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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 16, 2021

  • COVID-19: 612 new cases, 17 deaths (media)
  • U.S. Ambassador Kosnett gives interview to Klan Kosova
  • Kurti urges Greece to recognise Kosovo (media)
  • President Osmani meets representatives of UN agencies in Kosovo (media)
  • Lajcak and Bislimi hold virtual meeting (media)
  • Gashi: LDK will not be part of dialogue with Serbia (ATV/Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo FM Gervalla invited to address EP Foreign Affairs Committee (media)
  • Surroi thinks Kosovo's membership in NATO more plausible than in UN (Koha)
  • Pjeter Shala transferred to The Hague pursuant to confirmed indictment (media)


 COVID-19: 612 new cases, 17 deaths (media)

612 new cases of COVID-19 and 17 deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 901 persons have recovered from the virus during this time. There are 13,772 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

U.S. Ambassador Kosnett gives interview to Klan Kosova

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett gave an interview to Klan Kosova where he discussed priorities of the Kosovo Government, including dialogue with Serbia as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kosnett said that while Kosovo as a sovereign country has the right to introduce reciprocity measures towards other countries, it would not be a constructive move if it chose to do impose such measures to Serbia at this time. "The Government has also said it wishes to have a careful approach to developing the dialogue strategy, that it wished to speak to international partners, as well as stakeholders in the country and draft a careful and inclusive approach. I think this makes sense. So there needs to be a difference between what the Government of Kosovo says it is entitled to and saying it will do so immediately."

Kosnett believes the Government has demonstrated constructive position by wanting to first draft strategy for dialogue. "In this sense I think it is fair to say that Kosovo has already entered the dialogue process. And I hope there will be meetings in Brussels with Serbia as soon as possible by realising that not everything can be concluded in a single meeting. This is a process," the U.S. Ambassador said.

Commenting on the future of the Washington agreement that Kosovo and Serbia signed at the White House last year, Kosnett said that the position of the U.S. government has not changed despite the Administration now being under President Joe Biden. "Some people thought the Biden Administration would rip everything that the Trump Administration did apart. This has not happened. In fact, the Biden Administration has made it clear we think a large part of the work done in strengthening trade relations between Kosovo and Serbia and in the region is positive and we will continue to work on that."

Kosnett said the citizens of Kosovo are very unhappy with what they perceive to be a high level of corruption but that he believes there is strong will to end this. He noted that the February elections result showed that the people are thirsty for change. "I think the Kurti Government is eager to begin work and fulfill its promises to the people of Kosovo," he said adding that not only the government but the opposition parties as well have an important role to play in moving Kosovo forward.

Speaking about COVID-19 pandemic, Kosnett underlined that his government is informed about Kosovo's need to secure more vaccines but could not confirm if there would be a shipment from the U.S. "I cannot promise anything. What I am saying is that I hope it would be so."

Kurti urges Greece to recognise Kosovo (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti met yesterday the head of Greece's Liaison Office Chryssuola Aliferi.

According to a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo, Kurti underlined the need for deepening of bilateral relations and urged Greece to "join the bloc of countries that have recognised Kosovo."

President Osmani meets representatives of UN agencies in Kosovo (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani held a meeting yesterday with the UN Development Coordinator Ulrika Richardson and heads of UN agencies in Kosovo.

“Undoubtedly the main priority now is to ensure the vaccine for our citizens and the best possible management of the pandemic. At the same time, I want to emphasise that the new institutions in the country will promote a new leadership mentality, which focuses on improving the well-being of the citizens, advancing gender equality, guaranteeing social cohesion, and environmental protection as a precondition for the protection of our health”, Osmani said in the meeting.

Lajcak and Bislimi hold virtual meeting (media)

The EU Representative for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, held a virtual meeting with Kosovo's Principal Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi.

Lajcak said in a Twitter post that the meeting was 'useful' and that they agreed to continue conversation soon.

Gashi: LDK will not be part of dialogue with Serbia (ATV/Telegrafi)

Arben Gashi, head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group said the party will be get involved in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and added that this was a responsibility that the government should be in charge of.

"There is no way for us to get involved because we have completely different concepts; they throw Molotov cocktails, bombed the Assembly," he said alluding to the Vetevendosje Movement. "We have a position in the Assembly and from there we will be constructive, they have the responsibility from the government. We also have a court decision on this matter saying the government ought to deal with this and we are not in it," Gashi continued.

Kosovo FM Gervalla invited to address EP Foreign Affairs Committee (media)

Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Donika Gervalla has received invitation from David McAllister, chairman of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee to address members of the committee in one of their upcoming meetings.

In the invitation to Gervalla, McAllister said this would be a good opportunity to discuss priorities of Kosovo's foreign policy.

Surroi thinks Kosovo's membership in NATO more plausible than in UN (Koha)

Publicist and author Veton Surroi said that Kosovo is more likely to be able to gain membership in NATO through the dialogue with Serbia than in UN. In UN, he argued, the right of veto from Russia and China diminishes Kosovo's prospects.

"We have wrongly perceived the dialogue because any time an agreement was signed it was deemed 'historic' and a way for Kosovo to join UN. I don't know why it should be thought that this process would please Russia and China that have the veto right. We need to focus on what is possible. What is possible and desirable is for us to be part of NATO. We need to address problems we have with four NATO members that have not recognised us, starting from Spain," Surroi said in an interview with KTV.  He added that Kosovo should insist the Brussels dialogue transform into a Euro-Atlantic process with inclusion of the U.S.

Pjeter Shala transferred to The Hague pursuant to confirmed indictment (media)

Kosovo Specialist Chambers announced the transfer of former KLA commander Pjeter Shala to the detention facility at The Hague following his detention in Belgium.

The indictment against Shala alleges that he is responsible for the war crimes of arbitrary detention, cruel treatment, torture and murder committed in the context of and associated with a non-international armed conflict in Kosovo. "The alleged crimes with which Mr Shala is charged took place between approximately 17 May 1999 and 5 June 1999 against persons detained at the Kukёs Metal Factory (Albania) allegedly used by the Kosovo Liberation Army."

Shala's initial appearance before a pre-trial judge has been scheduled for 19 April.