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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 31

  • Kurti rejects Thaci’s invitation for the third time (media)
  • Haziri: LVV to have strong reason to bring us back at the table (RTK)
  • UK: LVV, LDK to overcome differences, form new government (media)
  • Apostolova calls for swift formation of new institutions (Zeri/Klan)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti should form the government or move away (RTK)
  • Rama about Kurti and Mustafa: Seats more important than Kosovo (media)
  • LVV changes statute, its leader can keep (T7/Zeri)
  • Former Kosovo Serb minister accused for abusing official post (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kurti rejects Thaci’s invitation for the third time (media)

Albin Kurti, leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV), said he is not able to meet the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci on Tuesday, as requested by the latter.

In a response published by Vetevendosje Movement, Kurti proposed a meeting for the 6 January of 2020 at a time convenient for the President.

Thaci’s invitation is the third made to Kurti since the constitution of the Assembly on 26 December.

Haziri: LVV to have strong reason to bring us back at the table (RTK)

Lutfi Haziri, deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said that Vetevendosje Movement’s (LVV) biased action on nominating Glauk Konjufca for the Assembly Speaker, has caused major consequences in their negotiations to form the government.

He added that in order to gain the mandate by the President, the candidate for the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, needs to ensure the majority. He said his political party promised to Vetevendosje Movement that they would vote a government of minority, even if they do not become part of it. He however did not want to speak if they are going to reach agreement with LVV prior to 6 January.

Speaking about Kurti’s rejections to meet the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci in order to gain the mandate to form the government, Haziri said “President’s relation to giving the mandate is regulated by Constitution. There were claims that the President does not want to mandate Kurti, but it became obvious that they do not stand,” Haziri said.

Haziri said he is against new elections and added that they will work hard to avoid them by reaching agreement on governing coalition.

UK: LVV, LDK to overcome differences, form new government (media)

The British Embassy in Pristina issued a statement calling on the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to overcome their differences and form a new government that would tackle issues that concern the people of Kosovo.

“They should do so in a spirit of tolerance, accepting their different approaches to government. Respect for voters and the Constitution should mean a willingness to engage sincerely together to show the country that they can provide leadership for change,” the statement reads.

Apostolova calls for swift formation of new institutions (Zeri/Klan)

The head of the EU Office in Kosovo Nataliya Apostolova said in an opinion piece published in Zeri that the people delays in forming new institutions in Kosovo following orderly elections in October show that significant challenges remain.

“They can be overcome if all political forces agree on the need for a thorough electoral reform. I believe that this should be treated as a matter of urgency,” she said.

Apostolova also spoke about dialogue with Serbia saying it is in Kosovo’s interest and that “the sooner the normalisation of relations happens, the sooner Kosovo will be able to move forward in all directions.”

Haradinaj: Kurti should form the government or move away (RTK)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj told RTK that if the Vetevendosje Movement and its leader Albin Kurti do not plan to form the government, then they should clear the way in order not to endanger Kosovo.

“If the parties invite us for consultations in order to find a formula for the way out, I do not hesitate. But it does not cross my mind to go to Mr. Kurti if he does not call me. And if he does not plan to do it, then it is better for him to move away. We have to do something about the budget,” Haradinaj said.

According to him, Kurti is deceiving the Democratic League of Kosovo making them go up and down. “This is his agenda. I am convinced that he will lead Kosovo to new election for a very small percentage,” Haradinaj said.

Rama about Kurti and Mustafa: Seats more important than Kosovo (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama said in his end-year address that regional Mini-Schengen is not a new Yugoslavia, as claimed by those who he said are not capable to form a government, as division of posts is important to them.

“Regional Schengen is not a new Yugoslavia, as those who do not manage to form a government of two entities claim, in Kosovo that they love so much. Because, as it appears, when it comes to unification of forces to govern Kosovo, division of seats is more important than Kosovo which is stuck in a crossroad, without strategy and without government,” Rama said.

He added further that they (Kurti and Mustafa) and the others have united on attacking him. “But thank god they are quite united, no matter political party and with some masons in Tirana, to put Kosovo against ‘Vucic’s brother’ in Albania, by spoiling blood and spreading darkness among people in Kosovo, with pathetic nonsense and patriotic lies,” Rama said.

LVV changes statute, its leader can keep (T7/Zeri)

The Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) has changed the statute which has prevented its leader from keeping the post if elected prime minister.

According to sources from the LVV General Council, there was unanimous agreement for the item of the statute to be changed enabling Kurti to remain LVV leader even if elected prime minister of Kosovo.

Former Kosovo Serb minister accused for abusing official post (Telegrafi)

The Special Prosecution of Kosovo has filed an indictment against the former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Nenad Rikalo, and seven other officials for abusing their powers.

The accused are suspected of collaborating in securing unlawful profits to certain companies and Rikalo is accused of overstepping his competencies by arbitrarily deciding on new policies on development of rural infrastructure.