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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Stoltenberg: Kosovo is an example of how NATO and EU cooperate closely (Koha)
  • Blinken: Kosovo and Bosnia, at the center of our concerns (Koha)
  • Osmani and Peach talk about latest developments in Kosovo and region (RTK)
  • Kurti and Bislimi meet Peach, talk about dialogue and security situation (media)
  • Lajcak and Sarrazin meet, talk about dialogue (Koha)
  • Trendafilova: The highest penalty for war crimes, life imprisonment (media)
  • 48 hours detention assigned to six PSD members (media)
  • AJK appeals to the Police: Respect work of journalists (media)
  • Police carrying out operations in several locations in the north of Kosovo (Koha)
  • The National Program for Perpetrators of Violence against Women launched (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Diocese Raska-Prizren: A fake priest from Albania performed a service in a church near Podujevo (KiM radio, KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever, N1)
  • Office for KiM: A new attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Diocese of Raska-Prizren (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • KFOR and the Kosovo Police agreed on joint patrols (NMagazin, Beta)
  • An indictment filed in Pristina against Gavrilo Milosavljevic, arrested last December (RTS, Beta, NMagazin)
  • Lawyer: Savic released on bail, we will prove his innocence (Kosovo Online)
  • Lajcak and Barbano before the EP foreign policy committee on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Lajcak and Sarrazin discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)
  • Dacic meets with German interior minister (Tanjug)

International Media:

  • Kosovo Indicts Serbs for 1999 Dubrava Prison Massacre (BIRN)
  • Smoke Bombs Thrown as War Crime Court President Visits Kosovo (BIRN)
  • Switzerland to boost Kosovo Force next year (
  • KFOR has the largest Presence in Kosovo in the last Decade (

Albanian Language Media

Stoltenberg: Kosovo is an example of how NATO and EU cooperate closely (Koha)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that Kosovo is an example of how NATO and the European Union cooperate closely with each other. Stoltenberg, at the press conference on Wednesday, said that he believes that the draft of the Association is a way forward to find a solution and make progress in the dialogue.

"We have seen serious incidents in Kosovo. I just visited Kosovo. We saw in the spring attack on NATO, 93 NATO soldiers were injured and some of them received life-changing injuries. It is totally unacceptable. We also saw the incident in Banjska, where people were killed. It is serious and shows the challenges we face in Kosovo. It is important for both sides to de-escalate and refrain from actions that further increase tensions, and refrain from any rhetoric that could increase tensions. This is my message, and this was my message at the meetings in Pristina and Belgrade", Stoltenberg said.

"The message is that Pristina and Belgrade should engage in a good spirit in the dialogue facilitated by the EU. Kosovo is an example of how NATO and the EU are working closely together. The EU is leading the diplomatic engagement, and we are present with thousands of troops on the ground".

Stoltenberg has said that after the recent tensions, the number of troops has increased by another 1,000, reaching nearly 5,000.

He also spoke about the latest draft proposal of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority.

"I believe that the proposal of the Association can be the way forward to try to find a solution and make progress within the dialogue", Stoltenberg said.

Blinken: Kosovo and Bosnia, at the center of our concerns (Koha)

After the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the U.S. secretary of state, Antony Blinken, also expressed concern about the increase in tensions in the Western Balkans. On the sidelines of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the NATO member countries, Blinken also spoke about the tensions in the north of Kosovo, and emphasized that Kosovo and Bosnia have been at the center of concerns since he took office.

He expressed his position on the second day of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the NATO member countries in Brussels, where the tensions in the Western Balkans were also discussed. Blinken has emphasized that efforts are being made to prevent the return of conflicts in the region. 

"One thing we don't want to happen in the future is the return of conflicts in the Balkans", said Secretary Blinken. "NATO has played a key role in helping the states of the region to make progress on their way to membership of the European Union and to wider European stability."

Blinken also spoke about the tensions in the north of Kosovo inhabited by a majority of Serbs, which started in May and culminated in September, after a Serbian paramilitary group carried out an armed attack on the Kosovo Police. On September 24, the armed group of Serbs killed sergeant Afrim Bunjaku, while in the armed clashes that took place during the day in Banjska of Zvecan, three Serbian attackers were also killed.

"The alliance has responded decisively to the actors who aim to destabilize the north of Kosovo. As we said earlier this year, we have deployed additional troops to KFOR. We have also deepened our cooperation with the force led by the European Union in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This was also an important part of our conversation during these two days", said the U.S. Secretary of State.

Osmani and Peach talk about the latest developments in Kosovo and region (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, received in a meeting the special envoy of the United Kingdom for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach, with whom she discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and the region, security challenges in the region as well as about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

"The meeting also discussed Kosovo's integration into international institutions, including the Council of Europe, as well as NATO membership," the announcement of the presidency states.

Osmani emphasized that membership in the Council of Europe would be an important step for the further strengthening and advancement of human rights through the mechanisms offered by the Council, which will serve as an additional mechanism for the protection and guarantee of human rights of all citizens of Kosovo without distinction.

Also, she reiterated the importance of Kosovo's membership in NATO, starting with inclusion in the Partnership for Peace. In this spirit, President Osmani said that this step is necessary to ensure long-term peace and security in the region and beyond.

In the meeting, Lord Peach congratulated President Osmani for her continuous efforts in advancing the agenda for women, peace and security in this challenging time for world peace.

Kurti and Bislimi meet Peach, talk about dialogue and security situation (media)

The special envoy of the United Kingdom for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach also met the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti.  They talked about bilateral relations, recent developments, and the security situation in Kosovo, namely on the border with Serbia after the terrorist and paramilitary attack in Banjska two months ago.

The press release of the Prime Minister’s Office informs that the meeting also mentioned the deployment along the border of the anti-aircraft system of the Serbian army, the only one in Europe that operates with Chinese weapons and missile systems, such as the FK-3.

"There was also talk about the dialogue process mediated by the European Union, but also about the October 26 meeting with European leaders in Brussels, as an important effort towards the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations, but also as a missed opportunity to sign the agreement as a guarantee of full implementation", the announcement states. 

Kurti thanked Peach for the cooperation with Great Britain in the field of defense and its active role in the field of security, especially through the KFOR mission. He emphasized that the landing of a contingent of 200 British soldiers in Kosovo, as a response to the terrorist attack of September 24, is contributing to the security situation.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi, also met with Peach. The two are reported to have discussed bilateral relations, current issues and the situation in the region.

"He informed the emissary Peach about the dialogue process as well as the active and constructive role of the Republic of Kosovo. Our country has continuously demonstrated its commitment and dedication not only in the normalization of relations and recognition with Serbia, but also in strengthening the ties between the states of the region, as a catalyst for peace and harmony, development and progress", the announcement states.

Lajcak and Sarrazin meet, talk about dialogue (Koha)

The EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, met with the special envoy of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.

“Always useful to meet with my friend and German Special Envoy for the Western Balkan Manuel Sarrazin. We compared notes about the latest developments in the region and I updated him on the state of play in the Dialogue. We will continue to stay in close touch,” Lajcak wrote on X platform.

Trendafilova: The highest penalty for war crimes, life imprisonment (media)

After the delay caused by the protest against the Special Court, the head of the Specialized Chambers, Ekaterina Trendafilova, answered a series of questions from journalists on Wednesday. The President of the Specialized Chambers said that the court can also take into account the decisions of other courts that are related to war crimes in Kosovo.

The conference of the head of the Specialized Chambers, Ekaterina Trendafilova, started with a delay of more than 20 minutes, due to the tear gas that penetrated the hotel where this event was held on Wednesday. She did not comment on the protest against her visit to Kosovo, but when she coughed at the beginning of the conference, she insisted that it was not from tear gas.

As for the closed sessions in The Hague, Trendafilova said that she only sees what the public sees on the court's website and that the court is being blamed without reason.

"As for the closed sessions, well I mentioned a little earlier that during many sessions the defense was also ready to enter a private session and this should not be attributed only to the judges... And finally there were eight witnesses, and the jury said no to the witnesses, you will testify in public and not in a private session, because this must have a purpose. However, this is decided on a case-by-case basis by the judges, and I tell you with full responsibility that they are committed to what they do - every minute," Trendafilova said.

The Special Court is also dealing with the case of Salih Mustafa, sentenced to 26 years in prison for war crimes in Zllash. This sentence is the highest for war crimes in Kosovo, including the final verdicts of the Hague Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. She did not rule out the possibility of a life sentence.

"The most serious punishment under our law is life imprisonment and of course the judges will be guided by the Criminal Code of Kosovo and the judges can take into consideration, which is by no means mandatory, the approaches of other institutions, not stopp at one of them. However, the general framework in which this decision should be taken is our law, which provides up to life imprisonment, and of course the Criminal Code of Kosovo", Trendafilova said. 

The Appeal judgment for Mustafa's case has been announced for December 14 and Trendafilova said that she does not know what to expect from this decision.

