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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 30, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

  • President Thaci invites Kurti for a meeting for the third time (RTK)
  • Kosnett engages for LVV-LDK agreement, meets leaders of the two political parties (Express)
  • Konjufca: Shedding light on the fate of the missing to be condition during negotiations (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic, Brnabic present ‘Serbia 2025’ program (Serbian media)
  • Vucic: Main prerequisite is to preserve peace and stability in the region (B92)
  • Hearing of defendants in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case postponed, indictment changed (Radio kontakt plus)
  • “Trial is charade and farce” (Radio KIM)
  • Djuric on Kosovo, Serbian List and new investments (RTS, KoSSev)
  • Popovic, Rakic on new Serbia’s investments in Kosovo (TV Most, Kosovo-online)
  • Fabrizi: Continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue EU’s priority (Danas, BETA, Blic)
  • Police in Gracanica arrested two persons under suspicion of committing grievous thefts (Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)
  • Vucic: I will remain SNS leader until June 2020 and will not run again (FoNet, BETA, N1)


  • Serbian Church Expels Montenegro Govt Officials and MPs (Balkan Insight)



  Albanian Language Media


President Thaci invites Kurti for a meeting for the third time (RTK)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci sent today a letter to the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement Albin Kurti.

Thaci expressed appreciation to Kurti for the official response and understanding for not being able to participate at the two meetings called for Friday. He further invited Kurti for a meeting for tomorrow, 31 December at 10:00 hours. In his third letter Thaci said he will undertake all steps foreseen with the Constitution of Kosovo, in order to make Kosovo institutions functional as soon as possible.

Kosnett engages for LVV-LDK agreement, meets leaders of the two political parties (Express)

Sources within the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), told the news portal that the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett met today the leader of the LDK Isa Mustafa, and his two deputies Vjosa Osmani and Agim Veliu.

This news portal also learned that Kosnett later met with the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement Albin Kurti, Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca as well Deputy Assembly Speaker Arberie Nagavci. According to Express, the main subject of the discussions was speedy formation of the government

After the 6 October elections, Kosnett has continuously requested from Kosovo institutions to form institutions as soon as possible. The same request was repeated by the U.S. Embassy also after the constitution of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Konjufca: Shedding light on the fate of the missing to be condition during negotiations (Express)

Family members of the missing persons from the most recent conflict in Kosovo remembered today their loved ones at the obelisk in Pristina. They requested from the international community to make pressure on Serbia to tell where the missing bodies of their loved ones are.
Institutional representatives also joined the families on paying homage to the missing persons. Glauk Konjufca, who appeared for the first time as Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker, said this issue should be a condition to Serbia in negotiations.
“Each political official of the Republic of Kosovo should raise the voice, wherever we are, also in the future negotiations with Serbia, this should be some kind of condition of the Republic of Kosovo that those who are responsible and guilty for loss of lives and missing of our family members and the most loved ones, to be held responsible in front of the justice, and to return bodies of your family members. We will always strive to be up to the task of doing what is required from us,” he said.


Serbian Language Media


Vucic, Brnabic present ‘Serbia 2025’ program (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic presented the 'Serbia 2025' program in the Palace Serbia, B92 reports. The program contains a plan of investment projects for the further development of the country over the next five years.

"Serbia is today a fundamentally different country, stable and much more respected abroad, with an unemployment rate below 10 percent, for the first time at a single-digit rate, the country with one of the highest growth rates in Europe", Brnabic said.

She underlined that Serbia is today a country where the unemployment rate is below 10 percent, for the first time single-digit - 9.5 percent, which is constantly declining, while the average net salary is slightly higher than 500 euros and wages and pensions are constantly increasing.

Brnabic added that Serbia has entered a period of stable growth with one of the highest growth rates in this part of Europe.

"This is something all citizens of Serbia should be proud of, because we were able to do this together. Today, we are here because Serbia can and deserves much better", Brnabic said.

