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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 20, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti and Bislimi hail the European Parliament resolution (media)
  • Osmani and Hovenier discuss latest developments in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Diplomatic five asks Serbia to clarify "Banjska" and Kosovo to establish Association (Klan)
  • Leaders' summit: Kosovo worries Biden and Von Der Leyen (Klan)
  • Osmani: The perpetrators of the terrorist attack must be brought to justice (RTK)
  • KFOR announces arrival of British and Romanian soldiers, increase of presence on the border with Serbia (Koha)
  • Rama: Macron does not pave way to liberalization if Pristina rejects French-German plan (media)
  • Rohde: Serbia to cooperate in the investigations (RTK)
  • Bislimi expresses gratitude for France-Kosovo friendship and partnership  (Koha)
  • Krasniqi: There is still no initiative to dismiss mayors in the north (Koha)
  • US Embassy: Selection of the chief prosecutor should be based on merit
  • Krasniqi: Government's boycott of resolution to support police, unacceptable (Klan)
  • Spence highly appreciates Kosovo-UNKT cooperation (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic met Slovenian envoy for WB, tells him Pristina to take concrete steps on de-escalation (media)
  • Lawyer: Detention of Elezovic extended despite medical documentation on his poor health (Kosovo Online)
  • Construction of Albanian houses started in Leposavic municipality (KoSSev)
  • Brnabic meets with ODIHR mission (Tanjug)
  • Davenport presented OSCE report on Kosovo in Vienna (Radio KIM, social media)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti and Bislimi hail the European Parliament resolution (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has welcomed the vote in the European Parliament for the resolution condemning the terrorist act of Serbia on September 24 in Kosovo. In the resolution, the attack is considered terrorist and will demand responsibility from Serbia if Belgrade's direct connection with this event is proven.

“We welcome today's European Parliament’s resolution. Among other measures, it calls for the enhancement of security for Kosovo and urges Serbia to avoid any further escalation, halt any support to terrorist formations, and withdraw all its military forward operating bases along the border.

It also calls for the 5 non EU recognizers to recognize Kosova, encourages the Commission to suspend funding to Serbia if it fails to cooperate and urges "Serbian authorities... to refrain from hate speech against Kosovans and... false information regarding ' ethnic cleansing...” Kurti wrote.

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi has welcomed the resolution of the European Parliament which condemns the attack in Banjska. He said in a post on platform X that this resolution emphasizes mutual recognition as a principle and balanced approach in the dialogue process.

"I welcome the resolution adopted today by the European Parliament which, among other things, condemns Serbia’s terrorist attack and calls for the adoption of restrictive measures. It also emphasizes mutual recognition as a principle and a balanced approach in the dialogue process," he wrote.

Osmani and Hovenier discuss latest developments in Kosovo (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received in a regular meeting the ambassador of the United States, Jeffrey Hovenier, with whom she talked about the latest developments in Kosovo with a focus on security issues, but also other topics of common interest.

On the eve of the debate on Kosovo in the UN Security Council, President Osmani and Ambassador Hovenier also discussed the expectations from this debate. 

In this meeting, the new director of USAID, Eileen Devitt, was also present, whom President Osmani congratulated for her new position.

She expressed deep gratitude for USAID's support and confirmed the importance of USAID-supported projects that contribute to improving the lives and well-being of citizens. 

"President Osmani confirmed the willingness to continue the excellent cooperation as it has been so far, emphasizing the possibilities of expanding this cooperation more and more", announces the Office of the Presidency of Kosovo. 

Diplomatic five asks Serbia to clarify "Banjska" and Kosovo to establish Association (Klan)

The diplomatic five will ask Kosovo and Serbia to reduce tensions and continue the process of normalizing relations, said the spokesperson of the European Commission, Peter Stano.

He told the Serbian news agency "Beta" that Serbia should do everything to shed light on the background, perpetrators and organizers of the violence in Banjska Zvecan on September 24, to demand progress in the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, as well as the implementation of obligations from the Brussels Agreement of 2013.

