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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 01

  • Borrell: The agreement will be the one reached between Kosovans and Serbs (RTK)
  • Kollcaku: If agreement is not reached, we remain in opposition (Koha)
  • Haziri: LDK does not give in on Assembly Speaker’s post (RTK)
  • PDK, AAK, NISMA, AKR: We will not vote Kurti-led government (media)
  • Abbott: U.K. to support Kosovo after Brexit (media)

Borrell: The agreement will be the one reached between Kosovans and Serbs (RTK)

The EU High Commissioner for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell told Kosovo’s national broadcaster RTK that the agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade will be ‘the one that Kosovans and Serbians reach. EU is there to facilitate. I cannot speculate what the agreement would be because it depends on the parties.’

“The dialogue should resume. Without an agreement, it is difficult to offer a perspective for both countries. We are waiting for Kosovo to have the new government. As soon as you have the new government, we will try to facilitate the dialogue. I hope that both parties will have the will to engage,” Borrell said.

Asked about the U.S. role on the dialogue, Borrell said “We do not have any problem with the U.S., they try to improve some aspects of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia. I do not see any complication or conflict here, when both parties are working on the same direction. We do not have problems with the U.S.”

Koha Ditore on the other hand quotes Borrell as saying that “during my visit to Kosovo everybody was asking about it, how controversial is the relationship with the United States with respect to Kosovo. It is not controversial at all,” he said.

”I think everybody understands that without an agreement of the U.N. Security Council, Kosovo will not be a state recognized by the international community. It depends not only on the will of Washington," the Borrell said.

Kollcaku: If agreement is not reached, we remain in opposition (Koha)

Fatmire Mulhaxha-Kollcaku told KTV that a few days remain to vote the government led by Albin Kurti, and expressed optimism that  the agreement for governing coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will be reached. “It is not a battle about who gains or who loses more, but about substantial change in Kosovo,” she said.

Kollcaku further insisted that LVV did not obstruct formation of the government. She also added that it was not the post of the Assembly Speaker that impeded reach of the agreement with LDK.

"Insisting on the post of the president. It is better to sit together and find a consensual person, not only among our two entities but also the citizens. He doesn't have to be a part of bargaining,” she said.

“If our paths go in opposite directions, we remain in opposition,” Kollcaku said adding that if the agreement with LDK is not reached by Monday, ‘all possibilities exist, but we do not discuss with other entities.”

Haziri: LDK does not give in on Assembly Speaker’s post (RTK)

Lutfi Haziri, deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) insisted on Friday after the meeting of his political party’s meeting that the post of the Assembly Speaker should belong to LDK.

He said their meeting was in function of exhausting all possibilities that could lead to an agreement for governing coalition with Vetevendosje Movement (LVV).

“We are trying to accomplish our joint commitments in defining our constitutional role and responsibilities tonight, tomorrow and a day after, agreeing that the government is led by the Self-Determination Movement and the mandated for Prime Minister Albin Kurti, while the LDK's role, is focused on responsibility of the Assembly of the Republic at this stage,” Haziri said.

PDK, AAK, NISMA, AKR: We will not vote Kurti-led government (media)

Enver Hoxhaj, member of the leadership of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) said his political entity will not vote Kurti’s government on Monday and added that they will neither be part of the future government in any option.

Hoxhaj blamed the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti for delays on forming the new institutions of Kosovo. He said his party has no vote for minority government. Asked if PDK was ready for new elections, Hoxhaj said ‘there will be no elections.’

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said that his party MPs would not vote for the new government at the upcoming session of the Assembly on Monday.

“The Alliance is not part of any political agreement and will not vote for a government this coming Monday,” Haradinaj said.

Endrit Shala, MP from the Social-Democratic Initiative (NISMA) told KosovaPress that they do not support a minority government ‘as this is not a good solution for the country.’

Acting Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning Fatmir Matoshi said AKR will not vote any government if it is not part of it.

Abbott: U.K. to support Kosovo after Brexit (media)

Nicholas Abbott, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo, took to Facebook to write on Friday that his country will continue supporting Kosovo even after Brexit.

“A Global Britain will remain a force for good in the world. We will forge a new partnership in Europe and continue to be a close friend and partner to Kosovo.

Our relationship is based on shared history and values. Europe’s security is Britain’s security and we will remain strongly committed to Euro-Atlantic security and our European neighbours, including Kosovo and the other countries of the Western Balkans,” Abbott wrote.