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UNMIK Headlines 17 June

Headlines - 17.06.2016

EULEX allowed to initiate cases in “extraordinary circumstances” (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that the Kosovo government has adopted two draft laws that extend the mandate of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) for another two years. According to the paper, EULEX will be able to initiate new cases in extraordinary circumstances and the cases would have to be adopted by a committee consisting of the State Chief Prosecutor, the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution and the Chief Prosecutor of the Appeals Prosecution. The draft laws were included on the agenda of the Kosovo Assembly on Thursday but the voting was postponed for Friday due to the absence of some MPs.

Ruling coalition lacks quorum on EULEX (Zëri)

The lack of quorum in Thursday’s session of the Kosovo Assembly postponed the issue of EULEX’s mandate for today, Friday. The paper reports on its front page that based on the agreement of the Kosovo institutions and the European Union, EULEX will be able to open new cases related to organized crime and corruption, while the war crimes cases could fall under the competencies of the special court.

Prime Minister Mustafa expects Minister Agani to resign (Zëri)

The paper reports that Kosovo Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferid Agani, received signals from Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that he will be dismissed if he doesn’t resign after an indictment against him was filed on Wednesday. Agani is accused of misuse of official position during his mandate as Minister of Health.

Murtezaj: Dialogue with Serbia should change (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and advisor to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, Valon Murtezaj, told RTV Dukagjini on Thursday that there are many agreements reached in Brussels that are not being implemented by Serbia. Murtezaj argued that this is why dialogue with Serbia must change. “There are several aspects that need to be changed and efforts are being made to change the approach to the implementation of the agreements,” he said. Murtezaj also stressed the need for assistance from EULEX, saying that currently the justice system is not at the required level in Kosovo.

Thaçi requests from Pope Francis recognition of Kosovo (dailies)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, was received Thursday by the Pope Francis, in the Vatican, for a private audience. During the meeting with the Pope, which lasted more than half an hour, President Thaçi said that the values represented by the Holy See, such as reconciliation, peace, cooperation and tolerance are values which Kosovo continues to embrace. During the meeting with Pope Francis, President Thaçi said that Kosovo is an example in the region and beyond for tolerance and coexistence between peoples of different religious and ethnic groups. Also, he expressed his happiness over Mother Teresa’s canonization this September, stressing that Mother Teresa is an embodiment of universal values. Thaçi thanked Pope Francis also for the support that the Vatican has always given to the people of Kosovo. He has submitted to the Pope an invitation to visit Kosovo in near future and expressed his wish that the Vatican will recognize Kosovo at the earliest opportunity.

Hoxhaj: Russia, not Serbia, obstacle to Kosovo’s UN membership (Klan Kosova)

In an interview for Klan Kosova on Thursday, Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that Serbia does not stand in the way of Kosovo’s membership at the UN but Russia’s veto. “In the international arena, it is impossible to gain UN membership without a peace treaty or agreement. Not because of Serbia but because of Russia’s veto”, said Hoxhaj. He said that for as long as Serbia has a partner at the Security Council, “We will be forced to reach a legally binding agreement that would enable us to gain membership in the UN”. Hoxhaj further said he is not concerned about the presence of EULEX in Kosovo but that of UNMIK is a different matter. “My concern has to do with UNMIK’s presence. UNMIK is an instrument of Russian politics in Kosovo”, said Hoxhaj adding that the UN mission offices in Pristina and Mitrovica do not pursue an agenda that empowers the state of Kosovo.

Fajon: Kosovo fulfilled more criteria for visas (Epoka)

The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs held on Thursday its first debate on the report for liberalisation of visas for Kosovo. The draft report for the matter was prepared and presented by the Slovenian MP, Tanja Fajon, who is also Rapporteur for the process of visa liberalisation for Kosovo. During her reporting, Fajon stressed that Kosovo has fulfilled 90 criteria during the process, which is much more than the criteria fulfilled by other Western Balkans countries. She said that Kosovo citizens can currently travel to only four states without visa and that “this isolation should be removed through visa liberalisation”.

US does not support construction of “Sunny Valley” (Kosova Sot)

The paper reports that the US Embassy in Pristina has expressed concern over the Serbian government’s plan to construct around 300 houses for Serb returnees in the municipality of Zveçan/Zvečan. In response to a query, the US Embassy stressed all construction activity in Kosovo should be carried out within the legal framework of Kosovo. “All processes aimed at returns of individuals in Kosovo need to be performed within its legal framework. If this process continues, it should be equipped with necessary permits and approvals of Kosovo”, the Embassy states.

Deçan/Dečani residents protest against Court’s decision on disputed land (Zëri)

The residents of Deçan/Dečani protested on Thursday against the decision of the Constitutional Court to transfer 24 hectares of land to Deçan/Dečani Monastery ownership. Mayor of Deçan/Dečani, Rasim Selmanaj, said there was political interference and legal violations during this process.  According to him, the decision of the Constitutional Court will not be implemented because there are 60 thousand residents against it.

Ismajli: We should be careful with drafting Association’s status (Epoka)

Head of the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, Naim Ismajli, said on Thursday that the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities should be based on the Constitution of Kosovo, laws in power and the ruling of the Constitutional Court. He argued that this would prevent the Association from gaining executive power and political decision-making.

Shaip Havolli appointed head of anti-corruption agency (media)

Several media report that members of the Kosovo Assembly have elected Shaip Havolli as head of the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency. Havolli served as head of the economic crimes unit at Kosovo Police.

Đurić confirms threatening letter, says Brezovica is Serbia’s wealth (Koha)

Marko Đurić, director of the Serbian government’s office for Kosovo, confirmed on Thursday that he had sent a letter to companies involved in the consortium for the Brezovica ski resort in Kosovo. In an interview for Belgrade-based Blic newspaper, Đurić said he notified the investors that they need to talk to Serbia about Brezovica. “We only notified the potential investors that investments are welcome, but that they need to talk to the owners and not to those that want to usurp wealth,” he said. The paper further notes that the Kosovo government has not reacted on the matter.