact joined the terrorist group ISIS in Syria and got killed during fighting.