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Headlines 23 February

Headlines - 23.02.2017

  • Quint countries support ratification of demarcation (Zeri)
  • Kosovo-Montenegro border residents warn of tensions (Koha Ditore)
  • Selimi: Border demarcation could return teargas in Assembly (Zeri)
  • Veseli on meeting Trump: We sent message to Serbia (Lajmi)
  • Auditor identifies abuses in the north’s development fund (Koha Ditore)
  • Kosovo, UNESCO and Serb heritage to be discussed today in Pristina (RTK)
  • Two Serbs accused of assaulting an Albanian youth in Mitrovica (dailies)
  • Lumezi requests prosecutors to enlighten murders of public figures (Epoka)

 Kosovo Media Highlights 


Quint countries support ratification of demarcation (Zeri)

The government and the opposition are not moving from their positions with regards to the demarcation of the border with Montenegro. On the other hand, the representatives of the states with most influence in Kosovo, the U.S. and Germany claim that without ratification of the agreement and fighting corruption, Kosovo would not gain liberalization of visas. The Spokesperson of the German Embassy to Kosovo, Marten Menger, said that the matter of visa liberalisation is a competency of the European Union, however he added that Kosovo also failed on fighting corruption. The same position was also supported by the U.S. Embassy’s Spokesperson J. Michelle Schohn. She said that the U.S. supports ratification of the demarcation of the border with Montenegro, and all the efforts for EU membership. 

Kosovo-Montenegro border residents warn of tensions (Koha Ditore)

Representatives of residents living near the borderline with Montenegro have warned of tensions following reports that the government plans to resubmit the current version of the border demarcation agreement to Assembly for ratification. In a protest in Pristina yesterday, a group of residents from areas close to Montenegrin border called on Kosovo MPs not to vote for the agreement which, they claim, strips Kosovo of around 80 hectares of land. “The next time we will come with thousands of citizens here and we will block Pristina,” said one of the residents who protest in front of the government building.

Selimi: Border demarcation could return teargas in Assembly (Zeri)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi said that the return of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro could return the use of teargas at the Assembly. He said that they would coordinate with other political parties of the opposition in order not to allow endorsement of the Agreement at the Assembly. Speaking about the specialist chambers, Selimi said that he was never afraid of justice but that he feels endangered by injustice.   

Veseli on meeting Trump: We sent message to Serbia (Lajmi)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo is the first leader of the region to have met the U.S. President Donald Trump. He said that the U.S. will continue with strong support for Kosovo. Commenting on the headlines of the Serbian media, that Veseli slapped Serbian leaders with his meeting with Trump, Veseli said to Top Channel that there is no need to consider it a slap but a message that Serbia should be acting more properly. During this interview Veseli initially refused to answer if election in Kosovo will be held in spring or autumn, to finally say that “we should not go out during rain because we might catch a cold.” In another interview for Albanian language media, Veseli said that Kosovo enjoys support of the U.S. administration for gaining membership at the UN. “I am certain that with such a level of commitment and support Kosovo will have defining moments during this presidential mandate that will culminate in formal acceptance of the state of Kosovo to the United Nations.” 

Auditor identifies abuses in the north’s development fund (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports on the front page that the National Audit Office has identified a number of irregularities in the so-called development fund dedicated to the northern part of Kosovo. Auditors found that contracts were signed without prior approval of projects from the fund’s management board, advance payments were made exceeding specified limits and many projects of the fund were not part of the law on budget which stipulates that customs tax collected at the crossing points with Serbia and those from businesses registered in the northern municipalities are to be allocated to the development fund. The auditors said the fund’s management board, consisting of both local and international representatives, has not yet managed to install a reporting process from the municipalities and monitoring of projects. 

Kosovo, UNESCO and Serb heritage to be discussed today in Pristina (RTK)

Kosovo-based Multimedia Centre is organising today a discussion on Kosovo’s UNESCO membership bid and Serbian cultural heritage in a panel consisting of Serbian human rights activist Sonja Biserko, former Greek diplomat and advisor to Kosovo government on issues of religious and cultural heritage Dimitris Moschopoulos, Kosovo publicist Shkelzen Maliqi, Koha Ditore’s editor-in-chief Agron Bajrami, Belgrade journalist Sasa Ciric and Serb researcher Aleksandar Pavlovic. 

Two Serbs accused of assaulting an Albanian youth in Mitrovica (dailies)

Kosova Sot and Bota Sot write that a young Albanian man reported to the Kosovo Police and the Mitrovica municipality that he was physically assaulted by two Serb youths in the northern part of the city. The victim, Sadat Habib Rama from Kroi i Vitakut, said he was walking back home when two young men speaking Serbian attacked him with wooden bats.  Mitrovica mayor, Agim Bahtiri, condemned the incident and called on the police to bring authors before justice. He urged the citizens not to succumb to provocations aimed at destabilizing the situation in the municipality.

Lumezi requests prosecutors to enlighten murders of public figures (Epoka)

Kosovo’s Chief Prosecutor, Aleksander Lumezi, met on Wednesday with the chief prosecutors of all prosecutions in Kosovo to request increase of efficiency in the prosecutions that they lead. He has also requested from the chief prosecutors to reconsider the cases of the murders of public figures and undertake required actions that would enlighten these cases.