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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 4, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Kosovo is under attack (media)
  • US says Serbian troops started withdrawal from border with Kosovo (media)
  • Michel: Disagreements between Kosovo and Serbia must be resolved (Koha)
  • Gervalla: We urge EU members to stop Vucic’s path to conflict (media)
  • Rohde: Last week’s attack was attack against Kosovo’s territorial integrity (KSP)
  • Serbia arrests Milan Radoicic (media)
  • IMC asks operators to stop broadcast of Serbian channels Arena Sport (KTV)

Serbian Language Media:

    • Hill: The withdrawal of troops and the arrest of Radoicic are good steps, the dialogue will have to continue (Tanjug, RTS, N1)
  • Serbian FM says Belgrade wants de-escalation in Kosovo (N1)
  • Serbian DefMin: Kosovo talks complex following escalation (N1)
  • Mojsilovic: The current situation in the ground safety zone militarily stable but unpredictable (N1, Beta, RTS)
  • Prosecution says Radoicic denied committing crimes (N1)
  • BiH will investigate allegations that Milan Radoicic procured weapons in Tuzla (N1 Sarajevo)
  • Petronijevic: Radoicic's apartment was searched, his weapon was temporarily confiscated (N1)
  • Three people arrested at the Merdare checkpoint, 24 guns were found in the car (N1, KoSSev, RTS)
  • Szunyog: I heard different voices about the current situation in the north of Kosovo (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio)
  • The IMC requested a ban on the broadcasting of the Arena channel in Kosovo (RTK2)

International Media: 

  • Nato needs to re-establish control of northern Kosovo, says Albanian PM (Financial Times)
  • Kosovo Serb politician arrested over role in armed ambush of police (The Guardian)
  • Serbia has started to withdraw forces from Kosovo border, US says (Anadolu Agency)
  • Analysis: Are Kosovo and Serbia on the brink of war? (Al Jazeera)
  • Serbia Detains Kosovo Serb Kingpin Radoicic on Weapons Charges (Balkan Insight)
  • European Parliament discusses Banjska attack, some MEPs propose freezing EU funds for Serbia (EWB)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani: Kosovo is under attack (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday that Kosovo is facing unprecedented challenges, security challenges, that are stemming from Serbia’s act of aggression that took place on September 24. It was a clear act of aggression, ordered by the decision-makers, by the state apparatus of Serbia, carried out by paramilitary and terrorist groups but this act of aggression did not happen at once. It was well-planned and well-structured, and prepared with the sole purpose of a Crimea-style annexation of the north of Kosovo. Thankfully, Kosovo Police with the support of international partners stopped this plan from being exercised. However, what followed as you rightly pointed out at the beginning was an unprecedented buildup of Serbia’s military forces both army and artillery around the border with Kosovo but not just in the north but in the entire almost 400 kilometers border which shows that they want to continue escalating, they want to continue their plan for destabilizing the Western Balkans and through this in fact to allow Putin to open a new front against the west in the Western Balkans. We are working with our allies and we will not allow that to happen however it is extremely important to stop that by punishing Serbia, by sanctioning Serbia, otherwise if there are no sanctions and no harsh measures against Serbia after this act of aggression they will be emboldened and encouraged to use violence after violence and not just against Kosovo but also against the rest of the region”. Watch full interview at:

US says Serbian troops started withdrawal from border with Kosovo (media)

The United States said Tuesday it has information that Serbian troops have begun to withdraw from the border with Kosovo, National Security spokesman John Kirby, reported at a White House press conference. Four days ago Kirby had denounced the unprecedented advance of Serbian troops in the area and called on both sides to resume dialogue. “Since we stated publicly that we had seen Serbian forces on the border, we have also seen them start to move those forces away, and that’s a good thing. That will help de-escalate the tensions. It won’t eliminate them, but it’ll help de-escalate them,” he said.

Kirby also said that the United States has a “small number” of troops in KFOR (NATO Forces Kosovo) and that the number is not expected to change.

