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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 15, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • CEC: 47.08 percent voter turnout in Sunday’s election, Vetevendosje leads
  • Kurti, Osmani pledge for justice and equal opportunities for all (media)
  • Vetevendosje on course for landslide victory (Prishtina Insight)
  • Political leaders react to initial election results (media)
  • Leaders in the region congratulate Kosovo for successful elections (media)
  • Kosovo leaders urged people to exercise their right to vote (media)
  • International officials called on people of Kosovo to go out and vote (media)
  • Skenderaj mayor boycotts voting in protest of CEC’s stance on security cameras (media)
  • Allegations of ballot absence reported in several polling stations (media)
  • Voting irregularities confirmed during Kosovo’s snap elections (BIRN)
  • Serbia claims two TV crews banned from entering Kosovo (BIRN)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian List: Convincing victory, we won all ten mandates (RTS)
  • President Vucic congratulates to Serbian List (RTS)
  • Selakovic congratulates Serbian List, wished happy Statehood Day (RTS)
  • Petkovic: Policy of Serbian unity has won (RTS)
  • Djuric: I am looking forward to success of brothers and sisters from Serbian List (RTS)
  • Capussela: Tectonic change for Kosovo and hope for other movements in the region (KoSSev)
  • Janjic:"If the Albanian political scene is changing, the autochthonous change of the Serbian one should be allowed" (KoSSev)
  • Surlic: Kurti and Haradinaj will form government (Sputnik, Kosovo Online)
  • Office for KiM strongly condemns Pristina’s decision not to allow TV Pink and RTV Kraljevo teams to enter Kosovo (media)
  • Djordjevic: By calling Serbs to participate in elections Vucic endangered integrity and independence of Serbia (KoSSev)


  • Political analysts comment on election results (media)


  • Early results point to Kosovo opposition party win in parliamentary vote (Reuters)
  • Leftist opposition party heads to victory in Kosovo election (AP)
  • Kosovo left-wing opposition set to win election: exit polls (DW)
  • Opposition Vetevendosje Movement eyes landslide win in election (BIRN)
  • Kosovo election: Exit poll gives victory to left-wing party Vetëvendosje  (euronews)
  • Kosovo voters choose a new parliament amid the pandemic (AP)
  • Ousted ex-PM wins historic victory in Kosovo election (
  • Kosovo Anti-Establishment Party Set for Landslide Win (VoA)

Albanian Language Media

CEC: 47.08 percent voter turnout in Sunday’s election, Vetevendosje leads 

Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC) said Sunday evening that there was a 46.96 voter turnout in yesterday’s parliamentary elections. CEC Chairwoman Valdete Daka said the election process went quietly without any incidents. “All polling centers are closed. According to our preliminary data, the number of citizens that exercised their right to vote is 46.96 percent or 832,468,” Daka told a press conference in Prishtina. 

The figure went up to 47 percent as the number of processed ballots reached 99.91 percent. The conditional votes and those from the diaspora have not yet been counted.

Daka also said Kosovo showed a high democratic culture. “I encourage the councils in the counting centers to implement all procedures during the vote count in order to respect the will of the citizens,” she said. “Kosovo today showed how elections are organised despite numerous challenges.” 

With nearly all the votes counted, Kurti’s Vetevendosje leads with over 48.18 percent of votes, PDK has 17.32 percent, LDK is third with 13.19 percent, AAK has 7.4 percent and NISMA has 2.59, Serbian List 5.27.

The Central Election Commission is publishing the real-time count of votes in the following link:

Kurti, Osmani pledge for justice and equal opportunities for all (media)

Vetevendosje Movement (VV) leader and candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, with his party leading convincingly in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, said the citizens came together and proved that the elections were a referendum. He said the referendum for justice and against the seizing of the state was won. He said Vetevendosje’s victory is an opportunity to begin the change. 

“The road ahead is long. We will have obstacles and we might make some mistakes, but we have a noble cause. We will not take revenge on anyone, but we will seek justice. Each and everyone of us must be responsible to make our country a good place to live in. we have made a coalition with President Vjosa Osmani and this result confirms that we have neither the need nor interest for those that need to be reformed in the opposition,” he said.

