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UNMIK Headlines 11 June

Daka calls on Kosovo people to vote (media)

Head of Central Election Commission Valdete Daka, was the first one to vote this morning. “I call on the citizens with the right to vote to come out and cast their vote in order to improve the image of our country. Let us act with dignity.  I call on the commissioners of all political parties not to abuse with their position and behave in accordance with international standards, and show to the world that we are also part of the democracy and that we know how to hold elections,” she said.

OSCE Spokesperson: No irregularities in northern Kosovo (media)

OSCE spokesperson Senad Saboviq has confirmed for KosovaPress that polling stations in the four northern municipalities have been opened on time. According to him, everything is going according to the plan and there have been no irregularities. People there have already started going to vote in the June 11th early parliamentary elections.

Serbian leaders call on Kosovo Serbs to vote the Serbian List (media)

Serbian List candidate for MP, Ivan Simic, said that he expects major turnout of Serbs in these elections. “I expect victory and ten mandates of the Serbian List because this guarantees Serbia’s staying in Kosovo,” he said. Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic also called on people to come out and elect the best; “I am certain that Serbian List will win ten mandates because only this guarantees Serbs’ and Serbia’s survival in Kosovo,” Rakic said.

RTV21 reported based on its sources that members of the Serbian List are staying close to the polling stations and impeding voting of Serb people for other parties.

Apostolova: Be careful with your vote (media)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova visited the polling station at the Philological Faculty in Pristina. “Today is a very important day for Kosovo; You should elect your representatives therefore be careful whom you elect,” Apostolova said. During the day, she will be visiting the polling stations in Skenderaj/Srbica, Graqanice/Gracanica and Gjakove/Djakovica. Fifteen minutes before closure of the polling stations, Apostolova will be visiting the polling station at “King Milutin” primary school in Gracanica.

Haradinaj: People’s use of the right to vote, the greatest victory (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and candidate for the Prime Minister of the PDK-AAK-NISMA coalition, Ramush Haradinaj, voted at 09:00 hours at the polling station at “Ali Sokoli” High School in Pristina. He called on the people of Kosovo to vote because “their vote weights and determines Kosovo’s fate in the next four years. The greatest victory would be if citizens use their right to vote,” Haradinaj said.

Ymeri: Voting determines the future (media)

Leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, voted at polling station at “Faik Konica” High School. “I just voted in these elections, I think that it is very important for the Republic of Kosovo if as many citizens participate in these elections, being aware of their importance, that citizens participate on decision making with regards to the fate of the future government,” Ymeri said.

Delawie: Let Kosovo be an example of good elections (media)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie visited the polling station at “Ismail Qemali” High School in Pristina. He said that Kosovo can show to Balkans and the World how an election process should conclude. “Let Kosovo be an example of good elections, without incidents and well-monitored,” Delawie said. He added that there are four teams from the U.S. Embassy following the process in the entire Kosovo. Delawie was accompanied by head of Central Election Commission Valdete Daka.

Djuric visting northern Kosovo (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that Head of the Office for Kosovo at the Serbian Government, Marko Djuric, was seen today in northern Kosovo. RFE reports that Djuric was lately rejected entrance to Kosovo due to some of his statements.

Hoti calls on those involved in election process to respect the rules (media)

The nominated candidate for Prime Minister by the LDK-AKR-Alternativa pre-election coalition, Avdulla Hoti, voted at 09:30 at Philological Faculty in Pristina. “These elections are important for the future of Kosovo. I call on all those involved in this election process to respect rules. I call on citizens to vote, because this is the constitutional right of deciding their and their families’ future,” Hoti said.

Democracy in Acton: Unauthorized individuals are impeding election process (media)

NGO Democracy in Action stressed during the first press conference that unauthorized individuals are impeding the flow of the election process, especially at “Gjin Gazulli” school in Pristina, by militants of the two pre-election coalitions.

Thaci: Vote massively for your future (media)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, voted at “Faik Konica” Primary School in Pristina. He called on all Kosovo people to use their right to vote. “I call on all citizens, no matter party or entity, to massively vote for their future,” Thaci said.

