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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti on visit to Greece: I met leaders beyond Western Balkans (media)
  • On eve of restart of dialogue, Serbia intensifies campaign against Kosovo (Koha)
  • Senior British official visits Kosovo, meets Bislimi and Gervalla (media)
  • British MP Kearns reacts to Vucic's meeting with Zelensky (media)
  • Hovenier meets Serb representatives: We support sovereign Kosovo (RTK)
  • Delawie: Kosovo to integrate Serbs to overcome tensions with Washington (VoA)
  • Nagavci: Final decision on school books on Wednesday or Thursday (RTK)
  • Mitrovica North asks Serbian institutions "release" of municipal facility (Express)
  • Bujar Osmani in Spain: Kosovo is an independent country (media)


Serbian Language Media:

  • US Ambassador with Kosovo Serb politicians, not the Serbian List (N1, KoSSev)
  • The Ombudsman launched an investigation against the Office for Community Affairs of the Prime Minister of Kosovo (KiM radio)
  • Vucevic: Serbia's position on the international scene complex and challenging (Tanjug)
  • Hill: US policy towards Kosovo and Serbia is correct regardless of whether it is successful (Danas, VoA)

International Media:

  • Serbian president seeks confirmation Ukraine won't recognize Kosovo at Zelenskiy meeting (bne Intellinews)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti on visit to Greece: I met leaders beyond Western Balkans (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti reported in social media on Tuesday about his visit to Athens, Greece, at the invitation of the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, to attend the informal dinner with the leaders of the Western Balkans.

"Before and after it, over the course of two days, I held bilateral meetings with the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis. While waiting for dinner, I greeted the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and talked with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Nikolai Denkov, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel," Kurti wrote on Facebook.

"At the dinner that also marked the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki Summit, support for enlargement and membership in the European Union was reiterated, as well as the way forward, while in the presence of the President of Ukraine, Zelenskyy, unwavering support for Ukraine was confirmed and called for responsibility and punishment for the crimes committed during the war by the Russian aggressor," Kurti wrote.

In a post on platform X, Kurti wrote “Standing here 2 decades after the Thessaloniki Summit, I'm reminded of the journey Kosovo has undertaken towards the EU, a testament to our unwavering commitment to peace and democracy. With Europe witnessing war again, I'm also reminded that  EU unity and inclusion are the only path forward.”

On eve of restart of dialogue, Serbia intensifies campaign against Kosovo (Koha)

Serbia’s leadership have hardened their discourse against Kosovo and countries that have recognised its independence, and this has triggered a polemic between the Serbian President and his Montenegrin counterpart. The Kosovo government meanwhile argues that Serbia’s actions are in opposition with the agreements reached in Brussels. The European Union on the other hand is silent about Belgrade’s campaign, the news website reports.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed messages against Kosovo’s recognition, both before and during the recent summit in Athens. He maintained the position in his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “I explained to him the situation concerning Kosovo. I don’t think there will be any chances in Ukraine’s position about Serbia’s territorial integrity,” he said.

Kosovo government spokesperson, Perparim Kryeziu, said that despite Serbia’s actions, Kosovo is a constructive party in the EU-facilitated dialogue in Brussels. “Continuous lobbying and Vucic's statements are nothing new to us. They are only continuous proof of Serbia's unchanged approach and position despite the reached agreements, and successive violations of the spirit and principles of the Brussels and Ohrid basic agreements. Kosovo is respecting the agreement with the EU and has continuously shown its readiness to hold elections in the four municipalities in the north in accordance with the law,” he argued.

Senior British official visits Kosovo, meets Bislimi and Gervalla (media)

The Director General for Europe at the UK Foreign Office, Peter Wilson, met on Tuesday with Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla.

Wilson said that with Bislimi and Gervalla they talked about internal and regional issues.

"We remain committed to our long-standing bilateral relationship and will continue to support Kosovo's long-term stability and prosperity," said Wilson's announcement.

According to a press release issued by Bislimi’s office, the parties also discussed the situation in the north and the dialogue process.

Bislimi said that Kosovo is on the side of democracy, aligning its foreign policy with that of the European Union, imposing sanctions on Russia, removing visas for Ukrainian citizens and sheltering Ukrainian refugees.

Director General Wilson was accompanied in this meeting by the British ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott and his staff.

British MP Kearns reacts to Vucic's meeting with Zelensky (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Tuesday with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky spoke of a "fruitful" meeting, while Vucic said that "Ukraine will not change its position on Kosovo".

In an interview with "Kyiv Post” British MP Alicia Kearns, who is the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Parliament of Great Britain, has reacted strongly to Vucic's statements.

"For a very long time, Vucic's claim of a balance has allowed Serbia to get away with scandalous acts such as the intimidation and even the kidnapping of three Kosovar policemen inside Kosovo," Kearns said.

On August 10, Vucic said that if Ukraine recognizes Kosovo, then "it will lose everything within a day". Kearns has called Vucic's statements "threats against Ukraine".

"It is Vucic who has made the decision not to condemn the violence used by a state against its neighbors, refusing to join the sanctions against the Putin regime. Vucic and the nationalist politicians in Serbia are irredentist - they don't believe in Kosovo's right to statehood, or what worries me, even its right to exist," Kearns said.

Kearns said that "the EU must be clear and react to Serbia".

"For the West, Vucic positions Serbia as an important strategic ally in the Balkans, with the idea that Western governments will not see his destabilizing activities in Kosovo in exchange for broader regional security," Kearns said. "We must support the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo to live in peace, and not threaten each other's existence. But the current approach is not balanced. It is up to the EU to be absolutely clear when it comes to condemning Serbian irredentism against Kosovo," Kearns said.

Kearns believes that "the origin of destabilization is in Belgrade".

"Our current approach is not working. While Britain, the US and the EU must remain focused on normalizing relations between Serbia and Kosovo and seek progress on their Euro-Atlantic path, we must do so in order to implement preventive diplomacy practices and de-escalate tensions. That means being strong in calling out destabilizing actions — whoever carries them out — and being clear in declaring that we will not tolerate irredentist politics, especially along ethnic lines," Kearns said.

Hovenier meets Serb representatives: We support sovereign Kosovo (RTK)

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, met on Tuesday the representatives of the Serb community, with whom he discussed, as he said, the important issues related to their community. Hovenier said he has reiterated to them the support of the USA for a sovereign, multi-ethnic and democratic Kosovo.

"Had the opportunity to host some Kosovan Serb political representatives of Kosovo today to discuss issues important to their community. Diverse opinions and pluralism are integral to any strong, healthy democracy. I reiterated our long-standing support for a sovereign, multi-ethnic and democratic Kosovo,” Hovenier wrote on the X social network.

Delawie: Kosovo to integrate Serbs to overcome tensions with Washington (VoA)

Former U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said that the relations between the United States and Kosovo are strong, but he admitted that the recent actions of the government in Prishtina have put these relations in difficulty. In an interview with the Voice of America, Ambassador Delawie was also critical of the approach of the United States and the European Union towards Serbia. According to him, Kosovo would be more willing to listen to the advice of Washington and Brussels, if they would respond more seriously to the threat that the Serbian government presents to Kosovo and democracy in the region. He however emphasized that Kosovo must fulfill the obligations for a multi-ethnic society, the integration of Serbs and the creation of the association.

Nagavci: Final decision on school books on Wednesday or Thursday (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Education, Arberie Nagavci, said in an interview with RTK on Tuesday that “the government will secure the school texts for children and take over all financial obligations according to the law. We are reviewing the issue, and we are ready. We will announce the final decision on Wednesday afternoon or on Thursday morning”. She also said that “the legal obligation of the Ministry of Education is to secure books from first grade to the fifth grade. For pupils from the sixth to the ninth grade, following our request at the end of the school year, the schools have collected the books so that they can be distributed to new generations”.

Mitrovica North asks Serbian institutions "release" of municipal facility (Express)

The local authorities in Mitrovica North said that they have requested the "release" of a municipal facility, which is located in the Bosnian District and which is currently used by Serbian institutions.

"We, as the Municipality of North Mitrovica, have expressed our willingness to provide support and work space to any institution that provides services in the interest of the citizens of Kosovo", says the statement that the municipality gave to Radio Free Europe.

Previously, the Serbian List - the largest party of Kosovo Serbs that has the support of official Belgrade - said that the local leadership in North Mitrovica has decided to "remove" employees of Serbian institutions from the building in the Bosniak Mahala.

According to the Serbian List, four institutions are located in this facility, which are financed by means of the Government of Serbia: the Office for Kosovo, the Directorate of the Pension and Invalid Insurance Fund, the Administrative District of Mitrovica of Kosovo and the Center for Social Work from Vushtrri.

Most of the institutions of Serbia operating in Kosovo are headed by officials of the Serbian List.

For example, the director of the Pension and Invalid Insurance Fund in North Mitrovica is Milan Radojevic.Earlier, he was the mayor of North Mitrovica [Kosovo municipality], but also the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo.

Bujar Osmani in Spain: Kosovo is an independent country (media)

North Macedonia Foreign Minister, Bujar Osmani, is participating in the summer academy organized by the head of European diplomacy, Joseph Borrell in Spain.

"They asked me about Kosovo. Kosovo is an independent country, a living democracy that in 15 years of its existence has passed the test of democracy and proved itself as a credible partner of the international community. North Macedonia has recognized Kosovo and has developed excellent bilateral relations with it", Osmani answered the public's question in Santander.

He further appealed to the two parties, Kosovo and Serbia, for an agreement based on mutual recognition.

"We are so proud that the High Representative, Borrell, decided for the talks between Serbia and Kosovo to take place in North Macedonia, in Ohrid, which I think was a successful activity for both".

"And we simply appeal to Serbia and Kosovo to continue with the implementation of the provisions of the Brussels Agreement and the Ohrid Annex in order to reach a comprehensive agreement, which has in its essence the mutual recognition. We think that this is the only way for all the countries of the Western Balkans to continue their journey towards EU integration", he emphasized.

Serbian Language Media

US Ambassador with Kosovo Serb politicians, not the Serbian List (N1, KoSSev)

The US Ambassador in Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier met on Tuesday with a group of Kosovo Serb politicians which did not include officials of the Serbian List, reported N1.

“Had the opportunity to host some Kosovo Serb political representatives today to discuss issues important to their community. Diverse opinions and pluralism are integral to any strong, healthy democracy. I reiterated our long-standing support for a sovereign, multiethnic, and democratic Kosovo,” the ambassador wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

The KoSSev news portal said that the photograph in the post showed Kosovo Serb politicians from several civic initiatives and parties as well as a former mayor of Gracanica but not anyone from the Serbian List.

KoSSev reports that representatives of the opposition from the North have conveyed to the ambassador that they are willing to participate in the elections, but only if the special forces withdraw and the formation of the CSM (ZSO) begins. Hovenier was told, among other things, that the Serbs are afraid because of the institutional violence of Pristina, that there is no visible de-escalation after Bratislava, that the citizens are afraid, but also that the joystick and a baton are in Kurti's hands.

The Ombudsman launched an investigation against the Office for Community Affairs of the Prime Minister of Kosovo (KiM radio)

Based on the complaint of eight civil society organizations from the Serbian community, the Kosovo Ombudsman Naim Qelaj launched an investigation into possible violations of human rights by the Office for Community Affairs under the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Regarding the initiation of the investigation, the Ombudsperson informed the New Social Initiative, which formally sent a complaint to the Ombudsperson on August 8, 2023. 

"Based on Article 21.1, the Law on Ombudsman, the Ombudsman considered your complaint, submitted on 08/08/2023, in connection with the allegations concerning the violation of basic human rights and freedoms or abuse by public authorities and in accordance with Article 21.1.2. of the Law on the Ombudsperson, decided to accept your complaint and initiate an investigation into possible violations of human rights," it was said in the Ombudsman's notice on the admissibility of the complaint. 

Eight civil society organizations from the Serbian community filed a complaint regarding the Decision on the allocation of funds to non-governmental organizations and media by the Office for Community Affairs in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of Kosovo published on July 10 on the website of this Office.

Due to the Decision on the allocation of funds to non-governmental organizations and the media, Elizabeth Gowing, adviser to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, resigned from her position in the Office for Community Affairs at the beginning of August.

In connection with the Decision on the allocation of funds by the Office for Communities of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, there was also talk at the public debate held in the Media Center in Caglavica, on the topic "Attitude of the Government of Kosovo and other institutions towards non-majority communities", recalled KiM radio.

Vucevic: Serbia's position on the international scene complex and challenging (Tanjug)

Defense Minister Miloc Vucevic said that Serbia's position is complex and challenging, but firm in terms of libertarian and independent politics, reported Tanjug last night.

"Serbia's policy is to preserve peace and stability in the region. Nobody is threatened by us. We recognize the territorial sovereignty and integrity of all internationally recognized states. We also recognize their peoples, languages, flags and all the attributes of their statehood. Serbia remains committed to the European path, but also the preservation of traditional friendships and the preservation of regional peace and stability, because this is a prerequisite for the progress of all peoples living in this area," Vucevic told Tanjug, commenting on the Athens meeting.

Hill: US policy towards Kosovo and Serbia is correct regardless of whether it is successful (Danas, VoA)

American Ambassador Christopher Hill stated in an interview with the Voice of America that the USA would like the Brussels Dialogue to proceed much faster and to see an agreement based on the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. He also spoke about the sanctions against Aleksandar Vulin and commented on the recent statement of Minister Milos Vucevic addressed to Montenegro and North Macedonia, saying that he does not see it as an attempt to destabilize the region.

He added that America recognizes Kosovo and would like to join international organizations, because that is the best for Pristina, but also for the stability of the region.

Hill commented for VoA on the news published by Sputnik on Vucic removing sanctions against Russia from the final Declaration at the meeting in Athens.

"Our position is very clear: everyone should join the sanctions against Russia, especially countries that aspire to join the EU," Hill said.

He added that many small countries introduced sanctions even though it harms them, but they still did it because it is in their higher interest and in the interest of a larger group such as the European Union.

"We would like Serbia to do the same and it to be part of its path towards the Euro-Atlantic system," Hill emphasized.

He also said that he was "extremely satisfied" with the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

International Media

Serbian president seeks confirmation Ukraine won't recognize Kosovo at Zelenskiy meeting (bne Intellinews)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy met with Aleksandar Vucic, president of Serbia, one of Russia's only remaining friends in Europe, during an informal Southeast European summit in Athens.

Despite the differences between the two countries — Serbia has so far refused to sever ties with Moscow or impose sanctions on Russia — the two leaders described the meeting in positive terms, both using the words "good" and "open" on social media afterwards.

The informal summit was attended by top officials from 11 countries from the region, including both EU members and aspiring members, as well as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU Council President Charles Michel.

Hosted by Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the event was intended to mark the 20th anniversary of the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Thessaloniki back in 2003, when the promise of eventual EU membership was first extended to the Western Balkans region.

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