"Beta", referring to diplomatic sources in Brussels, emphasizes that this specifically means the organization of elections in the north of Kosovo with the participation of local Serbs and the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority.

The envoys of the European Union and the United States of America, Miroslav Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar, and the security advisors of the President of France, the German Chancellor and the Prime Minister of Italy, Emanuel Bonne, Jens Plettner and Francesco Talo, will be arriving to Kosovo and Serbia on October 21 for talks with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

"They come with the hope that both parties will implement their obligations without delay and without conditions. The EU and the USA give strong support to the settlement of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the European future of the region", Stano said.

Leaders' summit: Kosovo worries Biden and Von Der Leyen (Klan)

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von Der Leyen, together with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, will meet with the U.S. President, Joe Biden, in Washington on Friday, October 20.

The big political trio are meeting for the second Summit between the United States of America and the European Union, while the first meeting of this format was held on June 15, 2021, in Brussels.

In bold lines, the EU announced that the meeting of Euro-American leaders will be an opportunity to increase the close transatlantic partnership. The inevitable topic of the summit is the Western Balkans, including the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

Osmani: The perpetrators of the terrorist attack must be brought to justice (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, accepted the credentials from the new ambassador of Hungary in Kosovo, Bela Boszik, whom she congratulated on his position and expressed the hope that during his mandate the bilateral relations between two countries will intensify.

The current political and security situation was also discussed during the meeting.

President Osmani said that Kosovo will continue cooperation with allies, while the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and act of aggression on September 24 must be brought to justice. In this context, according to President Osmani, Serbia should be held responsible for the terrorist attack and act of aggression against the Republic of Kosovo.

"The deepening of interstate cooperation was also discussed, especially in the field of student exchange, and it was said that there is potential for strengthening economic relations. Meanwhile, Ambassador Boszik pledged for wider cooperation in various areas of common interest." it is stated in the communiqué of the Office of the Presidency of Kosovo.

KFOR announces arrival of British and Romanian soldiers, will increase presence on the border with Serbia (Koha)

NATO's peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, has announced the arrival of additional troops from Great Britain and Romania. In a post on Facebook it is said that the deployment comes after the violent attack in Banjska.

"A contingent of two hundred British soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and more than 130 additional troops from Romania  arrived in Kosovo and joined the 400-strong UK contingent already deployed, to reinforce NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeeping mission.

The deployment comes after the violent attack on Kosovo Police on September 24 and increased tensions in the region to improve KFOR presence in northern Kosovo and patrolling along the Administrative Boundary Line.

It is based on a request by NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe and was approved by Allies in the North Atlantic Council as a prudent step to ensure KFOR has the forces it needs to fulfill its UN mandate to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo.

NATO has been leading a peacekeeping operation in Kosovo since 1999 in accordance with its mandate under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. KFOR currently consists of well over 4,500 troops contributed by 27 NATO Allies and partners. ", says KFOR.

Rama: Macron does not pave way to liberalization if Pristina rejects French-German plan (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has commented on the much talked about statement of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, on the issue of visas for Kosovo. According to Rama, Macron "will not pave the way if Pristina does not pave the way for the agreement of the French-German plan".

Two days ago, Macron from Tirana threatened about the issue of visas, saying that France has removed visas for Kosovars from January 1, 2024, in good faith, adding that, however, "now the word is not being kept". The news shocked the opinion in Kosovo, as it was initially interpreted as a "decision that France has suspended liberalization". 

Commenting on this statement, Rama said that Macron "is hurt" by the dialogue process.

"He touched on the issue of the situation in the dialogue process, like everyone else, but perhaps a little more than others, he himself is hurt by the fact that even though he has personally committed himself together with Chancellor Scholz to put on the table a plan, which is called the French-German plan and which is the best thing that can happen to Kosovo at this stage of its history, and while discussing it, he told me that I am not ready to pave the way if those in Pristina will not "pave the way for an agreement on the French-German plan", Rama said on TV Klan.