The 'Serbia 2025' program is worth just under € 14 billion, Brnabic said, noting that the ‘Serbia 2025’ program will be financed from the budget, but also from loans from international financial institutions, with which we will continue to cooperate. 

For more see at:

Vucic: Main prerequisite is to preserve peace and stability in the region (B92)

After presenting the 'Serbia 2025' Program, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke about political developments in the country and the region, B92 reports.

Vucic was quoted as saying that “the main condition for fulfilling this is to preserve peace and stability in the region".

"A few days ago, we were attacked by some politicians from Bosnia-Herzegovina for the National Defense Strategy. Yesterday, Dodik attacked us and said, 'Why are you mentioning Bosnia and Herzegovina?' We just respect the Dayton Agreement", Vucic added.

He also referred to developments in Kosovo and Albania.

"There are so many false lies and fabrications in Albania about me, and I am silent and waiting for them to do something, to form a government so we can talk", Vucic said.

 "So, it will take a lot of effort, energy, to be able to maintain peace," he stressed.

See at:

Hearing of defendants in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case postponed, indictment changed (Radio kontakt plus)

Chairman of the judicial council in Pristina Valon Kurtaj has decided today to postpone the preliminary hearing of defendants in the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, given the changes in the indictments that was as such delivered to the defence lawyers on Friday, and was not translated in the Serbian language, Radio kontakt plus reports.  

The court has requested translation of the evidence and changed indictment, while during today’s hearing all defence lawyers said that they did not receive the first indictment in the Serbian language either.

Since the prosecutor could not specify the time needed for translation, the judge requested it to be done “urgently because of people who are in detention” while the prosecution should inform defence lawyers once the documents are translated and provide evidence in their mother tongue.  

The next hearing is scheduled for 11 February, at 10.00. Details of the changed part of the indictment are not known, Radio kontakt plus reported.

“Trial is charade and farce” (Radio KIM)

Nebojsa Rosic, father of Marko Rosic a defendant in the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, said the beginning of the trial today was “a pure charade”, Radio KIM reports. Ksenija Bozovic, from the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice also said the hearing resembled “a farce.”

Nebojsa Rosic said everything was done to prolong the process.

“They make some sort of spectacle out of this trial, and you saw it yourself it was a pure charade. I do not know what indictment is this one in a row, just to prolong the process. Whoever had an insight into this indictment, it is not an indictment for the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, it speaks about some groups, some fights…. It has no link with common sense….” Nebojsa Rosic said.

Ksenija Bozovic, close associate of murdered Oliver Ivanovic also had a number of objections related to today’s preliminary hearing.

“It just confirmed what we were saying from the first day of investigation, that the investigation was sloppy, that the indictment is sloppy as well, and this is all a farce and it was confirmed today. Nervous judge, unprofessional translation, no response from prosecution, this all indicate how much this institution is unprofessional,” Bozovic said.

Bozovic also urged representatives of the international community to examine the work of the Kosovo judiciary, since as she underlined it works unprofessionally, Radio KIM reported.

Djuric on Kosovo, Serbian List and new investments (RTS, KoSSev)

Kosovo Assembly just got constituted and there are already talks about new elections, the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric told RTS. Regardless of what Albanians had agreed upon, Serbs are accustomed to pressure and everyday struggle to survive and remain in Kosovo, Djuric added.

He compared Kosovo to Belgium in terms of time needed to constitute the institutions, noting that “remarkable results of the Serbian List are taken for granted, but to me it is a news of the year, that Serbs are united and anyone wishing to form the government (in Pristina) must knock on our door".

Djuric further said that regardless of how the negotiations between Albanians further evolve “Serbs in Kosovo are used to pressure and threats, but at the same time they are ready for everyday struggle and have support and help from their state of Serbia to further work on their remain and survival.”

Speaking about announced preliminary hearing in the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder that should take place in Pristina today, Djuric said he expects further politicization and Pristina’s propaganda with new lies about the Serbs in the north and Serbia.

