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UNMIK Headlines 6 February

  • Mitrovica wall demolished, authorities indicate another construction (media)
  • Mustafa: Demolition of wall, internal issue (dailies)
  • Thaci: Dialogue is working (RTK)
  • Mogherini: Reopening of Mitrovica Bridge contributes to reconciliation
  • Veseli: Walls belong to the past, Kosovo looks to the future (Kosova Sot)
  • Molliqaj: The wall will be moved to a different spot (Epoka e Re)

Mitrovica wall demolished, authorities indicate another construction (media)

All media report that the illegal wall in Mitrovica North has been demolished by the local authorities there. Koha Ditore reports on its front page that the wall was removed as a result of an agreement between the Kosovo Government, the Mitrovica North municipality, the European Union and the United States of America. One of the front-page headlines in Epoka e Re notes “the wall was demolished by those who built it”. On the same day that the wall was brought down, Mitrovica North officials said that another concrete structure will be built several meters away from the Ibar Bridge in an area dedicated only for pedestrians. Several media quote Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic as saying that the concrete structure will guarantee the safety of the citizens there. Kosovo Government and EU officials, meanwhile, have assured that there will be no more walls in Mitrovica. Zeri predicts that after the demolition of the wall, the main topic for the Kosovo government will be the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. The paper quotes Nataliya Apostolova, head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, as saying, “I am looking forward to discussions on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities with the same commitment that we had to remove this wall. I hope we will have good results”.

Mustafa: Demolition of wall, internal issue (dailies)

In a press conference following the demolition action of the Mitrovica North wall, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said that the decision came after many consultations between the parties and with the “irreplaceable contribution” from the US Embassy and the EU Office. Mustafa said the place where the wall stood will not continue to be rehabilitated in accordance with the EU project. “All we did was to resolve an internal problem through internal authorities and international support,” Mustafa said.

Thaci: Dialogue is working (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, tweeted that the “divisive” wall in Mitrovica has been taken down. “We must work to build bridges, not walls. Dialogue works,” Thaci wrote.

Mogherini: Reopening of Mitrovica Bridge contributes to reconciliation

Following the Kosovo authorities’ action to demolish the wall in Mitrovica North, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said that “the most important issues related to the pedestrianisation of King Petar Street and the reopening of Mitrovica Bridge have been successfully resolved in Pristina: the implementation of what was agreed began immediately and works have effectively started today.” She said the reopening of the bridge contributes to free movement, people to people contacts and ultimately reconciliation. The EU High Representative also praised the leaders in the region for demonstrating courage and vision “by taking down walls and focusing on building bridges.”

Veseli: Walls belong to the past, Kosovo looks to the future (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said that the taking down of the wall in Mitrovica shows the firm commitment that Kosovo is undivided and offers opportunities for all its people. “Walls belong to the past and Kosovo is looking to the future. The demolition of the wall, in a peaceful manner, shows how important internal dialogue is,” Veseli wrote on his Facebook account.

Molliqaj: The wall will be moved to a different spot (Epoka e Re)

Vetevendosje’s organizational secretary, Dardan Molliqaj, said the wall in Mitrovica North has not been demolished but only shortened and that on 7 February a new one will be built close to the initial one. “This shows that the wall is not being demolished but merely moved a little bit further and shortened,” Molliqaj said.