He added that Macron's statement "must be read carefully" because, according to him, he "spoke about the next few weeks which are weeks of opportunity".

"So there must be movement in the right direction because the entire community of allies and friends of Kosovo cannot be taken hostage, the entire Euro-Atlantic community cannot be taken hostage to oppose an effort of theirs, very, very determined and so sincere to solve the issue of Kosovo itself", Rama said.

Rohde: Serbia to cooperate in the investigations (RTK)

The European Parliament has approved the resolution in which it has condemned the attack of September 24, and has asked the European Union to remove the measures against Kosovo and impose measures against Serbia if the connections of this country with the attack in question are proven. A change of approach to dialogue is required from Brussels.

After the approval of this resolution, the German ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, once again stated the demands they have towards Serbia after the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska.

Recalling Chancellor Scholz's statement, he said that Germany requires intensive investigations and asks Serbia to cooperate in the investigations led by the Kosovo authorities. He also underlined the urgent need for both sides to resolve the conflict.

Bislimi expresses gratitude for friendship and partnership between Kosovo and France (Koha)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi during his stay in Paris in a meeting with the vice president of the National Assembly, Jean Louis Bourlanges, and the chairman of the commission for Foreign Affairs, Arhtur Delaporte, expressed gratitude for the relations between Kosovo and France.

"Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi expressed his gratitude to the state of France for friendship and close partnership. He informed Ms. Rabault, Mr. Bourlanges and Mr. Delaporte on the successes, achievements and future objectives of the Republic of Kosovo, especially in economic development and the rule of law," the government announced on Thursday afternoon.

Bislimi has said that European integration is a priority for the government of Kosovo and that Kosovo is committed to implementing reforms and advancing in the European journey.

"We are continuously proving that we are ready for further steps, supported not only by the readiness and level of preparation of our institutions, but also by the will and citizen support for this process. The process of European integration should be based on meritocracy and equal access for all countries", the announcement states.

The meeting also discussed the dialogue and the attack in Banjska of Zvecan on September 24. As for economic development, "the importance of equal distribution and sustainable growth was emphasized".

Bislimi's acknowledgment of the Kosovo-France relations comes two days after the French president, Emmanuel Macron "shocked" the opinion in Kosovo with his statement on the liberalization of visas. In Tirana, he said that France in good faith removed the visas for Kosovars from January 1, threatening that, however, "the word is not being kept". His statement was misinterpreted as "France's decision to suspend liberalization" prompting an immediate explosion on social networks among Kosovars.

Krasniqi: There is still no initiative to dismiss mayors in the north (Koha)

The Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, has said that so far there has been no initiative for a petition for dismissal of mayors in the north, nor in other municipalities in Kosovo, since the entry into force in September of the administrative instruction on petitions for dismissals of mayors.

In the show "60 Minutes" on KTV, he said that all the mayors, both in the north and in other areas, "remain all-powerful in the implementation of their constitutional and legal mandate".

"As a government, we are committed to fulfilling all the obligations that are on our table and that we must fulfill in order to set a good example of care for each citizen and process. As a government, we initiated the drafting of the administrative instruction. It is in force and any citizen or group of citizens who wants to use this legal opportunity to remove the mayor from office, wherever they are, can use it. So far, there is no information that petitions have been initiated to remove the mayors. The mayors in the north remain in office, all-powerful in the implementation of their constitutional and legal mandate", he said. "We bear in mind that the last elections were with a small participation of citizens, for well-known reasons, that Serbia blackmailed and intimidated Serb citizens, but the mayors are the result of the democratic and constitutional process. Their removal must be done through democratic, constitutional and legal means, and the petition is the best way to preserve democracy and guarantee legal security for the presidents".

He said that he cannot ascertain whether or not there is readiness for new elections in the north. However, he added that while in Prishtina "we were committed to democracy and with democratic means, Serbia used the time to prepare a terrorist attack to annex the north". 