Michel: Disagreements between Kosovo and Serbia must be resolved (Koha)

President of the EU Council, Charles Michel, said in a meeting with reporters in Brussels that visa liberalization for the citizens of Kosovo, which will start being implemented on January 1 next year, is a decision for the citizens and their commitment to the EU. He said that decisions on Kosovo in terms of the enlargement process “will depend on the European Commission report”.

On many questions related to the region of the Western Balkans and Kosovo, Michel referred to tensions in relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and that at the margins of the upcoming summit in Granada there will be discussions among leaders about the current situation. 

“Violence is not acceptable. It is important that the leaders of the Western Balkans countries understand that for integration in the European Union, in addition to the required reforms, a condition is also to resolve bilateral disagreements. Disagreements between Kosovo and Serbia must be resolved as a condition for EU integration,” Michel said.

Asked how one can talk about EU enlargement while the region is closer to war than to EU integration, Michel said that the EU, NATO and the U.S. and partners, are jointly engaged so that violence is not tolerated. “We need to convince leaders in the region that violence is not tolerated, and diplomacy and dialogue are the only road to resolve problems. When there are tensions, this has a bad impact on investments in the region and this damages the countries of the region,” he argued.

Gervalla: We urge EU members to stop Vucic’s path to conflict (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, said in a post on X on Tuesday that she was encouraged by meetings with members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “Just witnessed a powerful EP debate about Vucic's aggression, with overwhelming condemnation and clear demands: There must be consequences. We also urge EU members to stop Vucic's path to conflict,” Gervalla said.

Rohde: Last week’s attack was attack against Kosovo’s territorial integrity (KSP)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said on Tuesday that the attack in Banjska near Zvecan on September 24 was an attack against the territorial integrity of Kosovo. “We mourned the loss of life of Afrim Bunjaku. We use this moment to reaffirm that we always stand by Kosovo in defending its position as a sovereign member of the European family, because it is our strong belief that what was true in a united Germany in 1990 remains true for Kosovo and the whole region today,” Rohde said in a ceremony marking the German Unity Day.

Serbia arrests Milan Radoicic (media)

All media reported on Tuesday that Serbian authorities arrested Milan Radoicic, the leader of an armed group that attacked Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo on September 24. The prosecution said that Radoicic, along with "several unknown persons", is suspected of "unauthorised production, possession, carrying and trafficking of firearms and explosive substances as well as serious crimes against general safety”. According to the prosecution, between January and the day of the attack, Radoicic was procuring the weapons from neighbouring Bosnia and then transporting and storing them at "unspecified locations" in Kosovo. Radoicic denied committing the crimes he is suspected of.

IMC asks operators to stop broadcast of Serbian channels Arena Sport (KTV)

Kosovo’s Independent Media Commission (IMC) has asked cable operators to stop broadcasting Serbian sports channels “Arena Sport” after they broadcast a video message which was said to be threatening for Kosovo and glorifying the killed attackers in Banjska near Zvecan. The IMC concluded in its meeting on Tuesday that the broadcast is a violation of the IMC regulation, and it threatens Kosovo’s security.

IMC chair Jeton Mehmeti said that the channels broadcast content that goes against the IMC regulation. “Such messages that glorify groups that attacked Kosovo Police are in opposition with Article 19 – Article 2. Therefore, according to the regulation, the cable operators are to immediately stop broadcasting ‘Arena’ channel, because it threatens national interest and national security,” he said.

Other members of the IMC too said that the broadcast of the video message was a threat to national security.

Serbian Language Media

Hill: The withdrawal of troops and the arrest of Radoicic are good steps, the dialogue will have to continue (Tanjug, RTS, N1)

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said in an interview with Tanjug agency that the withdrawal of troops from the administrative line and the arrest of Milan Radoicic are a good step, and that it is in Washington's interest to find a political solution to the situation in Kosovo, reported RTS. 

Hill said that there is no doubt that a smaller part of the troops has been withdrawn and that, in that sense, things are moving in the right direction.

"I can also say that we have confirmation of the reduced number of troops. The problem here is not military but, in fact, political," said Hill.

He pointed out that the increased presence of troops along the administrative line with Kosovo causes concern, and that the US has asked the Serbian leadership to withdraw the troops.