Speaking about Serbia’s investments in Kosovo, Djuric said that additional EUR 150 million were allocated to the Serbs there. He said that 700 houses were built, and more than 40 churches and monasteries repaired. He opined that with new funds residential issue for all Serbs can be resolved, and there would be new hospitals and a stadium in Mitrovica North.

Meanwhile, KoSSev portal reported referring to the announcement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija that Marko Djuric will meet with Serbian List in Belgrade today. Further details are unknown, and there would be media statement following the meeting.

Popovic, Rakic on new Serbia’s investments in Kosovo (TV Most, Kosovo-online)

Gracanica and Mitrovica North mayors, Srdjan Popovic and Goran Rakic commented on new Serbia’s investments in Kosovo amounting to EUR 150 million, TV Most reports.

Popovic said that Serbs in Kosovo survive thanks to the support they receive from Serbia, and that Serbian people are looking forward to the new investments. Popovic expects the new investments would contribute to the better life in Kosovo and create new employment opportunities for young people.

Goran Rakic recalled these are additional funds, along with the regular ones which are the highest in the last couple of decades, and thanks to it more than 349 projects are currently being implemented, which positively change all Serb areas in Kosovo and Metohija, TV Most reports.    

Fabrizi: Continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue EU’s priority (Danas, BETA, Blic)

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sam Fabrizi said the EU encourages establishment of the government in Pristina and continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue under EU’s mediation, BETA news agency reports.

“The Union will continue to lead this process, established by the United Nations and supported by EU member states. New EU High Representative clearly said it is a priority and announced visits to Belgrade and Pristina. And yes, the tariffs should be revoked,” Fabrizi told Blic daily.

Police in Gracanica arrested two persons under suspicion of committing grievous thefts (Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)

Kosovo police in Gracanica have arrested two persons under suspicion of committing criminal acts of ‘grievous and banditry thefts’, police station commander Bratislav Trajkovic told Kosovo-online portal.

According to Radio KIM, arrested persons in the presence of lawyers confessed that they have committed several grievous thefts in the territory of Gracanica municipality.

Following a series of thefts and burglaries, that caused disturbance of the population, Gracanica police investigative unit conducted an operative plan of following the suspects and after gathering the evidence arrested them.

All members of Gracanica police station took part in the action, Trajkovic told Kosovo-online.

Vucic: I will remain SNS leader until June 2020 and will not run again (FoNet, BETA, N1)

From June 2020 Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) will have new leadership, party leader and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday, adding that he will not be a candidate for the party leader again, N1 reports.

“They pressured me, but my decision was not to run for the leader of the SNS,” Vucic said after the session of his party’s leadership, adding that this does not mean that the position will be filled by someone whom the opposition can “beat more easily.”

He stressed that he will not allow for the SNS to become a party of ‘local strongmen’ and that he will propose leadership “which will be capable of facing the coming challenges and the many difficult issues” the country will have to face.

“I am sure that I will convince the majority to accept my proposal,” Vucic said.

“Young people will be on all SNS electoral lists,” he said, adding that the intention is for them to “replace those who got a bit tired and those who intended to be big bosses.”




Serbian Church Expels Montenegro Govt Officials and MPs (Balkan Insight)

The Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro expelled government representatives and MPs who backed a controversial law on freedom of religion amid chaotic scenes in parliament.

The Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro on Sunday expelled Montenegrin government representatives and MPs after the Freedom of Religion Law was passed despite unrest in parliament last week.

The church urged government officials to start a dialogue before the law becomes a source of serious social divisions with unprecedented consequences.

“Passing such a law does not serve to honour those who proposed it or those who voted for it. Those who are Orthodox have excluded themselves from the Orthodox Church, regretfully. We command the clergy not to do any ecclesiastical work for them until they repent,” the church said in a statement.

The law was passed on Friday despite fierce objections from the Serbian Orthodox Church, its supporters and pro-Serbian opposition parties who claim that the legislation will enable the authorities to steal the Serbian Orthodox Church’s property in Montenegro.

See at: