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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 11, 2022

  • Osmani, Kurti hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron (media)
  • Escobar: Kosovo to meet requests on Association and licence plates (VOA)
  • Borrell to meet separately with Kurti and Vucic today (Koha)
  • EU presses Serbia, Kosovo to normalise ties as tensions flare (Bloomberg)
  • Chollet expresses disappointment about decision on license plates (Koha)
  • Luehrmann: Kosovo and Serbia to be ready for compromise (Koha)
  • Kosovo to replace resigned Serb MPs amid pish to ‘defuse tensions’ (BIRN)
  • Other Serb mayors ready to resign too (Klan Kosova)
  • Bislimi received emissaries of Germany and Slovenia, discuss dialogue (RTK)
  • U.S Embassy: Not time for Kosovar ministers to travel to the USA (Klan)
  • Czech EU Presidency: No consensus on visa liberalisation for Kosovo (Kallxo)
  • Von Cramon: No reason why liberalization shouldn’t happen immediately (RTK)
  • Bassuener: French-German plan, discriminatory towards Kosovo (RFE)

Osmani, Kurti hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron (media)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti together with President Vjosa Osmani were received on Thursday by the President of France Emmanuel Macron, in Paris. They discussed recent developments between Kosovo and Serbia. Kurti has emphasized that Kosovo has proposed the general framework of the agreement, while the French-German proposal will serve as a good basis for further discussions.

"In the joint meeting with President Osmani, we talked about the deepening of bilateral relations between the two countries, the dialogue for the Kosovo-Serbia agreement, as well as the latest developments. We emphasized that Kosovo has proposed the general framework of the agreement, while the French-German proposal serves as a good basis for further discussions," Kurti wrote on Facebook.

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani also took to Facebook to write that they expressed the full commitment of Kosovo's institutions to the dialogue process, based on preserving the sovereignty, constitutional order, territorial integrity and functionality of Kosovo, which are inviolable.

“We also discussed the destabilizing actions of Serbia, through the strengthening of its illegal structures in Kosovo, the intimidation of Serb citizens and the incitement of criminal groups to undermine order and law in the north. Kosovo remains engaged, in coordination with international partners, for peace, stability and to guarantee a safe environment for all citizens of the country. Meanwhile, President Macron emphasized his support for peace, security and stability in Kosovo and the region.

At the meeting, we reiterated the importance of completing the process of visa liberalization during the Czech presidency of the EU Council, as well as requested the continuation of France's support for Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integration and membership in other international organizations,” Osmani wrote.

Escobar: Kosovo to meet requests on Association and licence plates (VOA)

The U.S envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that Kosovo must fulfill the western demands on the issue of car license plates and the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority, while it was made clear to Serbia that the withdrawal of Serbs from Kosovo's institutions is useless.

In an interview with the Voice of America, Mr. Escobar assessed the situation in northern Kosovo as quite dangerous, where local institutions have been left without Serb employees, who withdrew due to disagreements with the government's decision to convert vehicle license plates issued by Serbia.

“We have been very clear and open about what we expect from both sides. On the part of Kosovo, we have requested a one-year implementation period to carry out a public notification campaign and to prepare the affected community to be ready to change the car license plates. We are also calling on them to start putting the issue of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities on the agenda. This is a request. From our point of view and that of Quint's partners, this is a request and we will stand firm. From the Serbian side, we think that any protest should be peaceful and removing Serbs from institutions is not useful. I call on the parties to be ready to fulfill these issues immediately," he said.

Escobar said that the time is for more dialogue and that the United States has been very clear during the negotiation process about what are the expectations from the Kosovo side. "We have also been very clear with the Serbian side that we agree that the issue of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority should be on the agenda. I have talked with a wide range of voices within Kosovo who support this and are willing to help Kosovo fulfill its international obligations on this issue"

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said on Monday that Serbia is trying to mask the rejection of the French-German initiative for an agreement between the two countries by trying to destabilize the situation in the north of Kosovo. However, Escobar, does not agree with this statement. "No, I don't think so. I think the reaction is in what is happening on the ground. As for the French-German proposal, it is too early for us to weigh the answers. This situation, this crisis must be treated for what it is. There are tensions that are increasing due to the lack of communication, the lack of coordination and the lack of will to participate and fully engage in dialogue" he said.