"We are very glad that we can say that it happened," the American ambassador emphasized.

Speaking about the events in Banjska on September 24, Hill said that the EU and the US want to know exactly what happened then.

"I think that the arrest of Radoicic, who seems to have admitted his guilt for most of the things that happened, was a good step. However, I think we all want to know what this is really about, what they wanted to achieve, where they got everything from those weapons and ammunition," the US diplomat said, adding that talking about the real issues depends on a clear understanding of what these people were actually trying to do and what they wanted to achieve.

"Serbs must know what they can expect from life in Kosovo"

Commenting on the fact that 11 percent of Serbs have left Kosovo since Albin Kurti came to power, Hill says the numbers are disturbing.

"I think that speaks in favor of the fact that we need a political solution. It is absolutely clear that there is no military solution to this problem. We need a political solution, we need a solution with which the Serbian community will feel as if they know what the future holds,'' Hill said, reported RTS. 

He noted that Serbs must know what they can expect from life in Kosovo, and that it is necessary to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities, and that Pristina, in turn, expects the possibility to join various security and economic international organizations.

"I think there are exactly those elements on the table that belong there and I know it's hard to focus on them, especially when we've seen the crisis in the last few days, but the crisis doesn't mean you can ignore what you have to do, which is to reach a political solution," Hill emphasized.

"We want to see the formation of CSM (ZSO)"

Hill emphasized that it is in the interest of the US to continue to find a political solution based on the clear elements that are part of the agreement reached five or six months ago.

"We want to see the formation of the CSM. It is fair to say that Mr. Kurti is not enthusiastic about it, but I think he understands that it is one of the key elements on the table, just as we have to continue with internationalization, which implies the possibility of Kosovo joining different international organizations. These are not easy steps for the Serbian side, but it is part of the overall agreement," said Hill.

He stressed that everyone needs to calm tensions and realize that soon the Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo will have to find a way to live as neighbors.

"These kinds of crises must be replaced by a political process that makes everyone feel comfortable, so that when they wake up in the morning, they don't have to worry about security problems. We aim to do that," Hill said.

"The US is absolutely committed to the success of the dialogue"

When asked about the future of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the agreement from Brussels and Ohrid, the American ambassador points out that the dialogue must continue no matter how difficult it is for the participants.

"As far as the role of the USA is concerned, we are very committed to dialogue, we are in daily contact with all parties - Serbia, representatives from Pristina, but especially with our partners from the European Union. I think that everyone in the Balkans should understand that America and the European Union have many things they have to do together, and we will do them together. We will not be divided on issues like Kosovo, we will be united. I think we will return to the dialogue process and Mr. Lajcak, who has carried a heavy burden in doing this, will obviously have to continue to do that for a while," Hill said.

He emphasized that the US is absolutely committed to the success of the dialogue process because it believes that this is the only way to move forward, reported RTS.

Serbian FM says Belgrade wants de-escalation in Kosovo (N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that Belgrade wants to see a de-escalation of the situation in Kosovo, reported N1.

“Serbia’s goal is to de-escalate the situation on the ground, which the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina do not want at the moment,” a press release quoted him as saying during a meeting with Axel Schäfer, co-rapporteur of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Schafer is in Belgrade to meet with Serbian public officials, the opposition, and others in preparation of a report on Serbia’s progress in fulfilling its obligations as a member state of the Council of Europe (CoE).

Dacic said that Serbia is committed to cooperation with CoE based on respect for the organisation’s values and normative framework.

Serbian DefMin: Kosovo talks complex following escalation (N1)

N1 reported yesterday that Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic told UK Ambassador Edward Ferguson that talks to normalize relations with Pristina will become more complex following recent escalation in the north of Kosovo.

“The Defense Minister expressed deep concern over current events in the southern Serbian province and the position of the Serb people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and stressed that further negotiations on the normalization of relations will become more complex after the recent escalation of the conflict,” a press release said.

Vucevic said that cooperation with KFOR is a priority for the Serbian military adding that it’s important to Serbia that NATO has a neutral status in the search for solutions to problems. He said that Serbia takes a positive view of the decision to deploy 200 British troops to KFOR.