Kurti said Vetevendosje’s victory will be remembered as the day when the people spoke in unison and took their fate in their own hands. He also said the day will be remembered for the long lines of people at the polling stations and the arrival of the diaspora.

Kurti said there needs to be justice and progress in Kosovo without discrimination.

The Vetevendosje leader again said that the dialogue with Serbia will not be his priority. “Forming a team for the dialogue with Serbia will not be our priority. You know very well that all public opinion polls show that the dialogue with Serbia is ranked sixth and sometimes seventh. These people have elected us. We answer to them. Our priorities are justice and employment,” he said.

Vjosa Osmani, Kosovo Acting President and Vetevendosje’s candidate for President, said that the convincing victory of her joint list with Vetevendosje, should serve as a lesson for her former party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).

She said the people’s vote in favor of Vetevendosje and against the others “should serve as a good lesson that the word given to the people must not be broken”.

Osmani said that “Kosovo will change” with Vetevendosje’s victory. At a press conference together with Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti, Osmani said that the new government will create equal opportunities for all. She said that Vetevendosje’s victory is not a mandate for vengeance or for going backwards but a new chapter for the works that will be done. “If there are still people that think that changes are difficult, our victory is the most honest answer. The people of Kosovo punish bad governance, they know when they’ve had enough and when the time has come for a new chapter. Kosovo will change. It will develop by creating equal opportunities for all,” she added. 

Vetevendosje on course for landslide victory (Prishtina Insight)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti described early election results placing his party on around 48 percent of the vote as a triumph for the people, while PDK and LDK both conceded defeat late on Sunday night.

Vetevendosje are set to record an historic victory in the February 14 parliamentary elections, with the party having won 47.97 percent of counted votes with more than 85 percent of polling stations processed.

Party leader Albin Kurti described the result as unprecedented, and thanked his opponents for a free and fair election. “It became clear that this election was a referendum, and this referendum on justice and employment has been won,” he said. “Tomorrow is a new day. The road ahead is long, but our goal is good and noble, and I will be open.”

Appearing alongside Kurti, acting president Vjosa Osmani, who ran as a candidate for MP within Vetevendosje, said that Kosovo had voted for a bright future. 

“We all waited a long time for this change,” she said. “We are aware of the burden that we will have due to the trust that was put in us. This government will be your government and your voice will be our voice.”

Full article at: 

Political leaders react to initial election results (media)

Representatives of major political parties running in Sunday's elections reacted to the initial election results showing Vetevendosje scoring a landslide victory.

Vetevendosje Movement (VV) senior member Albulena Haxhiu called on citizens to celebrate at home and not go out because of the pandemic. “We had a long day with cold temperatures. I want to thank and show deep appreciation for the citizens of Kosovo. Their turnout was a very good sign for our democracy. This is why we can say that referendum was the right word. We want the citizens to continue celebrating at home, because in squares and in these cold temperatures we can have health consequences. We are in a pandemic,” she said. 

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa said that this party will make a thorough election analysis and that it respects the results of Sunday’s parliamentary elections. He also said that outgoing Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti has done an excellent job.

“We will make the necessary changes and the LDK will work hard to make a comeback and to rebuild its Rugovian vision for the country,” Mustafa said in a Facebook post.

Several news websites note that LDK’s result in these elections – around 13 percent of the total vote - can be considered the worst in the party’s history. 

At the same time, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) candidate for Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti, said the election results are different from what they expected and that he will assume responsibility for the LDK’s results. “I want to say that I assume full responsibility for the results, and I will discuss this with the party. I expect the CEC to conclude the vote count as soon as possible. I am always grateful for the opportunity the LDK gave me and we will protect the interests of the state as a constructive opposition,” Hoti said. 

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Acting Leader Enver Hoxhaj said the people of Kosovo have spoken and that their will must be respected. He congratulated the Vetevendosje Movement on the election results and said that the PDK will not be part of a government with Kurti’s party.

“The results put Vetevendosje Movement in first place, followed by the PDK in second place. I want to congratulate Vetevendosje on the results and call on them to work and strengthen the state of Kosovo. PDK will be part of a government with Vetevendosje Movement, because our political orientations are very different,” Hoxhaj said.

Hoxhaj also said that Kosovo needs stability and that the PDK pledges to be a factor of stability from its leading role in the opposition. 