Escobar emphasized that despite the results of Tuesday's elections in the States United States, there will be no change in the U.S. approach to the Western Balkans. "Our view on the Western Balkans is that the region should be integrated into the community of western democratic countries, which means membership in the European Union for all, membership in NATO for those who want and regional integration for all to help solve the the differences between them. So nothing will change as a result of the elections," he said underlining that the United States remains committed to the security and stability of the Western Balkans.

"In fact, it was our efforts in coordination with our European allies that ensured the renewal of the resolution in the Security Council for the continuation of the peacekeeping mission in Bosnia. And above all, we have a strong commitment to the security and stability of Kosovo through KFOR," the U.S. envoy said.

Borrell to meet separately with Kurti and Vucic today (Koha)

EU High Representative Josep Borrell will hold separate meetings today in Paris with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. EU spokesman Peter Stano told reporters on Thursday that the meetings will be aimed at helping reduce tensions and advancing the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

“I will not say what will be the main message because it will be conveyed in the meetings. But I can say what is the purpose of the meetings and that is to continue the EU engagement to help both sides deescalate tensions and to achieve progress in the EU-facilitated progress. We are trying to do this especially after the recent escalation. This is the main objective of the EU,” Stano said.

EU presses Serbia, Kosovo to normalise ties as tensions flare (Bloomberg)

The European Union is pressing wartime foes Serbia and Kosovo to discuss a new plan to normalize ties but must first ease a flare-up in tensions that’s blocking progress. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti traveled to Paris for two days of negotiations on Thursday to discuss a proposal that an EU official described as the latest push by the bloc to resolve a dispute that has simmered since Yugoslavia’s bloody breakup. The proposal, part of which was leaked by the Brussels-based Euractiv website on Wednesday, calls for Serbia and Kosovo to develop “good neighborly relations with each other based on equal rights,” bound by the common goal to join the EU. The draft would also help Kosovo join international bodies and the establishment of diplomatic missions in each others’ capitals.

Each Balkan leader were to meet French President Emmanuel Macron and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Paris separately on Thursday and Friday, according to the EU official, who is close to the talks but spoke on the condition of anonymity because of their sensitivity. “I am prepared, and always interested, for dialog,” Kurti said on Facebook, acknowledging the existence of the EU’s proposal. He said he was ready to discuss the “complete normalization of relations between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, with mutual recognition at the center.” Officials from Serbia and Kosovo and the EU didn’t respond to requests from Bloomberg on details of the proposal.

Chollet expresses disappointment about decision on license plates (Koha)

Advisor for the U.S. State Department Derek Chollet said on Thursday he talked with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. “Good to speak with President Vucic. Shared our disappointment with Kosovo's decision not to delay license plate regime; discussed our commitment to reduce tensions, secure EU dialogue progress/normalized Kosovo-Serbia relations, and advance Serbia's Euro integration,” Chollet tweeted.

Luehrmann: Kosovo and Serbia to be ready for compromise (Koha)

German Minister of State for Europe and Climate, Anna Luehrmann, said in an interview with Koha that Kosovo and Serbia need to be ready for compromise within the process of dialogue. She said argued that both parties should meet and hold constructive discussions.

“Issues such as the license plates or energy should not be escalated. I very clearly appeal to both sides to eventually pave the way to the future. This call applies Serbia and Kosovo: be ready for compromise!" Luehrmann said.

She also said that the Kosovo government must take full responsibility for Serbs in Kosovo because Kosovo is a multiethnic state.

Kosovo to replace resigned Serb MPs amid pish to ‘defuse tensions’ (BIRN)

Kosovo’s Central Election Commission, CEC, on Thursday replaced the ten MPs from the Belgrade-backed Srpska Lista party, less than a week after they resigned their seats in protest against the government’s action against Serbia-issued licence plates in four northern Serb-majority municipalities.

But the group could lose one seat in parliament as there were only nine names on the waiting list of candidates from the last February 2021 snap elections.

A tenth candidate to take the seat was picked by the Citizens Initiative “For Freedom, Justice and Survival’”, which was second most voted Serb party in last year’s elections.

Srpska Lista had 20 candidates on its list at the election but one of their candidates, Ivan Todosijevic, was convicted of inciting ethnic hatred for stating that the 1999 massacre of Kosovo Albanians by Serbian forces was “fabricated” by “terrorists”.

Todosijevic was replaced by another MP from Srpska Lista’s candidates, leaving only nine potential candidates to replace the resigned MPs.

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Other Serb mayors ready to resign too (Klan Kosova)

The TV station reported on Thursday evening that Strpce Mayor Dalibor Jevtic has supported the actions of his colleagues, the now former mayors of the four northern municipalities. Jevtic also attended Sunday’s protest where the four mayors submitted their resignations. Jevtic also recently implied that he and other Serb mayors in the southern part of Kosovo could resign their positions if the government does not meet their demands.

Bislimi received emissaries of Germany and Slovenia, discuss dialogue (RTK)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue Besnik Bislimi hosted the German Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, accompanied by the German Ambassador to Kosovo Jorn Rohde and the Special Envoy of Slovenia for the Western Balkans Anzhej Frangesh, accompanied by the Ambassador of Slovenia in Kosovo Minca Benedejcic.

According to the announcement of the government, the meeting discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and the further steps in the dialogue process with Serbia. Bislimi reportedly emphasized that it is time to discuss the framework agreement, which leads to the full normalization of reports and relations between the two countries.

U.S Embassy: Not time for Kosovar ministers to travel to the USA (Klan)

The Embassy of the United States of America told the news website a day after some ministers and mayors have postponed their visit to this country that in this time of crisis in Kosovo, it is not the right time for official visits.

"This is not necessarily the most appropriate time for ministers to travel to the United States for official meetings, given the crisis that needs to be addressed. We are conveying this message to various government officials," the spokesperson of this embassy, ​​Katherine Judd replied.

Judd emphasizes that there is no specific or individual case for which the U.S. would not issue visas for Kosovar ministers.

During Wednesday, the Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu, and the Minister of Local Government Administration Elbert Krasniqi, as well as several mayors of municipalities have postponed their visit to the United States due to the situation in the north of Kosovo.

Czech EU Presidency: No consensus on visa liberalisation for Kosovo (Kallxo)

The Czech Presidency of the EU has announced that no consensus has been reached on the issue of visa liberalisation for Kosovo, while it is further stated that the member states made significant progress in the negotiations.

“The Member States discussed the Presidency's compromise proposal for the request to link visa liberalization for Kosovo with the operation of the ETIAS system. After a long discussion, no consensus was reached; however, the member states made significant progress in the negotiations," - it is stated in the communique sent to news website. According to the communiqué, the Presidency will return to bilateral discussions and will try to finalize the work on this matter as soon as possible.

Von Cramon: No reason why liberalization shouldn’t happen immediately (RTK)

The EU members of the working group for visas, in the meeting held on Thursday in Brussels, at the level of experts of the EU member states, have agreed on the compromise text.

They have agreed that the liberalization of visas will be linked to the ETIAS system, but the date 1 November 2023 will also be added, as the deadline when the liberalization of visas enters into force even in case of the eventual postponement of the functionality of ETIAS.

The rapporteur of the European Parliament for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, has stated that there is no reason not to liberalize visas for the citizens of Kosovo immediately.

“Well, why only November 2023? There is no reason not to immediately grant the liberalization of visas for the citizens of Kosovo," Von Cramon wrote on Twitter.

Bassuener: French-German plan, discriminatory towards Kosovo (RFE)

According to Kurt Bassuener, from the international organization Council for Democratization Policy, based in Berlin, the French-German plan published by the Euroactiv media network, if it is authentic, is considered a reward for Belgrade for escalating the situation and putting pressure on Pristina.

Bassuener told Radio Free Europe that the purpose of this plan is not to insist on mutual recognition between the two countries. He described this plan as discriminatory towards Kosovo, while he said that it is also one of the main factors for the tense situation in the north of Kosovo.