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UNMIK Headlines 7 April

Headlines - 07.04.2017

  • Decision on Haradinaj’s extradition request set for 27 April (Koha Ditore)
  • Mustafa: Elections to be held in 2018 (RTK)
  • Opposition to initiate no-confidence motion against government (Epoka e Re)
  • Jablanovic: I did not insult Gjakova/Djakovica mothers (Tribuna Channel)
  • KEDS bills north’s unpaid electricity to the rest of Kosovo residents (Zeri) 

Kosovo Media Highlights

Decision on Haradinaj’s extradition request set for 27 April (Koha Ditore/RTK)

The French court in Colmar has set a new date for deliberating on Serbia’s extradition request for the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj. In a hearing session held yesterday, the court ruled it needed more time to review all arguments provided by the Serbian prosecution which alleges that Haradinaj ordered the killings of Roma during the conflict in Kosovo. Haradinaj denied the charges saying that the French judiciary was trusting Serbian propaganda. After the session, Haradinaj said he believed justice will prevail on 27 April when the next hearing is scheduled for. At the same time, the head of AAK parliamentary group, Pal Lekaj, said prolongation of decision on Haradinaj was “unacceptable, unforgivable and completely in violation of international law.”  In an interview to RTK, Haradinaj said France has fallen “prey” to Serbian influence. He also called on the Kosovo Assembly MPs not to adopt the Agreement on the demarcation of the border with Montenegro. “This is not a game,” Haradinaj said and added that this process should not have lasted two years but it should have been interrupted on time.

Mustafa: Elections to be held in 2018 (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, spoke to RTK about the initiative of the opposition parties for a motion of no confidence. “Opposition does not have any other job to do. It is their right to think so…It is a benefit for the country to have a stable government, therefore we will continue to work with our partnership until June 2018,” Mustafa said. Speaking about the proposal at Sarajevo Summit for a joint market, Mustafa said that Kosovo is interested to facilitate trade cooperation but not based on former-Yugoslav example. Speaking about transformation of the KSF into an army, Mustafa said that the initiative came from the President. “No one has the right to reject the army. We will be in consent and harmony with our partners, U.S. and NATO,” he said and added that the process is being blocked by Serbia through the Serbian List. “Internationals should pressure Belgrade,” Mustafa said. He added that the Agreement for the demarcation of the border with Montenegro will be sent at the Assembly this month. 

Opposition to initiate no-confidence motion against government (Epoka e Re)

Bilall Sherifi from the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said the no-confidence motion against the government proposed by Fatmir Limaj will go to the Assembly as a joint motion of the opposition and that they will begin collecting necessary signatures from next week. Sherifi said the motion is also being supported by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Vetevendosje. Sherifi explained however that the motion has to have the signatures of 40 MPs and the opposition parties have 31. “We will need another nine MPs be it from the two largest parties or independent MPs or even those from minority communities,” Sherifi said. RTK meanwhile reports that independent MPs, Gezim Kelmendi and Ilir Deda, have also joined the motion of no-confidence. 

Jablanovic: I did not insult Gjakova/Djakovica mothers (Tribuna Channel)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, founder of the Serbian List and certified by the Central Election Commission as its leader, said that the Serbian List worked best when it heeded instructions from the government of Serbia. He said that he has never left the Serbian List because he was the founder of the party. “It is not a political party but a gathering of the Serb political parties, established for a unity of Serb parties,” he said.

Speaking about the protest of the opposition against him, Jablanovic said that they are not only against him but against everyone. “We do not interfere in their matters, and they do not have the right to interfere in ours,” he said. Asked if he would apologize to the mothers of missing persons in Gjakova/Djakovica, Jablanovic said that he never said anything about them. “In one of my statements I condemned vandal matters of Vetevendosje movement,” Jablanovic said. 

KEDS bills north’s unpaid electricity to the rest of Kosovo residents (Zeri)

On the front page, the paper quotes officials from the Kosovo’s Energy Regulatory Office as saying that the residents in the north spend electricity amounting to around €8 million a year and since they do not pay their bills, this amount is then dispersed to the bills issued for the residents in the rest of Kosovo. Officials from the Kosovo Energy Distribution Services (KEDS) said that due to political and security issues, they do not operate in the north of Kosovo. “This issue goes beyond our competencies and we would ask you to address your questions to relevant authorities,” KEDS said in a written response.