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader and candidate for Kosovo President, Ramush Haradinaj, has congratulated the Kurti-led Vetevendosje Movement (VV) after different exit polls show that this party has won today’s parliamentary elections.  “I want to thank all the mechanisms for the election process and the people for their participation in difficult conditions. The exit polls show a victory by the Vetevendosje Movement and I want to congratulate them on their victory. The results are in line with our expectations,” Haradinaj said. 

Representatives of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) led by Fatmir Limaj reacted after the publication of three different exit polls results according to which this political party will not cross the election threshold. “Exit polls usually show the election trend about which party has the biggest support and they never show the results of ballots! The accuracy of exit polls does not count for smaller parties,” NISMA said in a statement. 

Serbian List (SL) leader Goran Rakic told a press conference on Sunday that this party has won the ten reserved seats for the Serb community in the Kosovo Assembly. “This is a victory for Serbian unity and harmony. This is proof that we want to stay true to ourselves,” he said. Rakic also said that 99 percent of Kosovo Serbs voted in favor of the Serbian List. 

Prishtina Mayor Shpend Ahmeti took to Facebook to congratulate the Kurti-led Vetevendosje Movement (VV) after different exit polls have projected their victory in today’s elections. “Regardless of the final results, one thing is certain – the Vetevendosje Movement has the legitimacy to govern Kosovo in the next four years. Very few or none have had this legitimacy in the postwar elections. Congratulations to the Vetevendosje Movement and congratulations to the citizens for these democratic elections,” Ahmeti said. 

Kosovo’s Ambassador to Washington, Vlora Citaku, congratulated the Vetevendosje Movement on their victory in the parliamentary elections. She said that Vetevendosje’s success in governance would be a success for Kosovo too and called on this party not to govern with arrogance. 

In a Twitter post, Citaku said “another successful election day. Kosovo has come a long way in a short time and learned to organise the best elections in the Western Balkans! We are by far (and I don’t say this lightly), the most advanced democracy in the region.” 

Leaders in the region congratulate Kosovo for successful elections (media)

Lulzim Basha, leader of the Democratic Party (PD) in Albania, congratulated Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani on their victory in the parliamentary elections. “Kosovo has great challenges ahead. I am confident that the winning party and other parties will manage to address them and resolve them for the good of the people of Kosovo. I will be happy to cooperate closely with the new government of Kosovo in processes of Euro-Atlantic integration and international recognitions, and also for the economic development of our two countries,” Basha said. 

Leader of the leading Albanian party in North Macedonia Democratic Union for Integration, Ali Ahmeti, congratulated the Vetevendosje movement which he said are very important for Kosovo, its people and all Albanians. "Kosovo and its citizens and institutions have always had a brother, ally and supporter in me as well as partner and cooperator in DUI and in all Albanians in North Macedonia and I assure you that this will always remain so," Ahmeti said.

Albanian MP in the Serbian parliament Shaip Kamberi said that on Sunday Kosovo proved it has democratic capacities and functional institutions. "I congratulate all political parties running in these elections for their maturity and political wisdom towards the elections process. I believe this will be reflected in the process of counting and finalisation of the election result. Democratic and stable institutions are not only an interest and opportunity for the Republic of Kosovo but also for the Western Balkans region."

Kosovo leaders urged people to exercise their right to vote (media)

Kosovo’s political representatives upon casting their votes called on the people to exercise their right to do so too.

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti voted in Prishtina and said: "Today is a white day, bright, as our future will be. The citizens need democracy, institutions need legitimacy. Today this need is also just which is an opportunity and chance that should be seized." "Kosovo as an independent country this Sunday goes back to the people," he added.

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) candidate for prime minister, Avdullah Hoti, called on the citizens of Kosovo to exercise their right to vote. "Today is their day, they will have their say."

Acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani upon casting her vote called on the citizens to use their free will to determine the future of their country and their individual one. Osmani particularly urged women to go out and vote saying: "Equality begins at the ballot boxes."

Acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj spoke to reporters after voting in Prishtina. He said the voters have two options ahead: choose economic recovery and international integration or fog and international isolation.

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa said after voting: "I call on all citizens to go out and vote. I hope all the citizens will vote for strengthening of the country, for further economic development.

