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UNMIK Media Observer, September 5

  • COVID-19: 119 new infections, three deaths (media)
  • Kosovo and Serbia agree to normalise economic ties (media)
  • Trump hails Kosovo-Serbia agreement as 'historic' (media)
  • U.S. State Department: Economic Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia (RTK)
  • Hoti: Agreement with Serbia, huge step towards full normalisation of relations (media)
  • Vucic: Bilateral agreement with the USA, I am extremely satisfied (RTS)
  • U.S. in close touch with EU on Serbia, Kosovo agreement: Grenell (Reuters)
  • Grenell: Serbia, Kosovo deserve vibrant economies (N1)
  • Biden: Kosovo to be an independent country, not part of Serbia (media)
  • Thaci hails Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)
  • Mustafa thanks the U.S. for role in Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)
  • LVV: Same road leads to same failures (media)
  • Haradinaj hails agreement with Serbia, says his concerns are put to rest (media) PDK: Kosovo delegation missed opportunity for mutual recognition (media)
  • NISMA welcomes Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)
  • Haxhiu: Kosovo delegation renounced independence, agreement unconstitutional (media)
  • Netanyahu says Kosovo to open Israel embassy in Jerusalem (Reuters/media)
  • EU ‘took note’ of Kosovo-Serbia agreement in Washington (Klan)
  • Serbian List: Agreement in Washington preserves Serbian state and interests (Radio Kim)
  • Serwer: Much ado about nothing (net)
  • Ahmeti: Agreement, a colossal step toward peace in Balkans (RTK)
  • Hoti and Haradinaj-Stublla meet U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo (media)
  • Mixed reactions to Belgrade - Pristina agreement from Kosovo and Serbia (N1)

COVID-19: 119 new infections, three deaths (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced yesterday that of 474 samples tested over the 24-hour period, 119 have tested positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, there have been three deaths and 187 recoveries reported over the same time period.

The highest number of new infections (35) is in the municipality of Prishtina.

There are currently 3,309 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Kosovo and Serbia agree to normalise economic ties (media)

Serbia and Kosovo announced that they have normalized economic ties as part of U.S.-brokered discussions that also include Belgrade moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem and Pristina recognising Israel.

After two days of meetings with Trump administration officials, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti agreed to cooperate on a range of economic fronts to attract investment and create jobs. The White House announcement provided President Donald Trump with a diplomatic win ahead of the November presidential election and furthers his administration’s push to improve Israel’s international standing, AP reports.

CNN writes that Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to embark on a new chapter in their recently tumultuous relationship, establishing economic normalization in a signing ceremony at the White House Friday alongside President Donald Trump, who has been aggressively pursuing new foreign policy endeavors with the presidential election just under two months away.

Reuters at the same time quotes political analysts calling the agreement underwhelming and hazy. “In my mind this is more of a resumption of dialogue between the two sides. That’s good for the region. But it’s not like some massive, massive breakthrough,” said Jasmin Mujanovic, a political scientist who specializes in Eastern Europe while Edward Joseph, a senior fellow with Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Study said: "It’s mostly vague. It’s not even clear on the economic stuff.”

Deutsche Welle quotes the U.S. President Donald Trump hailing a "major breakthrough" on Friday after former foes Serbia and Kosovo agreed to normalize economic relations. "Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti signed the pact in the White House — voicing optimism about the deal, but while noting that differences remain."

Commenting on the content of the agreement, Radio Free Europe reports that Kosovo and Serbia have committed to, along with the U.S., draft a feasibility study on the joint use of the Ujman/Gazivode Lake. It also lists other items of the agreement that include construction of a railway, highway connection, both parties joining the Mini-Schengen, recognise diplomas, and also implement a one-year moratorium for Kosovo to join international organisations and for Serbia to stop de-recognition campaign against Kosovo. Furthermore, under the agreement Kosovo and Israel will recognise one another.

Trump hails Kosovo-Serbia agreement as 'historic' (media)

The United States President Donald Trump said that signing of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement was 'historic' and 'major breakthrough'.

"I am pleased to announce a truly historic commitment. Serbia and Kosovo have each committed to economic normalisation," Trump said at the signing ceremony.

He said that "after decades of violent and tragic history and years of failed negotiations, my administration proposed a new way of bridging the divide. By focusing on job creation and economic growth, the two countries were able to reach a major breakthrough - something that nobody thought was going to be possible. And I think it's going to work out very well. And we'll be working with them on economic cooperation across a broad range of issue — issues."

