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UNMIK Headlines 19 December

Headlines - 19.12.2017

  • Mogherini calls on Balkans countries to advance in their European path (media)
  • Kosovo PM Haradinaj meets EU High Representative Mogherini (RTK)
  • Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj’s interview to KTV
  • Analysts: Highly unlikely for visa regime to be lifted in March (Zeri)
  • Mustafa: No-confidence motion, next year (Klan Kosova/Zeri)
  • LDK’s Rugova declared winner of Istog runoff elections (dailies)
  • 9 percent increase of unemployment in Kosovo (Koha)

Mogherini calls on Balkans countries to advance in their European path (media)

Koha Ditore covers in its leading front-page story last night’s working dinner of the Western Balkans Six hosted by EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. A press release issued by Mogherini’s office noted: “Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic, Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj, Prime Minister of Montenegro Dusko Markovic and Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic reiterated their full commitment to continuing to work for the European Union integration process. As clearly confirmed this year, including by the European Council in March and by President Juncker in his September State of the Union address, 2018 will provide a unique opportunity for the region to make irreversible steps forward in its EU integration, provided that the utmost priority is given to the necessary reforms, in particular on rule of law, justice and fundamental rights. With a renewed dynamic in the EU's enlargement policy and a chance to make important progress throughout the region, the High Representative underlined the need for all Western Balkans partners to accelerate essential reforms to deliver on their citizens' expectations and take concrete steps towards EU integration. The participants underlined their deep determination and interest in strengthening cooperation and good neighbourly relations and in promoting regional understanding. In this context, the importance of the ongoing discussions between Presidents Hashim Thaci and Aleksandar Vucic to advance in the EU-facilitated dialogue for normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo was highlighted”. The paper also carries a press release issued by Prime Minister Haradinaj’s office citing him as saying that Kosovo’s integration path in the EU is irreversible and that Kosovo deserves equal treatment with other countries in the region. In its coverage of the meeting, RTK reports that Haradinaj for the first time shook hands with a senior Serbian official and publishes a picture of Haradinaj’s handshake with Serbia’s Ana Brnabic.

Kosovo PM Haradinaj meets EU High Representative Mogherini (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, had a private meeting yesterday in Brussels with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. In a Facebook post, Haradinaj said the meeting took place in friendly atmosphere and that they discussed processes Kosovo is going through. “Kosovo will get what is entitled to,” Haradinaj wrote.

Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj’s interview to KTV

Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said in an interview to KTV on Monday evening that the new phase of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels should end with mutual recognition. “The government must prepare a platform which then must be ratified in the Assembly. The latter then must then give a mandate to President Thaci to lead the process of dialogue. The platform would provide that the outcome of dialogue should be mutual recognition so that the process does not go on indefinitely. It should take weeks and months, but not indefinitely. The previous topics have been exhausted and now we have the key topic and that is mutual recognition,” Haradinaj said. He added that the U.S. should be part of dialogue. “I think the U.S. should be part of dialogue in the final phase. The U.S. were part of the process until the middle of 2013”. Haradinaj said “Russia has withdrawn from these topics” and that “the U.S. and Europe are part of finding solutions in the Balkans”. Haradinaj said he believes the Kosovo Army will be formed in the first half of next year. “If we can do it through constitutional amendments, we will move faster in our path toward becoming a member of NATO. If we do it through a law, which we can do at any point, our perspective of joining NATO becomes more complicated. I have not discussed the matter directly with the Serbian List, but they know that the Army is formed for their good too”. He said he believes the Serbian List will vote in favor of forming the army and that even Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could advise Serb MPs to vote how they wish. Asked about the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, Haradinaj said the issue is not a priority for his government. “It’s not that Kosovo does not want to form the Association, but the Constitutional Court has deemed it anti-constitutional”. Commenting on the petition against the special court organized by the KLA War Veterans, Haradinaj said he understands their concerns and added that the court is an injustice on Kosovo. “I have said that as head of the government, I will not fail Kosovo. I think there was great injustice done with this court. However, I also think that the decision to form the court cannot be changed … In my opinion, there is no sense in escaping justice. This too will pass. We have no reason to bring shame on Kosovo because we fought a righteous war. The court is an injustice but our Assembly has voted in favor and I will not fail with our obligations. I believe that Kosovo will not fail to meet its obligation vis-à-vis international justice,” he said. Haradinaj also commented on the construction of the new power plant and said that the increase of electricity fees was too high. “The 18 percent increase is too high. We need to go with a different pace, because this is too high,” he added.

Analysts: Highly unlikely for visa regime to be lifted in March (Zeri)

The statement by Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, that visa liberalisation could happen in March is highly unlikely to be materialized, the paper quotes analysts as saying. Emrush Ujkani, European law professor, said it is impossible for the visa liberalisation process to be finalised by March. “Even if the border demarcation agreement is approved at this very time, the EU would still need a minimum of six months to endorse such a decision,” Ujkani said.  Meanwhile, government officials insist that every day that passes brings Kosovo closer to visa liberalisation.

Mustafa: No-confidence motion, next year (Klan Kosova/Zeri)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said that the government of Kosovo led by Ramush Haradinaj will not last long and that starting next year they will consider the possibility of initiating a motion of no-confidence against the government. Mustafa said however that he expects the motion to be organised in consultation with the other opposition party, Vetevendosje.

LDK’s Rugova declared winner of Istog runoff elections (dailies)

Haki Rugova from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has been announced as a winner of Istog runoff elections. After the counting of conditional ballots, Rugova has secured 14 votes more than his opponent from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Gani Dreshaj. Dreshaj said he would appeal for a recount as initial results showed him in the lead.

2.9 percent increase of unemployment in Kosovo (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that according to a recent survey by the Kosovo Statistics Agency, the unemployment rate in the first three quarters of the year has increased by 2.9 percent compared to the same period from last year. The highest unemployment rate is among women with 38 percent, compared to 27.8 percent among men. The highest unemployment rate among age groups is in the 15-24 age group with 53.3 percent.