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said upon voting: "I call on all citizens to vote. These elections are very important to give legitimacy to Kosovo institutions. We have many challenges ahead, counter Serbia, the pandemic situation and the internal strengthening of the country."

New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader Behgjet Pacolli said after voting: "I hope the citizens will go out and vote for a better life. I hope this day goes well and serves as example for others too."

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj said upon voting that he hoped these elections will produce stability, security and a stable government. "All these come if we continue to be proud of our past," he said.

International officials called on people of Kosovo to go out and vote (media)

The U.S. Embassy issued several messages yesterday urging the citizens to go out and vote despite the pandemic and the weather conditions.  

The United States Embassy in Prishtina said in a Facebook post that “encouraging to see so many citizens turn out to peacefully vote today, despite the weather & pandemic. Now it's important to give the Central Election Commission and other Kosovo institutions time and space to count the votes and do their jobs.”  

 “Kosovo’s future is in the hands of its citizens.  Don't let snow or COVID stop you from voting.  Report irregularities & violations to the Kosovo Police, Prosecution, election authorities, or media. Make the election free, fair, and safe,” Ambassador Philip Kosnett wrote on Twitter.

At the closing of the polls, the Embassy said that “encouraging to see so many citizens turn out to peacefully vote today, despite the weather & pandemic. Now it's important to give the Central Election Commission and other Kosovo institutions time and space to count the votes and do their jobs.”  

Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicola Orlando, wrote on Twitter: "It’s a beautiful day to go out and #vote! Do it safely to protect who’s more exposed: wear your mask and keep the distance."

The British Ambassador Nicholas Abbott posted pictures on social media from visit to several polling stations across Kosovo and said he was pleased with the voter turnout despite the snow: “It was a pleasure to see so many Kosovars, young and old, exercising their right to vote.”

The Head of the EU Office in Kosovo and Special Representative Tomas Szunyog said yesterday during a visit to a polling station in Prishtina that he was impressed with the organisation of the election process and called on citizens to respect anti-Covid measures when voting.

Skenderaj mayor boycotts voting in protest of CEC’s stance on security cameras (media)

The Mayor of Skenderaj, Bekim Jashari, decided not to vote as a sign of protest against the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) to switch off security cameras in schools that were used as polling stations.

In an email sent to the municipal election commission in Skenderaj the CEC said leaving the security cameras on represents a violation of the rights of voters and interferes with the work of the election staff. 

Jashari protested the CEC instructions calling them 'unacceptable' and 'undemocratic'. He said the security cameras would register any potential irregularity during the voting process and does not undermine the privacy of the voters.

Allegations of ballot absence reported in several polling stations (media)

Vetevendosje Movement (VV) representative Arlind Manxhuka took to Facebook to say that there is a lack of ballots in several polling centers, especially in Prishtina. “In some polling centers, especially in Prishtina, there are no more ballots! People are waiting for over 20 minutes now. This is a violation of the right to vote,” he said.

A senior member of the Central Election Commission confirmed to Koha that there is lack of ballots in several polling stations in Prishtina. Meanwhile CEC spokesperson Valmir Elezi told T7: “There is no lack of ballots. We are only talking about conditional ballots."

Voting irregularities confirmed during Kosovo’s snap elections (BIRN)

The voting process in the Kosovo snap parliamentary elections on Sunday has not passed without irregularities.

Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Kosovo have not gone without irregularities, as the Central Electoral Commission decided at 2:30 in the afternoon to allow voters with expired IDs to cast their ballots. However, many who had expired IDs had already been declined the opportunity to vote in polling stations earlier in the day.

Conditional voting for citizens who could not find their names in the final voting lists has also been an obstacle, as polling stations had a lack of proper envelopes used to send these ballots. Special polling stations have separate places for conditional voting and normal voting. Citizens have been queuing for hours, causing much ruckus and many disobeying social distancing measures in the process.

Additionally, 3 percent of polling stations across the country opened later than the designated 7:00 a, starting time. A few incidents between commissioners, or commissioners with citizens, have also occurred so far.

The Ministry of Infrastructure has claimed that travelling is possible despite heavy snowfall across much of the country, however, many citizens, as well as BIRN Kosovo’s teams on the ground, have reported that access to polling stations has been difficult due to many roads being blocked by snow.