The press release quoted Ambassador Ferguson as expressing Britain’s interest in developing defense cooperation with Serbia and intensifying cooperation in all areas of common interest.

Mojsilovic: The current situation in the ground safety zone militarily stable but unpredictable (N1, Beta, RTS)

The head of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, Milan Mojsilovic, said that in the ground safety zone, along the administrative line with Kosovo, "the current situation is militarily stable, but unpredictable."

He told RTS last night that the current situation in the military sense is stable, but "as such, it is unpredictable and burdened by a security crisis" on the territory of Kosovo.

He assessed that it "can easily spill over to part of the territory of the central part of Serbia", that is, to the ground safety zone, RTS reported.

Mojsilovic, when asked what happened during the conflict in Banjska, said that there were no "indicators indicating that something major and so complicated will happen", and that the situation was regular.

He added that during the morning of September 24, information began to arrive about the events, the injured, and that contact was established with the KFOR command...

"We got in touch with the Supreme Commander... as Chief of the General Staff, I was given the task - to fully control the ground safety zone and to ensure the administrative line in full capacity by preventively deploying part of the forces of the Serbian Armed Forces," stated Mojsilovic.

He noted that this order is not unusual and is in line with the developments on the ground.

"It was not the full combat readiness of the Serbian Army," he said in the RTS program.

Prosecution says Radoicic denied committing crimes (N1)

The Higher Public Prosecution in Belgrade said that Milan Radoicic denied committing the crimes he is being accused of during Tuesday’s interrogation. It was proposed that Radoicic be ordered into custody.

A statement said that Radoicic was questioned on suspicion of having committed the crimes of conspiring to commit crimes, illegal possession and trafficking of firearms and explosives and endangering the public. “The suspect denied committing the crimes that he is being charged with,” the Prosecution said, adding that it asked a Higher Court judge to detain him because he poses a flight risk.

According to the order on the investigation, Milan R. is accused of possessing weapons, ammunition, and explosives of great destructive power from January 2023 to September 24, and for this criminal offense according to the Criminal Code, a sentence of up to 12 years is threatened, as well as for serious offenses against general security.

N1 in English reported that Radoicic is being charged with acquiring weapons, ammunition and explosives from Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina which were delivered to him just outside Belgrade and then transported to Kosovo to be hidden in abandoned buildings. He is also suspected of heading a group of men who endangered lives in Banjska, the Prosecution press release said. Radoicic is being investigated along with a number of unidentified people.

BiH will investigate allegations that Milan Radoicic procured weapons in Tuzla (N1 Sarajevo)

Director of the Federal Police Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vahidin Munjic, said that he will check whether Milan Radoicic bought weapons in the territory of FBiH, reported BiH N1. 

"The Federal Police Administration will undertake activities related to the verification of allegations that Milan Radoicic procured weapons, ammunition and explosive devices of great destructive power from Tuzla from January 2023 to September 24. Already in the morning, we will ask the authorities of the Republic of Serbia to provide us with the available information, after which we will take measures and actions within our jurisdiction," said Munjic.

Petronijevic: Radoicic's apartment was searched, his weapon was temporarily confiscated (N1)

Milan Radoicic's lawyer, Goran Petronijevic said that after the search of Radoicic's apartment in Belgrade, which was conducted yesterday morning, he was brought to the premises of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office. As he said, Radoicic was in Belgrade at the time of his arrest and gave a statement yesterday to the Prosecutor's Office and the prosecution has now assigned the case to the judge for preliminary proceedings.

At the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Bograd, he was questioned, as stated, on suspicion of having committed criminal acts of conspiracy to commit criminal acts, illegal production, possession, carrying and trafficking of firearms and explosive substances and heavy acts against general security.

''According to the prosecution's knowledge, I don't know precisely on what basis, custody was proposed, and we are now awaiting a hearing with the judge for the preliminary proceedings and a decision in that direction,'' Petronijevic said. 

