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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 7, 2022

  • Kosovo and Serbia close to agreement on energy in the north and missing persons (Kosovapress)
  • Kurti: Serbia presents direct threat to security in the region (Telegrafi/RTK)
  • Gervalla: No Kosovo mercenaries involved in Ukraine (media)
  • U.S. congressman calls for Kosovo to join NATO (media)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti doing a service to Serbia through technical dialogue (EO)
  • EU concerned over prospect of tension escalation in the Balkans (RFE)
  • Balkan Countries Brace for Ukrainian War Refugees (BIRN)
  • Serbia not cooperating on Ivanovic and other judicial cases (Koha)
  • Powerful Kosovo Serb Businessman Accused of Threatening Politician (BIRN)
  • COVID-19: 46 new cases, one death (media)

Kosovo and Serbia close to agreement on energy in the north and missing persons (Kosovapress)

Kosovo and Serbia are expected to soon reach agreement on the issue of electricity in the north of Kosovo and the missing persons, Kosovapress reports.

European Union foreign policy spokesperson Peter Stano told the news website that the latest meeting of chief negotiators, on 22 February, also tackled preparations for the upcoming high-level meeting. "After 11 hours of intensive negotiations, the parties neared finding common language on several issues of crucial importance for the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia, such as electricity for the north of Kosovo and resolution of the fate of the missing persons. We expect the parties to soon reach agreement on these issues to enable the beginning of discussions on new topics important for normalisation of relations," Stano said.

Besnik Bislimi, Kosovo's Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator, said at the Assembly of Kosovo session on dialogue with Serbia that significant progress has been made in reaching a final solution for the energy in the north, Kosovapress recalls.

Kurti: Serbia presents direct threat to security in the region (Telegrafi/RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that for as long as Serbia refuses to sign a non-aggression deal with Kosovo and distances itself from the Russian aggression on Ukraine and joins world democracies in sanctioning Russia, it will continue to represent a direct threat for the region's long term peace and security.

Speaking at the meeting of the Vetevendosje Movement Council marking the KLA Epopee, Kurti said: "If until yesterday, some believed that by stroking the autocrats they soften a bit and maybe become democrats, they should have learned the lesson by now."

Gervalla: No Kosovo mercenaries involved in Ukraine (media)

Gazeta Express reported that in a telephone conversation with the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in Ukraine, mercenaries from third countries have been recorded, mentioning in this respect the alleged presence of Albania, Kosovo and Croatia citizens fighting on the side of Ukraine.

Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Donika Gervalla-Schwarz denied allegations that there are mercenaries from Kosovo in Ukraine. She wrote on Twitter: "War criminal Putin is trying to distract from his war and genocide against Ukraine by waging propaganda war. He's lying, again. We know that game, from Milosevic to Vucic. Kosovo proudly stands with Ukraine, United States, European Union, against war criminals."

Albania's Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka also refuted allegations. "This is a lie that Moscow keeps repeating shamelessly! That said, Albania stands with Ukraine and will continue to work with all allies and partners to help end Russia’s unprovoked aggression on the people of Ukraine," Xhacka wrote on Facebook.

U.S. congressman calls for Kosovo to join NATO (media)

Ritchie Torres, U.S. congressman from New York, said in a letter to President Joe Biden that Kosovo is a loyal ally of the United States and should join NAT to counter Russian influence in the region.

“On Feb. 27, Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, called for a ‘accelerated membership to NATO.’ Moreover, on March 3, the Kosovo Parliament passed a resolution calling on their government to start negotiations on NATO membership. We could not agree more with these actions,” Torres wrote.

Haradinaj: Kurti doing a service to Serbia through technical dialogue (EO)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said his party opposes leading a technical dialogue with Serbia and insists instead on focusing on the grand finale on mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia.

He also said that the agreement should be based on the principle that safeguards Kosovo's territorial integrity, its borders, sovereignty, and constitutionality. In an interview with Ekonomia Online, Haradinaj said: "The Prime Minister [Kurti] is liking the technical dialogue of technicians. But with this logic, the prime minister is doing a service to Serbia."