"These are facts, from September 24 onwards, nothing is the same. We must bear in mind that in the situation we are in, there is an address that is the main culprit for this whole situation, from November 5, 2022 when the then mayors resigned and the police and other institutions, all had a dedicated plan to fade the authority of the Republic of Kosovo in every corner of it", he said.

Krasniqi has said that the municipalities in the north have continuously had pressure from Belgrade and that the local Serb politicians have not dared to have public meetings with the ministers.

He said that he recently had meetings with the mayors of the municipalities in the north and that the MLGA returned the legality for the admission of the four northern municipalities to the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo and that only the vote from AKK is expected.

He said that there is no problem communicating with the mayors of the municipalities.

The Minister has also stated that the government is working on building houses for the communities in the north, through the programs of the Ministry that he leads and that of the Environment.

US Embassy: Selection of the chief prosecutor should be based on merit

The Embassy of the United States of America in Kosovo has said that the process for the selection of judicial officials, including the chief state prosecutor, should be fair and based on merit. In a response to Koha, the Embassy said that the U.S. position on this process has not changed. 

"The United States is proud of our continued support for the rule of law system in Kosovo. We have repeatedly emphasized that the process for the selection of judicial officials, including the Chief State Prosecutor and heads of prosecutions, must be fair, objective, transparent and merit-based. This position has not changed", reads the answer.

 Krasniqi: Government's boycott of PDK's resolution to support police is unacceptable (Klan) 

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi, held on Thursday two separate meetings with the leadership of the Party and the Heads of PDK Branches throughout Kosovo. The topic of the discussion was the current political developments and the organization of the Democratic Party of Kosovo at the country level. 

"Krasniqi has called unacceptable and complete political irresponsibility, the boycott that the government is doing to the Resolution proposed by PDK, through which the Kosovo Police would be concretely supported. According to leader Krasniqi, this boycott comes within the framework of the irresponsible and vindictive actions of this government during the entire mandate until today", it is stated in the communiqué sent by the PDK.

"Economic regression, international sanctions and the deterioration of citizens' well-being are just some of the consequences that come as a result of bad governance, arrogance and continuous corrupt affairs of government officials", it reads further.

The meeting also discussed the non-decree of the Chief State Prosecutor by President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, a decision which is being examined by PDK's legal experts, who will in time propose actions to deal with this issue.

During these meetings, Krasniqi also welcomed the Resolution approved in the European Parliament, which condemns the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska, where the sergeant of the Kosovo Police, Hero Afrim Bunjaku, was killed.

According to Krasniqi, the request of the European Parliament, in addition to the investigation of this case, to request the removal of punitive measures against Kosovo, is encouraging news for the citizens.

At the end of these meetings, Memli Krasniqi informed the Chairmanship and Heads of PDK Branches about the next steps of the opposition-making and asked for their dedication in implementing the party's vision.

Furthermore, he said that Kosovo needs a credible, capable and responsible government, which, in addition to working to improve the well-being of citizens, restores the country to the right course of Euro-Atlantic integration.

The Chairmanship and Heads of PDK Branches expressed their willingness and commitment to engage in the mobilization of PDK throughout the country, informs the communique issued by this political party. 

Spence highly appreciates Kosovo-UNKT cooperation (RTK) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti received the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Kosovo, Arnhild Spence. In the press release issued by the government of Kosovo, it is said that Spence has congratulated Prime Minister Kurti and the government of Kosovo for being among 23 countries out of 130 that have registered their commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on the UN electronic platform.

"Discussing Kosovo's commitments, the commitment of the Government to accelerate the fulfillment of the promise for sustainable development and the realization of Agenda 2030 was emphasized", the announcement states.

Also in the announcement, it is said that the transformative commitments of the government that will focus on the four main policy priorities were reiterated: reduction of the poverty rate, increase of the capacity of renewable energy, digital transformation, as well as undertaking important reforms in the educational system.

"Highly appreciating the cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with UNKT, the readiness for the further deepening and expansion of this cooperation was reiterated", the announcement states. 