According to Radoicic's lawyer the search was conducted in the early morning hours and lasted longer, adding that "nothing of importance was found in the apartment". He said that Milan Radoicic's weapons were temporarily confiscated, for which he had a permit. Detention is usually ordered for up to 30 days, he said.

Petronijevic said that he understands everything that is happening as "a matter of pressure and things that are outside of the criminal law nature''. "We don't have a single piece of evidence for now, apart from newspaper articles and recordings, for everything he is accused of," he said, adding that he believes there are no grounds for proceeding.

Petronijevic says that Radoicic explained his motives, "confirmed the factual situation to the last detail and denied the criminal acts he is accused of".

''According to the order on the investigation, Milan Radoicic is accused of purchasing weapons, ammunition and explosive devices of great destructive power from Tuzla, Federation of BiH, from January 2023 to September 24, which were delivered to him on the territory of the City of Belgrade, most often on the Bubanj route Potok - Vrcin, and which he then transported and stored in unspecified locations on the territory of the AP of Kosovo and Metohija, where he hid them in abandoned buildings and forests, so as the leader of a group with several unknown persons, by joint action and a generally dangerous action, on September 24 caused a danger to the lives of people in the town of Banjska on the territory of AP KIM,'' it was stated in the announcement of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office.

Asked about it, Radoicic's lawyer says that it is all an integral part of his statement.

"You saw for yourself that the Pristina authorities announced that the policeman, unfortunately, died accidentally, from an explosion, and not that someone shot him as it was said at the start... Radoicic said that from the very beginning. All those barricades that have been placed so far down there, and the police knew that, had that kind of security against heavy machinery. They were placing some explosive device that would stop that machine, whether it was an excavator... Why did it happen this time that they sent a man, I guess to dismantle it, they climbed on top of that truck, and then the explosion happened," said Petronijevic, reported N1.

Three people arrested at the Merdare checkpoint, 24 guns were found in the car (N1, KoSSev, RTS)

Three people were arrested at the administrative point of Merdare, as the police previously discovered 24 pistols in their car with German plates, reported N1, citing RTS.

The car was driven by the forty-eight-year-old suspect H.H., a German citizen. During the search of the car, 24 pistols were found, wrote RTS.

After the arrest, the property of the suspects H.H and B.H was checked in Pec, while the property of the suspect H.Z was checked in Srbica.

In connection with the case, 24 "Zoraki" pistols of 9 mm caliber, a "Mercedes" van with German license plates, 650 euros in cash, three phones and a DVR recorder were seized as material evidence.

According to the decision of the competent prosecutor after the interview, the three suspects were detained for up to 48 hours.

Szunyog: I heard different voices about the current situation in the north of Kosovo (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, announced on the social network X (Twitter) that during his visit to the north of Kosovo, he heard different opinions about the current situation on the ground, reported KiM radio.

“In a visit to northern Kosovo, I heard different voices and perspectives on the current situation on the ground. The latest developments are a stark and tragic reminder of what is at stake for the people who live in northern Kosovo, for the safety of all its communities and for the wider region.”

Szunyog added that “I underlined the role and importance that local actors have in contributing towards the lowering of tensions at this critical time.”

The IMC requested a ban on the broadcasting of the Arena channel in Kosovo (RTK2)

The Independent Media Commission (NKM) has asked the distribution operators to stop broadcasting the Arena channel, reported RTK2.

This decision was made after the channels of this platform broadcast content that is contrary to the regulation on the independent regulatory body for audiovisual media (IPC), including video messages from Serbia glorifying 'terrorists' killed in the north of Kosovo, as well as content with threatening messages for the citizens of Kosovo.

Arena Sport channels are rebroadcast by various cable operators, including Artmotion, IPKO, Kujtesa, Telkos and MTS.

Portal KoSSev reported, citing Pristina based Koha, that a threatening video clip has been broadcast several times on these channels, where it was said "We will remember" in Serbian, glorifying the three attackers killed in Banjska in Zvecan on September 24, who were part of the group that attacked the Kosovo Police, and in which case Afrim Bunjaku, a member of the KP, was killed.

As announced by IMC, the transmission of the Arena channel on these cable operators has already been stopped, KoSSev reported.