EU concerned over prospect of tension escalation in the Balkans (RFE)

Radio Free Europe quotes sources in Brussels saying that the European Union and NATO are seriously concerned about the possibility of tensions escalating in the Western Balkans. The two organisations say they have been aware for a long time about Russia's attempts to destabilise the Western Balkans in order to prevent long term stability and Euro-Atlantic perspective of the region.

According to diplomatic sources in the EU, Russia has invested a great deal in the region in disinformation campaigns, especially in the Serb language media, but has also extended its reach on political organisations in several Western Balkans countries. "We have told all partners to be highly vigilant and not take actions that could increase tensions. We heard from all the partners that they are aware of the circumstances and will do their utmost not to allow the deterioration of the situation," an unnamed diplomat told RFE.

Sources in the EU and NATO said a bigger concern relates to the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina than to that in Kosovo. "NATO's policy in Kosovo and the Western Balkans has been consistent throughout. This continues to be the case. NATO remains fully committed to continue performing its role in support of long term security in the Western Balkans," a NATO official said.

Balkan Countries Brace for Ukrainian War Refugees (BIRN)

Western Balkan countries are preparing for a potential wave of refugees from Ukraine, as Russia’s military offensive in the country intensifies.

Some have already arrived, in small numbers. Montenegro’s Interior Ministry says ten or so have reached the country. Ministry official Zoran Miljanic said on Friday that they had settled in the homes of relatives.

Miljanic said two shelters near the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica, were ready for them, although the small Adriatic country does not expect a large number of Ukrainian refugees.

“We have no information about a possible larger influx of Ukrainian citizens to Montenegro, but these are unpredictable situations. We are ready for all scenarios,” he told the country’s public broadcaster. According to Interior Ministry data, 5,300 Ukrainian citizens live in Montenegro.

In Kosovo, parliament passed on Thursday a resolution asking the government to coordinate actions with international partners, and expressing a readiness to shelter up to 5,000 Ukrainian refugees. On Wednesday, the government allocated 150,000 euros to shelter 20 journalists from Ukraine for 6 months.

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Serbia not cooperating on Ivanovic and other judicial cases (Koha)

An agreement signed several years back between Kosovo and Serbia, facilitated by the European Union, on cooperation in legal matters, is not being implemented by the Serbian side, Koha reports, adding that this is causing difficulties in the trials especially when it comes to securing witnesses.

Serbia is also not cooperating with the Kosovo side on the case regarding the murder of Kosovo Serb political leader, Oliver Ivanovic, Koha says. Many witnesses are planned to be invited to testify at the trial but are not being able to be contacted due to the lack of cooperation on the Serbian side.

Lawyers insist on the lack of judicial cooperation to be discussed in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue while legal expert, Ehat Miftaraj from the Kosovo Law Institute said the EU should put more pressure on Serbia to process requests from Kosovo.

Powerful Kosovo Serb Businessman Accused of Threatening Politician (BIRN)

A witness at the trial for the 2018 killing of Kosovo Serb political party leader Oliver Ivanovic told Pristina Basic Court on Monday that he lived in constant fear for his life for years because of threats from people linked to the Belgrade-backed Kosovo Serb political party Srpska Lista.

“I kept a bulletproof vest from 2017 until the end of 2020,” said Aleksander Jablanovic, a politician who is now leader of the Kosovo Serbs Party (Partija Kosovskih Srba) and was Kosovo’s Minister of Communities and Returns from late 2014 to early 2015.

Jablanovic testified that he was a co-founder of Srpska Lista, but after leaving to join the Kosovo Serbs Party and becoming a rival at the 2017 elections, he was seen as an “enemy of the [Serbian] state”.

He claimed that because of the threats he received, his family home “has been secured by Kosovo police forces for a long time”, and that he does not go out alone, especially at night.

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COVID-19: 46 new cases, one death (media)

46 new cases of COVID-19 and one death have been recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health said in its daily report. 187 persons recovered during this time.

There are 1,136 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.