On Twitter, Trump congratulated President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti for committing to normalising economic ties.  "This is a major step forward to bringing prosperity and peace to the Balkans and the world. I am proud to have assisted these leaders!" he wrote.

Read the remarks at the signing ceremony:

U.S. State Department: Economic Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia (RTK)

Kosovo’s national broadcaster RTK has published the press statement of the U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo.

“The United States commends Serbian President Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Hoti on historic agreements they reached at the White House today, spanning a wide range of economic normalization issues. Their courageous and forward-looking leadership not only brings growth and jobs to their citizens, it sets a new tone of reconciliation in the pursuit of progress for the Western Balkans. Today’s agreements open new opportunities for broader cooperation. The United States reaffirms its support for the ongoing negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia toward comprehensive normalization of relations.

We also congratulate Prime Minister Hoti on the monumental achievement of normalization of ties and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Israel as well as President Vucic on Serbia’s commitments to open a commercial office and move its Embassy to Jerusalem. These bold steps will enhance peace between our partners in Europe and the Middle East.

Security, stability, and prosperity throughout the Western Balkans remain critical goals for the United States. With the support of President Trump, Prime Minister Hoti and President Vucic made great strides toward this shared vision,” reads the press statement.

Hoti: Agreement with Serbia, huge step towards full normalisation of relations (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti said at the signing ceremony of the agreement with Serbia on normalizing economic relations that they made a ‘huge’ step towards full normalisation of relations which he said should lead to mutual recognition between the two countries.

Thanking the U.S. President Donald Trump and his team for bringing the parties to this point, Hoti said: “This is a great moment for Kosovo and for the region.”

“We are fully committed to work together to improve people’s lives, to bring new jobs into the region. And we fully believe in your administration. We share the same values of freedom, democracy, an open-market economy,” he said.

Speaking to reporters following the trilateral press conference, Hoti said that Kosovo has expressed readiness to join the mini-Schengen zone and also that they agreed for the United States to carry out a feasibility study on the Ujman/Gazivoda Lake.

"The study has to do with the way the water of the lake will be used in the future: as a source for irrigation or energy. That's all. This is the truth regarding this issue," he said.

Hoti also said he had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the presence of the U.S. President Donald Trump and that they agreed to, without delay, establish diplomatic relations. "Upon return to Prishtina we will work so that Kosovo as soon as possible opens embassy in Israel. This is extraordinary news following a more than three years of stalemate on new recognitions. This support from the United States is crucial for membership to NATO and the UN," Hoti noted.

Hoti said good things always came from the White House and that this is the case this time around.

Vucic: Bilateral agreement with the USA, I am extremely satisfied (RTS)

President Aleksandar Vucic says that he is extremely satisfied with what our delegation achieved at the meeting in the White House. The Serbian delegation signed a bilateral agreement with the United States, on economic cooperation with Pristina, and not a trilateral one, and Pristina is not mentioned in it as a subject of international law, Vucic said.

Addressing the media after the signing of the agreement in the White House, Aleksandar Vucic stated that in the text of the agreement there is no point ten, no recognition, and that people in Serbia can rest easy. "This is a good agreement for Serbia, it will sound triumphant if I say congratulations, but I am sincerely satisfied with all the members of the delegation, with what we have achieved" Vucic told reporters after signing the agreement in the White House.

He pointed out that this was a bilateral agreement with the United States. "This is not a trilateral agreement. The difference is important. So, this is an agreement that Serbia made with the United States, a third party is not recognized as a subject of international law. It is extremely important for us and I thank President Trump, especially thank him for making a long bilateral meeting with the Serbian delegation. I spent more than 15 minutes in the Oval Office alone with Trump and his associates" Vucic added. He pointed out that at the meeting they discussed the relationship between Serbia and America, all election campaigns, as well as that President Trump expressed his desire to come to Serbia. "Through this bilateral agreement, we are directly regulating relations with one of the two largest powers in the world, economic issues, above all, and some political issues that are not extremely painful for our country," Vucic said.

He emphasized that a compromise and a good agreement for Serbia was reached. "Only for Serbia, the opening of the office of the US Loom Fund in Belgrade is planned, and that is not the case for Pristina or anyone else in the region" Vucic added. That will be a strong signal to all investors and show how much America is interested in working with Serbia, Vucic pointed out. He added that "the Americans will oversee important projects with us, such as the construction of the road to Pristina." "We agreed on how to build the railway and connect Pristina with central Serbia, via Merdare" Vucic said. "Some wanted to build the road over the north of Kosovo and that Serbia has nothing to do with it, and we avoided that trap" said Vucic.

U.S. in close touch with EU on Serbia, Kosovo agreement: Grenell (Reuters)

U.S. officials have been in close touch with officials from the European Union about an agreement by Serbia and Kosovo to normalize economic ties, Richard Grenell, a special adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, said on Friday.

Grenell told reporters at the White House that U.S. officials had briefed national security advisers in Germany and France about the strategy and would brief them again Friday on details of the agreement.

He said the agreement, signed Friday in the Oval Office, would open up opportunities for European and U.S. companies in various sectors, including energy, water, construction of roads, railways and mines.

Read more:

Grenell: Serbia, Kosovo deserve vibrant economies (N1)

The US President’s special envoy Ambassador Richard Grenell told NewsMax that Serbia and Kosovo deserve vibrant economies but warned that Western companies aren’t willing to expand in the region because of the perceived conflict.

“The people of Kosovo and Serbia deserve to have a vibrant economy and I’m always optimistic that we can do more,” he said adding that “western companies should be able to expand in this region" but aren't because that there’s a perceived conflict.

Grenell explained that the White House is “trying to do is upend the political process by just focusing on the economics and job creation”. He recalled that Belgrade and Pristina reached agreements on air, road and rail traffic. “We took these three historic agreements and furthered them and tried to get the two sides to come together to do economic normalization,” he said.

The ambassador said that President Donald Trump saw the political conflict and asked how the two sides were doing economically. “When we found out that the economics were stuck as much as the politics President Trump said let’s try to focus on the economies and see if we can change that dynamic and that will ultimately change the politics on both sides,” he said adding that he asked if the politicians would reject politics and just think about creating jobs for young people after 20 years of political fights. “If the economies are good the political fights become fewer,” he said.

“I think we’ve been trying the same thing politically for a long time with politicians around the table … that’s a recipe for disaster. We’re trying to flip it and focus on the economics of the region with job creation as the focus. The private sector community in Kosovo and Serbia have been very excited about this,” the ambassador said. According to Grenell, anything that relates to job creation should be put in the agreement.

Asked about the claims of surprises at the start of the talks, Grenell said that there are surprises in all negotiations. “Surprises are good. They press the sides to do more. We had some surprises but I don’t think either side was that surprised. They like to pretend before the media that they are more surprised than they actually are,” he said.

Biden: Kosovo to be an independent country, not part of Serbia (media)

Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for U.S. president, was asked to comment on the agreement reached by Kosovo and Serbia at the White House.

Biden said he did not know what the agreement contained but underlined that Kosovo should be independent and not part of Serbia.

Thaci hails Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci has welcomed the signing of the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia in Washington.

"I salute the signing of agreement b/w #Kosovo & #Serbia, today in Washington. Grateful to @WhiteHouse, @realDonaldTrump, and @RichardGrenell for their leadership in this process. Kosovo now will continue working on economic dev., jobs, and further domestic & int'l consolidation," Thaci wrote on Twitter.

Mustafa thanks the U.S. for role in Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa thanked the United States for its contribution to the achievement of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement saying Kosovo is blessed to have the friendship of the U.S.

"This was demonstrated once again today by the signing of the agreement negotiated under the leadership of the White House," Mustafa wrote on Facebook.

He also commended the government of Kosovo and Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and for what he called a major achievement in the interest of Kosovo. "The Prime Minister and the Government, with maturity and commitment, in few weeks manage to reclaim Kosovo's spot as a reliable partner of our strategic allies, the U.S. and the EU, therefore this Prime Minister and his Government deserve support in their journey. Thank you, President Trump."

LVV: Same road leads to same failures (media)

The Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) said the agreement signed at the White House is unacceptable. “What was presented today as economic normalisation resembles an economization of the failure of territorial exchange,” the party said in a statement.

"The Vetevendosje Movement considers this agreement reached by a government with no legitimacy is another failure and undignified representation before Serbia, being that the meeting was headed to without strategy, plan, or objectives. This agreement needs to be opposed at the Kosovo Assembly or else it will lead towards other concessions, even more dangerous ones. The agreement gets Serbia inside Kosovo while recognition from Serbia is not getting closer."

LVV accused the government of Kosovo led by Avdullah Hoti of ‘lying’ because mutual recognition was not achieved in Washington while “internal issues of Kosovo once again were discussed with Serbia which is unacceptable.”

LVV said the item of the agreement dealing with the Ujman Lake implies Serbia’s return to Kosovo and “as such should be considered as treason.”  On Kosovo’s agreement to join the mini-Schengen area, LVV said Kosovo has no reason why it should become part of such an arrangement with a country that does not recognise it. “The mini-Schengen project has been rightfully criticized by the majority of political parties in Kosovo, therefore signing the agreement shows it does not reflect at all the views of the Kosovo side.”

The party also said the way the missing persons issue has been tackled in the agreement is ‘shameful’ and ‘insulting’ to all victims. “In this item Kosovo and Serbia are treated as equal, by sidestepping the fact that we still have 1,641 missing persons as a direct result of crimes carried out by Serbia. Apology for the crimes committed and compensation for damage inflicted during the war in Kosovo are not mentioned anywhere.”

"What is scandalous is that this agreement that claims to regulate the economy, makes no mention at all of war damages, or reparations," LVV said.

It also said that it is unacceptable for Kosovo to be portrayed as a Muslim country. "Kosovo is a European country, with centuries-long democracy and is not close to Middle East either geographically or historically. Such portrayals damage Kosovo, if allowed to take root."

Haradinaj hails agreement with Serbia, says his concerns are put to rest (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj hailed the agreement with Serbia saying that his previous concerns have been put to rest.

"True friends always understand rightful concern. Happy that our concerns on the disputed item about [Lake] Ujman are reflected in the signed Agreement. Our faith in the role and engagement of the United States of America has always been unwavering and will remain as such," Haradinaj wrote on social media.

Earlier, Haradinaj said he did not support the agreement with Serbia due to a point relating to Lake Ujman, adding that the party will not cooperate in any government in which Serbia becomes a party to Kosovo’s resources, Prishtina Insight reported.

PDK: Kosovo delegation missed opportunity for mutual recognition (media)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) lead by Kadri Veseli commented on the Kosovo-Serbia agreement signed at the White House saying that Kosovo delegation missed the opportunity to achieve mutual recognition with Serbia.

"Any agreement signed in such manner, without transparency, without containing mutual recognition creates concern and insecurity," PDK said in a statement.

The party added that its position is achievement of a comprehensive, final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia that guarantees mutual recognition, Kosovo's membership at the UN and does not undermine Kosovo's territorial integrity.

NISMA welcomes Kosovo-Serbia agreement (media)

The Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) welcomed the signing of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement for normalisation of economic relations saying it will encourage economic development.

"In addition, after so many years of stalemate in the process of recognition, the announcement by the U.S. President Donald Trump that Israel and Kosovo will recognise one another is more than welcomed," NISMA said.

Haxhiu: Kosovo delegation renounced independence, agreement unconstitutional (media)

Albulena Haxhiu from the Vetevendosje Movement said the delegation that represented Kosovo in Washington renounced independence of Kosovo by signing an agreement she deemed unconstitutional’ and ‘damaging’.

“They shared Ujman with Serbia, gave up membership of Kosovo in international organisations, accepted membership to the Balkans mini-Schengen and route to the Adriatic Sea for Serbia.

“Damaging agreements cannot be implemented,” Haxhiu wrote on Facebook.

Netanyahu says Kosovo to open Israel embassy in Jerusalem (Reuters/media)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that Kosovo has agreed to open its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, making it the first country with a Muslim majority to do so.

The embassy announcement came shortly after Netanyahu said Israel and Kosovo had agreed to establish diplomatic ties following a similar announcement by U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington.

EU ‘took note’ of Kosovo-Serbia agreement in Washington (Klan)

The EU has taken note of the agreement signed by leaders of Kosovo and Serbia in Washington, said spokesperson for the EU external affairs, Peter Stano.

“We took note of the signing of a document between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington. We expect to greet parties that will continue to work for a comprehensive agreement for normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo during the weekend and next week,” Stano told Belgrade news agency Tanjug.

Serbian List: Agreement in Washington preserves Serbian state and interests (Radio Kim)

The Serbian List reacted to the Kosovo-Serbia agreement mediated by the U.S. saying that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic once again justified the trust of the Serbian people in Kosovo by “preserving the Serbian state and national interests.”

In a statement, the Serbian List said the agreement not only improved Serbia’s relations with the United States but also paved the way for normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina  based on “rational grounds and compromise, and not on someone's unrealistic expectations."

"We believe that it is very good that Belgrade and Pristina have signed separate agreements with the United States, because in that way the United States will be a reliable guarantor of the implementation of what was signed, and the signatories are additionally obliged to be constructive," the statement said.

Serwer: Much ado about nothing (

Daniel Serwer from the Johns Hopkins University commented on the agreement signed between Kosovo and Serbia yesterday saying it is not nearly as dramatic as presented by the U.S. President Donald Trump.

"It is basically an agreement to agree on a series of economic steps that some think will eventually lead to progress on the political front, with a few bells and whistles added for Trump glitter purposes. The economic steps are good ones, as far as they go. But they are unlikely to transform the relationship between Serbia and its one-time autonomous province, now an independent state recognized as such by about 100 other states but not a member of the United Nations," Serwer writes.

If any big news came out of the signed agreement, he adds, is that Israel has agreed to recognize Kosovo while the other "modest" news is that Kosovo has agreed to suspend its effort to enter international organizations in exchange for Serbia agreeing to suspend its “de-recognition” campaign.

Serwer said that the version of the agreement he saw did not have the signature of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in it. "If not, this isn’t really an agreement but rather an unilateral pledge by Kosovo, which would make it an even less impressive achievement. Even with the Serbian President’s signature, it’s okay, but a long way short of historic. One might even say much ado, about nothing."

Read more:

Ahmeti: Agreement, a colossal step toward peace in Balkans (RTK)

Ali Ahmeti, leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI) in North Macedonia took to Facebook to write that good news are arriving from the cradle of democracy, from the country that makes changes, promotes peace, security and stability, the United States of America.

He further wrote that a historical agreement between the two sovereign states, Kosovo and Serbia is reached, which represents a colossal step towards the final bilateral agreement as well as peace and economic prosperity for Balkans.

“Albanian-American friendship and our strategic cooperation are both centuries old and eternal,” Ahmeti wrote.

Hoti and Haradinaj-Stublla meet U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti and the Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla were hosted in Washington by the U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo.

Hoti said that Secretary Pompeo congratulated him on the economic agreement reached with Serbia. “I also received the support of Secretary Pompeo, who stressed the readiness of the U.S. to support Kosovo in the process of the dialogue and complete normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia,” Hoti wrote.

Haradinaj Stublla informed through a Facebook post about the meeting. “The agreement reached under U.S. leadership, for normalization of economic relations with Serbia, clearly show that the U.S is the safe address at any table. The historic recognition of Kosovo by Israel with the U.S mediation is a confirmation of our cooperation and our excellent bilateral relations.

The proclamation of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and opening of the Embassy in Jerusalem, prove our determination to be in full coordination with the U.S foreign policy in the implementation of our foreign policy.

I expressed my appreciation to Secretary Pompeo for the opportunity given to the Republic of Kosovo, that for the first time in political history, to be able to send the representative of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora at the U.S. State Department, as well as for the platform that the Department of State will develop with Kosovo, as the first country in the world for educational and cultural exchange,” Haradinaj Stublla wrote.

Mixed reactions to Belgrade - Pristina agreement from Kosovo and Serbia (N1)

Reactions to the agreement to normalize economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo varied as expected in both Belgrade and Pristina with the authorities praising it and the opposition criticizing it.

Serbia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic, said on Friday evening that the economic agreement is “great” but that the country will experience more pressure in the coming months. He argued that a permanent solution to the problem of Kosovo is not possible until the Albanians agree to a compromise.

Serbia’s Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, said that by participating in difficult talks in Washington, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, showed consistency and responsibly represented Serbia's interests in a dignified manner.

The leader of the opposition Dveri movement, Bosko Obradovic, however, asked on Twitter who authorised Vucic to sign anything in Washington that would “treat the fake state of Kosovo as independent.”

“When will we see what exactly he signed, except for a Greater Albania and an agreement to stop fighting against the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, as the penultimate step towards full recognition,” Obradovic asked.

The leader of the People's Party, Vuk Jeremic, stated that Serbia was "severely humiliated and ridiculed" at the negotiations in Washington because the way the country was treated and the talks in the White House were not worthy of a sovereign state and were more suitable for indigenous tribes.

In Kosovo, Albulena  Haxhiu, from the Vetevendosje (Self-determination) party, said that the agreement which PM Avdullah Hoti signed is damaging and violates Kosovo’s Constitution.

"Hoti and his delegation signed harmful agreements for Kosovo and violated the Constitution, they even gave up Kosovo's independence," she wrote.

However, Selim Selimi, Kosovo's Justice Minister who was also part of the delegation in the negotiations with Belgrade, stated that a great success for Kosovo was achieved in Washington regarding the abolition of the visa regime with the United States.

He said that Kosovo has already entered the programme of abolishing visa requirements for the US.