Kurti: Turnout will be massive (media)

Vetevendosje candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, voted voted at economic Faculty in Pristina. He said that these elections are very important for Kosovo. “I just used my democratic right and citizen’s obligation to vote in these very important elections for our country. Citizens’ turnout will be massive, the weather is perfect, there is neither rain nor sun,” Kurti said. He added that these elections will bring the sixth legislature and the new government of Kosovo. “Congratulations for the holiday of democracy, because based on the information, commissioners and observers as well as Central Election Commission have undertaken all measures for proper and good flow,” Kurti said.

Petrele: There are more political agents than allowed by Law (media)

Alojz Petrele, head of the observing mission from the European Commission, visited the polling station at “Naim Frasheri” Primary School in Pristina. “We are trying to visit up to 600 polling stations with our long-term and short-term observers. We are trying to cover the entire Kosovo territory with our methodology. Situation observed until now is normal, calm, as I saw it here too. We have not observed any special problem so far. It appears to be a very calm atmosphere. The only element that is concerning us a little is that there are more party agents than allowed by Law at some polling stations. This means more than two from one party. We hope and expect that this will remain the general situation. We know that parties are allowed to have two agents, and some of them sent more. Perhaps this is a problem of understanding the Law; they did not look into details. Observers will have the precise report by the end of the day,” Petrele said.

Veseli: Let the people vote freely for their country (media)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, voted at “Faik Konica” Primary School. “Pleasant sunny day, good day for the first time, thank to all those who have enabled us today to have the opportunity to vote freely in our independent and sovereign state, eternal memory and glory for them. At the same time let our citizens vote freely for their country, for the sovereignty of economic development that is the best. I invite all our citizens to vote for themselves, for their country, which is crucial for the development and sovereignty,” Veseli said.

Mustafa calls for elections to be regular, fair and transparent (media)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, voted at the polling station at “Emin Duraku” Primary School in Pristina. “I fulfilled my civic obligation today and I hope that this will be done by all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. It is very important day because citizens decide about the future of the country, who will govern the country during the next period, it defines the fate of our entire country. I invite for the elections to be regular, fair, transparent and to win all together. Because all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo win by regular elections,” Mustafa said.

Limaj hopes votes will resolve Kosovo people’s problems (media)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, voted at the polling center at “Faik Konica” Primary School. He said that he hopes that by the evening the voting ballots will be the resolution of the problems of Kosovo people. “The solution belongs to Kosovo citizens. No matter what it is, citizens of Kosovo are the ones that know the best how to elect and who to trust. What should and what I expect to happen is for each citizen of Kosovo to vote, and commence the civic duty,” Limaj said.

“Djuric pressures Kosovo Serbs” (RTK)

According to the public broadcaster RTK, the senior Serbian official, Marko Djuric, who is visiting northern Kosovo today, is openly calling on Kosovo Serbs to vote the Serbian List and not the other Serb parties of Kosovo. “This is Serbia’s direct interference in the election process of the Republic of Kosovo, while our institutions have not undertaken anything to prevent his entrance and interference in election process. The Government of Serbia, during the entire last week, used terrible methods of pressure in order to intimidate Kosovo Serbs in order not to vote the Independent Liberal Party led by Slobodan Petrovic, who is expected to gain considerable votes from Serbs in Gracanica and Kosovo Montenegrins. Many members of his party were dismissed from their jobs, with the order of Djuric’s Office, only for being members of SLS list,” reports RTK.

CEC: 8.45 percent of Kosovo people voted by 11:00 hours (media)

Members of Central Election Commission (CEC) said during a press conference that based on the data collected by all municipalities, that 150244 people or 8.45 percent voted by 11:00 hours. Head of CEC Valdete Daka said that the election process continued normally without any incident to be reported. In 2014, 9.46 percent voted by 11:00 hours.

Apostolova: There were tensions at polling stations in the morning (Koha)

The EU chief in Kosovo, Natalyia Apostolova said there were tensions in the polling stations during the morning. “For the first time here, this is an important day for Kosovo and I am delighted that turnout is great. As observers cannot make estimates, but the polling station respondents told us that there were tensions in the morning, but they are already overcome. However, I urge everyone to come to vote because they the leaders, so think about this vote and vote for those who who represent your interests,” Apostolova said.

Serbian Media Highlights

Northern Kosovo: voting begins (media)

KoSSev and all local media reported that all 44 polling centres, which is the total number in the North of Kosovo, are open on time this morning. In addition to the PCs in North Mitrovica, polling centres were opened in Zvečan, Zubin Potok and Leposavić. 

KoSSev also reported this morning that there were some “technical issues” in Leposavić PCs and that there were information about “possible irregularities” and that there is an ongoing process to determine the irregularities.   This was confirmed to KoSSev by the president of the municipal committee in Leposavić Milosav Marković.

In a subsequent statement to KoSSev, Marković explained what kind of “technical issues this is about”:

Serbian List files an appeal against the fine for the video (Blic)

Serbian daily “Blic” has reported on Saturday evening that Serbian List has filed an appeal on the decision of the Elections Complains and Appeals Panel, which fined this party in the amount of 25,000 euros due to the content of the pre-election video-GISL has confirmed to Tanjug. The appeal is, as explained, filed because of the erroneous and incomplete fact finding, because of the grave violation of the provisions of the Constitution, an essential violation of the provisions of the Law on General Elections, as well as the decision on the fine.

Tatjana Lazarević: Campaign in KiM is neither free nor regular (N1)

Tonight, N1 reported from North Mitrovica on the election campaign and the general atmosphere. Journalist of N1 opined that even though the campaign was very brief and it lasted for a few days, it was marked with deep division among Serbian Lists and representatives of Serbs.

Simić: Serbian List is not intimidating anyone, we’re being intimidated-excerpts (N1)

 “Representatives of Serbian List are not intimidating anyone, but we are being intimidated by the embassies of the Quint and by Priština” Slavko Simić, President of GISL said in an interview for N1 television this afternoon. He also said that Serbs are far more unique than in the last parliamentary elections in Kosovo. 

Simić: We will never support the Army of Kosovo-excerpt

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said on Saturday that this list will never support the formation of the Army of Kosovo. “It is certain that we will never support the formation of the Army of Kosovo and the army that was killing our children, brothers and sisters. Be sure of that” Simić told reporters at the celebration of “Day of Kosmet victims” in the Memorial room “Kosmet victims”, which is located in the premises of the Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo.

Dušan Kozarev: tomorrow is the day of decision in KiM, Serbs are going to polls in one column-summary (media)

Deputy Director of Office for KiM Dušan Kozarev said on Saturday that political representatives of Serbs are unified and that they are participating in the elections on Sunday in one column.

“Contrary to what they say, that there are several columns of Serbian political representatives in these elections, there is only one column in which all Serbs in Kosovo. This is a column of Serbian List. All other columns are Albanian-ambassador ones, and all other columns are there to disavow Serbian people and have tried, for a handful of dollars and by selling out their religion for profit, to achieve their personal and family interests and to bring into question the elemental existence and future of our people in Kosovo and beyond” Kozarev told reporters.

Rikalo: Information on the course of elections, only by CEC regular press conferences (RTV KIM)

“Central Election Commission will provide the information about the Election Day only at official press conferences” Nenad Rikalo told RTV Kim.

“All data on the election day turnout, possible irregularities, and more, will be communicated to the public exclusively in the regular press conferences. Telephone statements will not be provided, this is the agreement within CEC” Rikalo said.

Member of CEC Rikalo did confirm to RTV KiM that the voters can vote using the Serbian ID cards and in fact stressed that “CEC has made a decision that the voters can vote using any valid document”.

Rakic, Spiric and Simic voted together (media)

Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakić, President of IMC of Kosovska Mitrovica Aleksandar Spirić and a candidate for MP Igor Simić came together to vote a little after 8 a.m. According to KoSSev, Simić and Spirić were accompanied by their wives.

After voting at the polling station in the Technical high school, Mayor Goran Rakić urged the on citizens of Mitrovica to exercise “their right to vote” and vote for candidates who would “represent them in a dignified manner”.

Djuric gives support to voters (RTS)

Head of the Office for Kosovo at Serbian Government, gave today his support to the voters.

“Serbian list embodies the unity of the people in KiM. It is very important for citizens to vote in large numbers, because only with this we’re guaranteeing the preservation of the institutions. No one who cares about Serbia, has the right to stay at home” Đurić explains.