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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 23


  • Two new cases of coronavirus confirmed, total of 33 (media)
  • First fatality from coronavirus in Kosovo (media)
  • Assembly President calls for unity (media)
  • Vetevendosje's Nagavci: Non-confidence motion is a great irresponsibility (media)
  • Mustafa: I want to judge myself for backing a coalition with Vetevendosje (media)
  • Abazi reacts to non-confidence motion (RTK)
  • Non-confidence motion reached Assembly two days ago, Osmani has yet to call meeting (RTK)
  • LDK blames LVV for the political crisis in Kosovo (RTK)


Two new cases of coronavirus confirmed, total of 33 (media)

All news websites report that another two cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Kosovo on Sunday. The total number of infected persons is now 33. The two new cases are from a village in the municipality of Gjilan and a village in the municipality of Malisheva.

First fatality from coronavirus in Kosovo (media)

All media reported on Sunday on the first victim from the coronavirus in Kosovo. An 82 year old man passed away from the virus at Prishtina Hospital.

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health said in a statement that the victim, from a village in the municipality of Podujevo, was also suffering from cardiac and lung diseases.

Assembly President calls for unity (media)

Kosovo Assembly President Vjosa Osmani said on Sunday that political leaders must set aside divisions and join forces in fighting the coronavirus.

Osmani said in a Facebook post that "at a time when the whole world is displaying great solidarity and governments all over the world stand united in fighting the coronavirus pandemic ... it is time for Kosovo's political representatives to join our medical staff in the battle to save people's lives".

Vetevendosje's Nagavci: Non-confidence motion is a great irresponsibility (media)

Kosovo Assembly Vice President from Vetevendosje Movement, Arberie Nagavci, said LDK's motion of non-confidence against the government is a great irresponsibility at a time when Kosovo is battling the coronavirus.

Nagavci also argued that it would be difficult to hold the Assembly session given the Health Institute's recommendations to keep a two-meter distance as a preventive measure against the coronavirus.

"There could be more people that have the coronavirus now. The 200 persons working in the Assembly will have contact with their family members and it is a great irresponsibility to hold the session at this time," she said.

Mustafa: I want to judge myself for backing a coalition with Vetevendosje (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa said in a Facebook post on Sunday that he was wrong to support a coalition with the Vetevendosje Movement.

Mustafa criticised Prime Minister Albin Kurti for his approach saying that he and his associates focused on who should have more powers the Prime Minister or the President instead of focusing on the set of measures against the coronavirus.

Abazi reacts to non-confidence motion (RTK)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from Vetevendosje Movement Haki Abazi said on Sunday that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) initiated a campaign against Kurti’s government, in complete agreement with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

“I do not understand why LDK, instructed, joins voices from PDK. The country and citizens face two dangers today, one from the division of the country and the other, COVID-19. Neither one of them is fought by supporting ill-purpuse and those who brought the country in this situation. Instead of focusing with all energies on fighting the pandemic, a part of LDK has initiated a campaign against Kurti’s government in complete accordance with PDK.

“I am sorry, but someone who was deceived several times, by signing the association of municipalities, demarcation with Montenegro, Thaci’s election for President and now with state of emergency, if they cannot help in any manner, at least they should join the one and those who have betrayed interest of the country many times,” Abazi said.

Non-confidence motion reached Assembly two days ago, Osmani has yet to call meeting (RTK)

The motion of no confidence on Kurti’s government, initiated by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) was filed to the Assembly of Kosovo two days ago. The motion was signed by 46 Kosovo Assembly MPs, however Assembly Speaker Vjosa Osmani has not called the meeting of the Assembly chairmanship to decide on the plenary session yet.

Indeksonline sources informed that members of the chairmanship and caucuses have not received invitation for a meeting.

When a motion is filed to the Assembly, it has to be considered not earlier than two days and not later than five days from the filing.

LDK blames LVV for the political crisis in Kosovo (RTK)

The Democratic League of Kosovo expressed deep concern on the created pandemic situation in Kosovo, while concluding that PM Albin Kurti and the Vetevendosje Movement are the causers of the political crisis.

The LDK branch leaders and its structures, in complete coordination with the LDK leadership and leader Isa Mustafa support the position of the leadership of this political party with regards to the coalition partner Vetevendosje Movement and recent developments in Kosovo.

“Branch leaders expects from our representatives at the government of Kosovo and the Assembly to represent LDK and its policies with dignity and defend legitimacy taken from our voters. To LDK, partnership with the U.S. and its allies is vital for Kosovo’s present and future,” is written in a press release issued by LDK.