International Media

Nato needs to re-establish control of northern Kosovo, says Albanian PM (Financial Times)

Edi Rama calls on western leaders to solve ‘never-ending madness’ among Balkan countries

Nato should reestablish control of northern Kosovo or face continuing violence between ethnic Serbs and Albanians in the region, according to the prime minister of Albania. Edi Rama, whose country is a member of the military alliance, spoke to the Financial Times after Serb paramilitaries took hostage a monastery in northern Kosovo, claiming at least four lives including that of an ethnic Albanian police officer.

Read more at:

Kosovo Serb politician arrested over role in armed ambush of police (The Guardian)

Milan Radoičić admitted being among paramilitaries who ambushed Kosovan patrol leading to four deaths

Police in Belgrade have arrested a Kosovo Serb politician four days after he admitted being part of a paramilitary group involved in a gunfight with Kosovan security forces in which four people died.

The clash threatened to ignite a wider eruption of violence, after thousands of Serbian troops were deployed to the Kosovo border. They were withdrawn only after the threat of sanctions from the US.

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Serbia has started to withdraw forces from Kosovo border, US says (Anadolu Agency)

'That will help de-escalate the tensions,' says National Security Council spokesperson

Serbia has begun to draw down its massive military buildup along the border with Kosovo in a positive step toward reducing regional tensions, the US administration said Tuesday.

"Since we stated publicly that we had seen Serbian forces on the border, we have also seen them start to move those forces away, and that's a good thing," National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters. "That will help de-escalate the tensions. It won't eliminate them, but it'll help de-escalate them."

Kirby last week sounded the alarm over the "unprecedented" military deployment, saying it included advanced artillery, tanks, and mechanized infantry units.

The State Department also said Tuesday that the withdrawal began on Sept. 29.

"We expect Serbia to continue de-escalatory steps, including continued withdrawal of forces to or below historical norms," spokesperson Vedant Patel said.

Read more at:

Analysis: Are Kosovo and Serbia on the brink of war? (Al Jazeera)

An escalation into a conflict in the Western Balkans was averted but the likelihood of future flare-ups remains high.

On September 24, armed Serb paramilitaries ambushed a police patrol near the village of Banjska in the northern part of Kosovo, killing one police officer. The gunmen then fled to a monastery near the Kosovo-Serbia border, where police forces engaged with them in a firefight. Three armed Serbs were killed; the rest were either arrested or managed to flee. It was one of the worst episodes of violence in the country since the end of the Kosovo war in 1999.

In the aftermath of the incident, Belgrade and Pristina traded blame. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the Kosovo government’s “terror” had driven the Serb minority in the northern part of the country to an “uprising”. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti accused Serbia of supporting financially and logistically “organised crime” groups attacking his country – something Belgrade denied.

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Serbia Detains Kosovo Serb Kingpin Radoicic on Weapons Charges (Balkan Insight)

Controversial businessman Milan Radoicic, who has admitted to organising an armed operation by a group of Serbs in north Kosovo that left four people dead, was detained for procuring and possessing large amounts of weapons.

Belgrade Higher Prosecutor’s Office questioned Milan Radoicic on Tuesday about allegations that he obtained large amounts of weapons and took them to northern Kosovo, where an armed Serb group was involved in a deadly shootout with Kosovo police last month.

Read more at:

European Parliament discusses Banjska attack, some MEPs propose freezing EU funds for Serbia (EWB)

STRASBOURG – European Parliament discussed the situation in the north of Kosovo following the attack in Banjska at today’s plenary sitting. MEPs asked that the perpetrators be brought to justice and called for Serbia and Kosovo to de-escalate the tensions and return to dialogue. Some of them also called for sanctioning Serbia by freezing the funding it receives from the EU.

European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič addressed the plenary, stressing that the scale of the operation on 24 September was unprecedented.

“This is a strong alarm bell that the situation in the north of Kosovo is extremely serious. The EU is closely following the ongoing investigations and expects that the perpetrators be brought to justice and Serbia needs to fully cooperate, including in preventing arms smuggling,” he said.

Read more at: