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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 30

  • 3 new coronavirus cases confirmed, 94 in total (media)
  • Kurti: We need to convince every family member to stay at home (media)
  • Kurti: Extraordinary elections are inevitable (media)
  • Thaci expected to invite political leaders for a consultation meeting (media)
  • Nagavci: There is no government without the winner, Kurti was the best PM (RTK)
  • LVV could delay forming of the government infinitely (media)
  • Kusari: LDK would have submitted motion, with or without Veliu (media)
  • Abazi warns on additional measures if citizens do not respect decisions (RTK)

 3 new coronavirus cases confirmed, 94 in total (media)

All media report that Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced on Sunday evening that three new cases with coronavirus have been confirmed. The total number of cases is now 94.

Kurti: We need to convince every family member to stay at home (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti addressed the people of Kosovo through a video message calling on them to stay at home and not to panic.

"The COVID - 19 virus spreads widely and quickly. This is the most serious situation we have had after the war in Kosovo. We are entering a month where we could have an increased number of people infected by the virus. After this month, if we are careful, we can slowly emerge from this situation and go back to our work ... You need to convince yourself and your family members to stay at home," he said.

Kurti: Extraordinary elections are inevitable (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister and Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said on Sunday that extraordinary elections are inevitable because he said President Hashim Thaci's efforts to form a unity government are dangerous and are in violation of the Constitution. Kurti made these remarks during a meeting with his party's structures.

Thaci expected to invite political leaders for a consultation meeting (media)

 The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci is expected to call this week the leaders of the political parties to consider the possibility of creation of the new government.

As the official notification on the no-confidence motion from the Assembly reached his office only on Friday, Thaci could not manage to call the leaders to convene today.

Political parties contacted by KosovaPress to learn if they would respond positively to Thaci’s invitation, said they do not have an official position on the matter yet.

Nagavci: There is no government without the winner, Kurti was the best PM (RTK)

Arberie Nagavci, Deputy Assembly Speaker and deputy leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) warned on her Facebook profile that coordination for a new government without LVV has started.

She said that the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Social-Democratic Initiative (NISMA) are united in this project.

“There is no government without the winner of elections. This is not possible. In this hastiness, to be in service of Thaci, you will not succeed. Therefore, your propaganda will not work,” she wrote.

LVV could delay forming of the government infinitely (media)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti took to Facebook to write that the Constitution of Kosovo has made it clear that a successful no-confidence motion produces new elections and not another government.

However, according to the expert on constitutional issues Mazllum Baraliu, resignation from the position of the prime minister and bringing down the government through a motion, in essence do not differ. He however said that there is a vacuum in the Constitution of Kosovo as there is no deadline on when the president mandates a political party, in this case Vetevendosje as majority at the Assembly, to give the PM candidate. The number of the days is not specified. “So it is a vacuum that leaves the possibility of infinite lack of response, and for the acting government to remain in office. This is a defect of the Constitution,” he said.

Kusari: LDK would have submitted motion, with or without Veliu (media)

Vetevendosje MP Mimoza Kusari Lila said in a debate in TV Dukagjini that the Assembly session called to vote on the no-confidence motion during the coronavirus pandemic was a session of shame.

Kusari Lila said she is confident that PM Kurti's decision to dismiss Interior Minister Veliu was not the only reason behind the motion. "There was a series of disagreements, some of them even before the coalition agreement was signed. With or without Veliu, the LDK would have initiated the no-confidence motion," she said.

 Abazi warns on additional measures if citizens do not respect decisions (RTK)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Haki Abazi said on Sunday that lack of respecting the decisions for prevention of spread of coronavirus in Kosovo, will force institutions to undertake additional measures in order to ensure that no one will be endangered with this disease.

He once again appealed to the people for additional caution and restrain in accordance with the recommendations  of the health institutions.

Acting Minister of Transport Lumir Abdixhiku also called for ‘another round of caution in what the best experts of the country are calling the critical period. Let us listen to them. Avoid family visits, non-urgent and unrequired goings out. We are at an unusual time, but we need a very usual action- staying at home,” he said.