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UNMIK Headlines 11 April

Headlines - 11.04.2016

Haradinaj: We are against AAK’s merger into Vetevendosje (Koha)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, during an interview with the paper said the AAK is determined to continue alone in the path against the agreements on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and border-demarcation with Montenegro.  Haradinaj has confessed to a cooling of relations with Vetevendosje since the annulment of the 25 March protest.  “The cause for this is the big differences on how to cooperate further. The AAK has offered Vetevendosje to choose between the candidate for prime minister or the leader of the list. But Vetevendosje had bigger demands which we consider to be AAK’s merger into Vetevendosje, and we are against it,” Haradinaj said.  He also commented on the recent meetings with the representatives of the government, saying that he doesn’t see solutions through these meetings. He said he would agree to sit down with all the parties only to set the date of elections.

Dacic: Kosovo outside UNESCO, big win for Serbia (dailies)

Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, said during his visit to Gracanica monastery yesterday that Serbia achieved a great victory in UNESCO, impeding Kosovo's membership in this organization. “There was no willingness to talk about this issue in Brussels and therefore Kosovo did not receive the necessary support,” he said. Dacic also said that the issue of apologizing for war crimes in Kosovo is being politicized and that the courts should give the verdict in this regard. Nonetheless, he insisted that the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade must continue. According to him, the dialogue will continue after the elections in Serbia.

Selimi: We don’t discuss UNESCO with Serbia (Zeri)

Kosovo’s acting-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Petrit Selimi, reacted to the statements of Serbian Deputy PM Ivica Dacic regarding Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO, saying Kosovo will never negotiate with anyone regarding membership in international organizations, especially UNESCO. Selimi also said that these are Dacic’s election statements. Driton Caushi, senior member of Vetevendosje, also commented Dacic’s statements saying that they are provocative. According to him, Serbian officials, including Dacic, must be investigated and held accountable for crimes committed in Kosovo in 1999.

Tahiri: Reciprocity on license plates, after elections (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, confirmed yesterday that Kosovo citizens who enter Serbia’s territory with their vehicles are required to replace their license plates with temporary plates.  According to her, the Serbian side continues to apply the temporary plates, but with the mediation of the European Union, they agreed to implement reciprocity for license plates after the elections in Serbia. “In January the Serbian side promised to be ready for reciprocity immediately after the elections in Serbia,” Tahiri said.


Veseli without a rival (Zeri)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), is making intensive preparations for the extraordinary convention of the party, which will be held on 7 May. After seventeen years of Hashim Thaci’s leadership, PDK is expected to elect the new leader during this convention. “We will not only elect the new leader, it will be a working convention as well,” said Basri Musmurati, general secretary of this party. However, no candidate has expressed interest in challenging Kadri Veseli in the competition for the leader of the party.

Serbia to pay €24,000 for damages (Zeri)

Natasa Kandic’s Fund for the Humanitarian Rights in Belgrade has issued a press release which informs that a court in Belgrade has made the first verdict that holds Serbia directly responsible for crimes committed in Kosovo. According to the press release the First Basic Court in Belgrade obliges the Republic of Serbia to pay 25.9 million dinars (approximately €240,000) for the crime committed by the MUP unit “Scorpions” which shot 14 women and children in Podujeve/Podujevo, on 28 March 1999.

Kosova Sot reports that the survivor of this criminal act, Saranda Bogujevci stated she would not accept the payment of the damages by the Serbian state.