It is also said that the concrete ways of joint engagement of the agencies of the United Nations Organization and the government were discussed.

Serbian Language Media

Petkovic met Slovenian envoy for WB, tells him Pristina to take concrete steps on de-escalation (media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic met yesterday Slovenian Special Envoy for Western Balkans Anzej Franges and informed him about the situation in Kosovo as well as that it was necessary for Pristina to take concrete steps aiming at de-escalation in the north.

Petkovic said during the meeting that Pristina must refrain from unilateral, violent and illegal actions by which it terrorizes Serbian people and provokes new crises and tensions on the ground, reads the statement.

He also expressed concern over frequent, ungrounded and illegal arrests of Serbs, as well as because of everyday actions of Kosovo special police in the north, the statement added.

He also warned his interlocutor that Pristina, headed by Albin Kurti in all ways attempted to prevent holding of local elections in northern Kosovo, although Serbian List expressed readiness to take part in it.

Lawyer: Detention of Elezovic extended despite medical documentation on his poor health (Kosovo Online)

Detention of Ilija Elezovic, arrested by Kosovo police on September 20 in Mitrovica North, under accusations of allegedly committing war crimes has been extended for two more months, although the judge had all necessary medical documentation about his very poor health condition, lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told Kosovo Online portal.

Pantovic again underlined the claims that his client is a serious oncological patient, who has been taken four times over the last four weeks to different medical examinations.

Pantovic added that because of his poor health condition Elezovic was recently visited by OSCE, UNMIK, EULEX, Ombudsman and twice by representatives of the International Red Cross Committee from Geneva.

“The court had at its disposal medical documentation that testifies and confirms his poor health condition. There is even a document written by a doctor that prison conditions can significantly deteriorate his health. However, all this was in vain, as the detention was extended for two more months”, Pantovic said.

He added he will file an appeal to this decision and that decision on the extension of detention was handed over to him in Albanian language only, thus the law had been violated. 

Construction of Albanian houses started in Leposavic municipality (KoSSev)

Accompanied by Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla, Minister of Administration and Local Self-governance Elbert Krasniqi visited villages in Leposavic municipality, where as it had been confirmed yesterday, Kosovo government project to build respectively renovate Albanian houses in northern Kosovo has started, KoSSev portal reports.

Two Pristina officials visited four families in the villages of Ceranja and Bistrica.

Krasniqi also spoke about housing reconstruction for Albanians in Brdjane settlement, in Mitrovica North, confirming that those houses are built by the Ministry for Infrastructure.

Minister of Infrastructure Liburn Aliu while announcing the project earlier said it includes 25 houses on three lots, adding out of this number 4 will be renovated and the rest constructed. 

Brnabic meets with ODIHR mission (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with an ODIHR mission on Thursday and thanked it for its committed work and support to improvement of electoral conditions in Serbia in the past several years.

Brnabic said the government was fully committed to improvement of the electoral process and that all government members and state institutions would be available to ODIHR mission members at all times to achieve the shared goal through joint forces, the Serbian government said in a statement.

The ODIHR representatives noted that they very much appreciated the attention the Serbian authorities devoted to their reports and recommendations. They said their visit included discussions with an extremely wide range of interested partners including representatives of the government, the opposition, political parties, the civil society, the NGO sector and media.

The ODIHR mission is in Serbia this week to hold discussions with all actors involved in the election process to make a decision on the presence of its observer mission during the upcoming elections in the country.

Davenport presented OSCE report on Kosovo in Vienna (Radio KIM, social media)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Michael Davenport presented in Vienna the report of this mission on Kosovo, adding that they remain committed to strengthening respect for human rights and dialogue among communities, Radio KIM reports.

“In Vienna today to present @OSCEKosovo’s regular report to #OSCE Permanent Council. Encouraged by widespread support for the Mission & its important work in not always easy environment. We remain committed to strengthening respect for human rights & inter-community dialogue”, Davenport wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter.