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UNMIK Headlines 4 May

Headlines - 04.05.2016

Assembly to hold solemn session on visa liberalization on Thursday (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, said on Tuesday that he is confident that the European Commission will recommend visa liberalization for Kosovo’s citizens. Veseli called an urgent meeting of the Assembly Presidency to schedule the solemn assembly session for Thursday where EU High Representative Federica Mogherini is also expected to make an address before the MPs. “We are confident that there will be a positive recommendation and on Thursday we will hold a solemn session. The path toward the European Union continues. We need to put in a lot of work so that we can bring Europe closer to Kosovo,” Veseli said. He also called on opposition MPs to attend the session on Thursday. “I call on the opposition, which contributes to the integration process, to attend the session on Thursday. They should join the institutions and we should talk. My offer relates more to issues that concern our country, such the fight against corruption and economic development”. Representatives of the Vetevendosje Movement, the biggest opposition party, said they will announce on Wednesday their decision whether or not to attend the session. The other two opposition parties, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have confirmed their participation.

Collaku: No migration after liberalization (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, said in an interview for the paper that he is confident that after Kosovo gets visa liberalization there will be no mass migration of Kosovars in the Schengen Zone. Collaku said the European Commission’s recommendation for visa liberalization is a crucial step in the process and that this year Kosovo’s citizens will be able to travel without visas. “We are confident that the people of Kosovo will not abuse the visa liberalization process,” he added.

Visa liberalization recommendation expected today (Epoka e Re)

The paper reports that after being granted membership of the UEFA on Tuesday, Kosovo expects another historic news today, the recommendation for visa liberalization by the European Commission. A day after this important decision, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Frederica Mogherini, is expected to visit Kosovo. The Assembly of Kosovo will hold a solemn session. Political leaders in Pristina meanwhile argue that the visa liberalization is completely merit-based. “We cannot predict how long the process will last, because following a recommendation by the European Commission, the matter will then be addressed at the European Parliament and the EU Council. It is important for the European Commission to proceed the legal initiative or recommendation for visa liberalization,” said Ramadan Ilazi, Kosovo’s Deputy Minister for European Integration.

Kuci: Agreement for EULEX to conclude this month (Koha)

Kosovo’s authorities and the European Union have stepped up their engagement in finalizing the legal package and the letter exchange required to extend the mandate of the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX). Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci, said on Tuesday the whole process will be concluded this month. “A working group has been set up with representatives from the Office of the President, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Assembly, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the Judicial Council and the Prosecutorial Council, and the European Union. The group is drafting the letter and the laws that need to be amended. We expect this issue will conclude soon so that we can then pass it on to the political staff in Kosovo and the EU. We believe the procedures of signing and adoption by the Assembly will be concluded this month,” Kuci said. A source in the Kosovo government told the paper that the extension of EULEX’s mandate will be addressed during the visit by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini’s visit to Pristina on Thursday. “There are two key issues that will be addressed during Mogherini’s visit: visa liberalization and the extension of EULEX’s mandate. These two will dominate the agenda, but discussions will also focus on issues related to dialogue with Serbia, with special emphasis on the agreements that are not being implemented,” the source said.

Kosovo granted membership of UEFA (media)

All daily newspapers report on their front pages that Kosovo has been granted membership of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) on Tuesday.

Court orders 30-day detention for Lubisa Vujovic (media)

Several media report that the Basic Court in Pristina has ordered a 30-day detention for Lubisa Vujovic, one of the suspects of an organized crime group believed to have been led by former Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Azem Syla.