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UNMIK Headlines 19 June

Headlines - 19.06.2017

  • LDK and PDK could opt to remain in opposition (Koha Ditore)
  • Haradinaj facing a painful compromise (Zeri)
  • Kurti: Kosovo cannot be given away in exchange for posts (Zeri)
  • Pacolli against any blockade (Gazeta Express)
  • Diplomats want a government with democratic legitimacy (Koha)
  • EU expects Kosovo to resume dialogue with Serbia (Koha Ditore)
  • Djuric: Serbian List wants leading posts in Kosovo (RTK) 

Kosovo Media Highlights

LDK and PDK could opt to remain in opposition (Koha Ditore)

Coalitions led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) are considering opting from forming the new government and remaining in the opposition, the paper quotes sources from the two parties as saying. However, PDK deputy leader Memli Krasniqi firmly denied the prospect. “Our coalition will form a government within the set timeframe”, he said. Meanwhile the LDK is reported to be looking into the possibility of voting a new government which manages to secure a majority but opting itself to be in the opposition. This move would be done to enable the party to undergo a reform following disappointing election results.

Haradinaj facing a painful compromise (Zeri)

The paper reports on the front page that candidate for prime minister from the winning PAN coalition, Ramush Haradinaj, is facing a difficult dilemma: he can either try to form a government with minority communities and two-three MPs from the other parties and thus remain fully reliant on Belgrade through its influence over the Serbian List; or, try to reach a deal with the coalition led by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) by giving it a half share in the new government. Analysts consider that the first option would be the worst solution for Kosovo whereas Haradinaj has said he is convinced he would form the government very soon.

Kurti: Kosovo cannot be given away in exchange for posts (Zeri)

Vetevendosje’s candidate for prime minister, Albin Kurti, said the people of Kosovo have voted to send the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to opposition and that this will has to be respected. “It is not good for someone to try now to distort the will of the citizens and save the PDK,” Kurti wrote on Facebook adding that “the Republic cannot be given away in exchange for posts”.

Pacolli against any blockade (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Behxhet Pacolli, told Gazeta Express that he is against any blockade that would create a situation similar to the one after 2014 elections. His statement came a day after the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) candidate for Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti, excluded possibilities of co-governance with PAN coalition and Vetevendosje. Hoti said that he is ready to remain in opposition but in no way to make a coalition with Visar Ymeri’s Vetevendosje. He explained that both Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Vetevendosje brought down the government. Pacolli said that there will be no new elections.

Diplomats want a government with democratic legitimacy (Koha)

Diplomats of Quint countries have requested creation of a comprehensive and stable government. To the Embassy of the United Kingdom, it is important to create a stable government that would deal with important processes that await Kosovo. “The people of Kosovo spoke…It is in hands of the political parties and representatives of Kosovo to create the government. Kosovo needs a government with democratic legitimacy that could push forward the urgent duties in the war against corruption and strengthening of the rule of law, as well as help on attraction of investments and creation of jobs,” writes a reply of the Embassy. 

EU expects Kosovo to resume dialogue with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

EU officials in Brussels said they expect whoever forms the new government of Kosovo to resume dialogue with Serbia and implement agreements reached so far in the process. EU officials also noted that it is likely the format of talks would change and that it would from now on take place at the level of presidents. However, the paper says there are concerns within the EU of Hashim Thaci having enough authority to take over the dialogue in contrast to Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic who came out as the undisputed leader in last elections.

Djuric: Serbian List wants leading posts in Kosovo (RTK)

Head of the Office for Kosovo at Serbian Government, Marko Djuric, said that Kosovo Serbs should have one of the three main leading positions in Kosovo, such as that of the President, Assembly President or the Prime Minister. During a TV debate in Serbia, Djuric said that this of course would not be easy, however, if the international representatives supported something like this in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), why not do the same in Kosovo. Djuric alluded on the nomination of Talat Xhaferi for the Parliament President in FYROM.