Meanwhile, the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, commissioner, Sara Xhaka, has reported that in the “Aziz Sylejmani” polling station in North Mitrovica, citizens were seen voting two to four times.

Serbia claims two TV crews banned from entering Kosovo (BIRN)

The Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo said that members of two television newsrooms, TV Kraljevo and TV Pink, were not allowed to enter Kosovo and report on Sunday’s parliamentary election.

According to an institute press release, the TV Kraljevo crew was returned to Serbia on Sunday, while members of the TV Pink newsroom “waited for more than 4 hours at the crossing” on Saturday evening and then were said they could not enter Kosovo. 

Journalists’ Association of Serbia condemned this move, saying it was “serious violation of the right to freedom of journalistic work and information”.

Serbian Language Media

Serbian List: Convincing victory, we won all ten mandates (RTS)

President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic announced late last night that the Serbian List has won all ten mandates, guaranteed to the Serb representatives in the Kosovo Assembly, RTS reports.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic and also former director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, congratulated Serbian List on its victory.

Speaking in a press conference last night Goran Rakic said that the Serbian List achieved a convincing victory and won all the ten mandates at the snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

The total turnout in the Serbian areas was 65.000 voters, which is for five percent more than in the previous elections, Rakic pointed out.

“The elections have been held under particular circumstances, due to pandemic but also a number of tricks by which Pristina wanted to reduce the strength of the Serbian people, respectively Serbian List. By being united we have thwarted their intentions”, Rakic said. 

President Vucic congratulates to Serbian List (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic congratulated the Serbian List for winning all the ten mandates in the elections in Kosovo.

“I congratulate our people. I hoped for it and this was an important matter, as a difficult period awaits us”, Vucic told TV Pink.  

Selakovic congratulates Serbian List, wished happy Statehood Day (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Selakovic congratulated Serbian List for winning all the ten mandates, RTS reports.

“I congratulate our dear brothers and sisters from the Serbian List on the great victory. Happy Statehood Day to us all”, Selakovic wrote on Instagram. 

Serbia’s Statehood Day, February 15, is marked today. 

Petkovic: Policy of Serbian unity has won (RTS)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic also congratulated the Serbian people in Kosovo, for, as he said, unanimous support to the Serbian List in line with the appeal of the Serbian state and its President Aleksandar Vucic. 

“A policy of the Serbian unity and togetherness has won, as the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija recognized the importance of the moment and significance to be represented as a monolithic and unfaltering political force in Pristina in the coming period”, he said. 

Djuric: I am looking forward to success of brothers and sisters from Serbian List (RTS)

Serbian Ambassador to the United States and former director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric congratulated the victory of the Serbian List (SL) as well, adding he is looking forward to the success of the SL.

"I am endlessly looking forward to the success of the sisters and brothers from the Serbian List tonight. You are the strength and pride of an entire Serbian people! We continue the fight", Djuric wrote on Twitter.

Capussela: Tectonic change for Kosovo and hope for other movements in the region (KoSSev)

This is a tectonic change for Kosovo, and I hope that the effect of what we saw today will encourage other movements in the region, says Andrea Lorenzo Capussela in the first reaction for KoSSev, after the recent Kosovo elections and the preliminary victory of Self-Determination.

Capussela, Doctor of Law, former head of the economic unit at the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, states that he thinks that LVV, together with Vjosa Osmani, will win over 50 seats.

"This is a tectonic change for Kosovo, which has ousted an elite that has ruled wrongly for two decades," Capussela said, adding:

"On the other hand, Self-Determination stands by the rule of law and social inclusion. If they implement these priorities, Kosovo will finally begin to develop. "

Capussela, who is currently a guest lecturer at the London School of Economics, still sees a possible impact on the region in the first reaction.

"I hope that the effect of what we saw today will encourage other roots of change in the region," Capussela said.

Janjic:"If the Albanian political scene is changing, the autochthonous change of the Serbian one should be allowed" (KoSSev)

The victory of Self-Determination was expected for Dusan Janjic, from the Forum for Ethnic Relations, but there are still surprises - above all a bad result of the LDK, while for the PDK it could be assumed, primarily because of the Hague issue.

"It could be expected. A completely new political image is being formed in the Albanian political corps. These elections are the trigger for serious changes," said Dusan Janjic.

"As for the Serbian community, unfortunately it is still played on a single card," Janjic said, adding:

"It is a card that there is control over all possible votes, which means that you are then obliged to do everything that someone orders you to do, and that someone is not Belgrade."

"If the Albanian political scene is already changing, the autochthonous change of the Serbian political scene should be allowed, because Serbs are now really slaves of the Belgrade government's distrust of those people."

Janjic also points out that the new government will still have a lot of problems during the formation and after the beginning of its mandate.

"So I do not rule out even another possibility, that if Kurti estimates that this moment of mobilization suits him, he can lead the process until the next elections, until September or earlier until the presidential election, and thus turn his victory into what the Serbian Radical Party did in Serbia, or now SNS.''

If something like that happens, it would not be as good for the Kosovo political scene as it is not for the Serbian one, Janjic further states.

"So, I don't think we should rule out the possibility of Kosovo remaining in a kind of political fever, which obviously works and can be an effective system of government for politicians like Kurti, for social populists."

At the end of the conversation, Janjic concludes that it is very important how Serbs will behave, and above all, the Serbian government.

"But since Serbs live down there, it would be very good for Belgrade to understand that, to start liberalizing and changing its attitude towards Serbs, because if that happens, Serbs will be completely thrown out of the game, and then Belgrade will be, too."

Surlic: Kurti and Haradinaj will form government (Sputnik, Kosovo Online)

It is to be expected that Albin Kurti and Ramush Haradinaj will form a government, which would mean that Haradinaj will probably be the future president of Kosovo, said Stefan Surlic from the Faculty of Political Sciences, portal Kosovo Online quoted Sputnik.

"Albin Kurti's self-determination still has different estimates, since the numbers are beetwen 45 and 50 percent, but it is clear that it will win. A possible coalition partner of Self-Determination is the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo.''

''Haradinaj has expressed his ambition to become the president of Kosovo, and he will condition his support for Kurti with candidacy for president," says Surlić.

Surlic says that if Kurti's ambition is to achieve a broader coalition, then he will definitely go with Haradinaj as a partner.

He also adds that the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the party of Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli is not an adequate partner for Kurti, although surprises are possible.

Office for KiM strongly condemns Pristina’s decision not to allow TV Pink and RTV Kraljevo teams to enter Kosovo (media)  

Serbian media reported yesterday that the Kosovo police did not allow the television crews of TV Kraljevo and TV Pink to enter Kosovo at the crossing point in Jarinje. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija strongly condemned this act.  

“Today, after being held for several hours, the team of the regional television “Kraljevo” was turned back from this administrative crossing without explanation, and the same treatment was experienced last night by the team of TV “Pink”, which waited for more than 4 hours at the crossing, only to be told sometime after midnight that they could not enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija”, the Office said in a statement yesterday. 

“This is an unprecedented violation of the right to freedom of reporting, information and press work, about which the Office for Kosovo and Metohija informed the administration in Brussels. 

Office for Kosovo and Metohija urges the Provisional Institutions in Priština to allow free and unhindered media coverage and expects international representatives to condemn this act and clearly define it as unacceptable pressure on media freedom, which are values ​​that must not be jeopardized by someone’s arbitrariness”, the statement added.

Djordjevic: By calling Serbs to participate in elections Vucic endangered integrity and independence of Serbia (KoSSev)

Leader of the opposition Liberation Movement with his supporters held a protest yesterday morning in front of the Serbian Presidency in Belgrade, KoSSev portal reports.

Standing in front of a large banner, with inscription “traitor” along with the photo of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Djordjevic said they oppose Kosovo elections, and that his movement urged the Serbs in Kosovo to boycott “fake” elections, the portal added.

He also said that President Aleksandar Vucic violated the Constitution of Serbia and committed “a criminal act by which he endangered territorial integrity and independence of Serbia”.  


Political analysts comment on election results (media)

The outcome of yesterday’s elections has been analysed by political commentators in Kosovo with some calling it ‘political earthquake’ and others calling on the LDK and PDK leadership to show accountability for the unsatisfactory results.

Political commentator Agon Maliqi wrote in a Twitter post on Sunday that “as predicted, three exit polls project Vetevendosje win in Kosovo elections. Kurti-Osmani may get (after mail votes are counted) 53-58 out of 120 seats. This will likely be enough to govern alone with minorities. Political earthquake.”

Rrahman Pacarizi said that any party that refuses cooperation with LVV will have the same fate as the LDK and attributed LVV's growth to the fact that it was not allowed to govern by the other parties.

"We now have an entirely different situation when no political party can dispute Vetevendosje. I would not rule out any cooperation because each political party that would refuse cooperation with Vetevendosje would also undermine institutions of Kosovo and would suffer the same fate at the LDK," Pacarizi said at a Klan Kosova debate last night.

Dardan Sejdiu said the biggest loser in Sunday's elections was the LDK and that the result should be a sobering moment for the party. "LDK needs to be reorganised. With its approach in these elections, the LDK has been punished by its traditional electorate."

He said that a coalition between LVV, AAK and minority communities would ensure a stable government that would be able to carry out its full term. "This would be the best formula," he said.

Armand Shkullaku said the Vetevendosje result was 'a revolution' for the political scene. "Even the record figure held by Ibrahim Rugova around 20 years ago has been shattered. [LVV] has also achieved a record of votes and it is unbelievable for a party to grow so much in a year."

He said the most damaged party in these elections is the LDK which was punished by its voters for how it handled Vjosa Osmani and for breaking its promises. "Treason to the electorate showed that those votes went to Vetevendosje, to Vjosa Osmani."

Albert Krasniqi said at a debate in KTV that there is a historic number of diaspora votes in these elections and if previous elections are anything to go by, LVV will win the majority of them. "This could add more seats for LVV and could also endanger the AAK by threatening its threshold." 

Agron Demi meanwhile said preliminary results show that every political party will score a record, be it for good or bad. He said the AAK stands to have the poorest result ever as does the LDK. He said that while the LDK's fall was expected, the PDK's result was surprising.

In t7, Valon Syla said that the election result in favour of Vetevendosje is not because the people like or agree with Albin Kurti or its programme. "I think the main reason for this overturn of result is precisely the remaining in power of traditional parties at all cost."

Rron Gjinovci said that he was happy with the result of the LDK as its officials were unscrupulously uttering all sort of 'palavers'.

Gjinovci also said that LVV will have no problems in electing the new president and that it doesn't need the support of the Serbian List for it. He said all the LVV needs is for Serbian List MPs to remain in the session when the president is voted which he said would not be a problem.


Early results point to Kosovo opposition party win in parliamentary vote (Reuters)

Kosovo’s anti-establishment party Vetevendosje is set to win Sunday’s parliamentary poll, preliminary results showed, further complicating Western efforts to resolve the country’s decades-long territorial dispute with Serbia.

The State Election Commission result, which was based on 87% of the votes counted, showed Vetevendosje in the lead with 47.8%, while another opposition party Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is forecast to come second with 17.3% of the votes.

The ruling Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) is forecast to come third with 13.4%, while the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) is forecast to win 7.5%.

“This is a big victory,” Bahrie Ademi, a doctor from Pristina, told Reuters. “Finally the hope is back for the people and the state of Kosovo.”

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Leftist opposition party heads to victory in Kosovo election (AP)

Kosovo’s main opposition party appeared headed to a landslide victory in Sunday’s early election of a new parliament held amid the coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn and stalled negotiations with wartime foe Serbia.

With 65% of the votes counted by the central Election Commission, the main governing election body, the left-wing Self-Determination Movement Party, or Vetevendosje, had 48% of the votes. It led two center-right parties — the Democratic Party of Kosovo, or PDK, which had 18%, and the Democratic League of Kosovo, or LDK, with 14%.

Hundreds of Vetevendosje supporters defied calls from the party leadership “to celebrate at home, with the family” and gathered at the Mother Teresa Square in Pristina chanting, dancing and launching firecrackers while vehicles blowing horns drove around the center.

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Kosovo left-wing opposition set to win election: exit polls (DW)

Polling stations closed on Sunday evening in Kosovo following the second parliamentary election in 18 months.

Exit polls showed the left-wing Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) party winning the largest share of votes, as had been predicted by preelection voter surveys. It gleaned 42%, according to projections.

The long-time ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) was projected to receive 16.5% of the vote, and the conservative Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) 15%.

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Opposition Vetevendosje Movement eyes landslide win in election (BIRN)

With over 50 per cent of votes counted, the left-wing opposition nationalist party was heading towards a thumping victory in Sunday’s legislative elections – far ahead of its nearest rivals.

The opposition Vetevendosje party was on course for a landslide victory in snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo on Sunday, on a day that its leader and prime ministerial candidate, Albin Kurti, described as a “bright day” when he cast his ballot at a Pristina polling centre in the morning.

Preliminary results published by the Central Election Commission, CEC, with more than 57 per cent of the votes counted, gave Vetevendosje more than 48 per cent of the votes.

This was far ahead of its closest rivals, the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, which respectively won 18.1 and 13.6 per cent of votes cast.

Ramush Haradinaj’s Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, was predicted to win just around 8 per cent of the votes.

However, Fatmir Limaj’s Social Democratic Initiative, NISMA, according to preliminary results, will not enter parliament after failing to cross the 5-per-cent electoral threshold.

“Turnout was satisfactory for our democracy and the word ‘referendum’ that we used [in the electoral campaign] was proper,” Albulena Haxhiu of Vetevendosje said.

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Kosovo election: Exit poll gives victory to left-wing party Vetëvendosje  (euronews)

According to an exit poll the anti-corruption and anti-establishment party, Vetëvendosje, has won the election in Kosovo.

The left-wing party's name translates as self-determination and is led by Albin Kurti who was ousted in previous elections in 2019 after only 51 days in office.

According to the poll, the party was on target to take 41.8 percent of the vote.

It looks like they could have won enough votes for an overall majority, which could leave Kurti in a position where he doesn't have to seek allies.

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Kosovo voters choose a new parliament amid the pandemic (AP)

Kosovo’s voters defied freezing weather to vote in a parliamentary election Sunday to form a new government amid the coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn and stalled negotiations with wartime foe Serbia.

Some 1.8 million voters were eligible to chose 120 lawmakers among more than 1,000 candidates from 28 political groups and few irregularities were reported. Some 100,000 Kosovars abroad were also eligible to vote by post. Those infected with coronavirus could vote through mobile polling teams.

Voting with a preliminary turnout of 47%, which is more than 2 percentages higher than the last election in 2019, according to the Central Election Commission. The commission hopes to give preliminary results about midnight (2200 GMT).

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Ousted ex-PM wins historic victory in Kosovo election (

Progressive Albin Kurti’s coalition scores largest margin of support won in any election since end of Serbian rule.

Albin Kurti and his left-leaning coalition won a historic victory in Kosovo’s national election Sunday — less than a year after he was pushed out as prime minister, under heavy pressure from the Trump administration.

With 90 percent of the ballots counted, the coalition between Kurti’s Self-Determination Movement (LVV) and independent candidate Vjosa Osmani is set to win just under 48 percent of the vote, according to the Central Election Commission, the largest margin of support won in any election since NATO’s bombing campaign ended Serbian rule over Kosovo in 1999.

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Kosovo Anti-Establishment Party Set for Landslide Win (VoA)

Kosovo's left-wing reformists were headed for a landslide victory in parliamentary elections, initial results showed Monday, handing them a strong mandate for change from voters fed up with the political establishment. 

The opposition Vetevendosje (Self-determination) party took home around 48 percent of the vote, according to a tally of more than 90 percent of ballots cast in the Sunday vote.   

The triumph nearly doubled the party's last electoral showing in 2019, reflecting a hunger for new leadership in troubled Kosovo.   

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Kosovo opposition party set to win vote (The Guardian)

Kosovo's anti-establishment party Vetevendosje is set to win the parliamentary election, preliminary results show, further complicating Western efforts to resolve the country's decades-long territorial dispute with Serbia.

The State Election Commission result, which was based on 46 per cent of the votes counted, showed Vetevendosje in the lead with 48 per cent, while another opposition party Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is forecast to come second with 18.3 per cent of the votes.

The ruling Democratic League of Kosovo is forecast to come third with 13.7 per cent, while the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is forecast to win 8.2 per cent.

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