48 hours detention assigned to six PSD members (media)

Activists of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), through the protest where tear gas and explosive devices were used, opposed the visit of the head of the Specialized Chambers based in The Hague, Ekaterina Trendafilova. During their clash with the Kosovo Police, six of its members were arrested. The reaction of the police has been criticized by representatives of this political entity, CDHRF and KLA War Veterans Association.

The Prosecutor's Office has assigned the measure of detention to six members of the Social Democratic Party(PSD), who were arrested today during the protest against the President of the Specialized Chamber, Ekaterina Trendafilova.

In a post on Facebook, the PSD wrote that they object that Trendafilova’s visit pass as normal as possible, stressing that her fight for image is lost.

"The prosecutor's office has decided that the leader of the PSD, Dardan Molliqaj, Zgim Hysen, Nol Nushi, Agron Kabashi, Korab Korca and Gent Brahimi, will be detained for 48 hours. To us, this decision is political and unfair. This is how they are trying to stop the opposition voice, to relativize the injustice of the Special Court", the post reads.

PSD's response states that it is urgently requested to release its activists. "Intimidation methods do not stop us. The court is racist, unjust and segregating. Resistance continues. Ms. Trendafilova is not welcome", says the reaction of this party.

AJK appeals to the Police: Respect work of journalists (media)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has stated that it is very concerned by the developments from the PSD protest, against Ekaterina Trendafilova - the head of the Specialized Chambers of the Special Court, where, according to them, spray and tear gas was thrown at the journalists.

According to AJK, from this police action, Elmedina Ballazhi and Pleurat Salihu, who was also injured, Hasan Hoti and Rrahman Osmani, as well as others, suffered.

"To the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, this behavior of the Kosovo Police is absolutely unacceptable and reprehensible, therefore it calls on them to respect the work of journalists, as well as not to hinder them while performing their professional duties. At the same time, we call on colleagues who report from the field to carry their work IDs with them, as well as vests with the inscription PRESS, so that they can be identified as media workers, and not protesters", the announcement states.

Police carrying out operations in several locations in the north of Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo police carried out action in several locations in the north of Kosovo. According to the deputy director of the Police, Veton Elshani, several lines for the production of cryptocurrencies have been confiscated. He added that there were no arrests after this action.

The National Program for Perpetrators of Violence against Women launched (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, has announced that the National Program for Perpetrators of Violence against Women has been launched.

She has said that the program aims to change the behavior and mindset of perpetrators of violence through a transformational journey that leads to non-violent and respectful behaviors in interpersonal relationships.

"With special emphasis, the Program focuses on the rehabilitation of the perpetrators, while it aims to provide the necessary support and security for their victims", Haxhiu said. 

This, according to her, is an important step towards preventing and stopping the cycle of domestic violence.

"I thank the Council of Europe, the representatives of the institutions and the civil society for the support they have given us in this process", she said.

Serbian Language Media 

Diocese Raska-Prizren: A fake priest from Albania performed a service in a church near Podujevo (KiM radio, KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever, N1)

KiM radio reported last night that a group of people on Tuesday broke into the church of Saint Michael the Archangel in the village of Rakitnici, in the municipality of Podujevo, together with the self-proclaimed and false priest Nikola Xhufka, a citizen of the Republic of Albania, in order to perform a church ceremony in the church. The Raska -Prizren Diocese emphasized that a criminal offense was committed in order to seize and "Kosovize" the cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Referring to the writing of the portal, the Diocese warns that a group led by Xhufka broke into the 15th-century SOC building and performed a ritual, and some representatives of the Municipality of Podujevo were also present during the act. 

The goal of this group, according to the portal, is to declare this church the "Church of Fan Noli", that is, the self-proclaimed Albanian National Orthodox Church from Elbasan.

The Diocese emphasizes that this criminal act aims to steal the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church, i.e., its "Albanization" or "Kosovarization".

Read the full statement of the Raska-Prizren Eparchy at:

Office for KiM: A new attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Diocese of Raska-Prizren (Radio Mitrovica sever)

“The invasion of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in the village of Rakitnici by officials from Podujevo, led by the false and self-proclaimed Albanian priest Nikola Xhufka, represents a new attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren, with the aim of erasing and appropriating the Serbian Orthodox religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohija,” announced the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

"Such a violent and planned act undoubtedly could not have been carried out without the knowledge and support of the institutions in Pristina, headed by Albin Kurti, who base their actions exclusively on fighting everything Serbian in the area of Kosovo and Metohija," it was said among other things in the Office statement.

KFOR and the Kosovo Police agreed on joint patrols (NMagazin, Beta)

Director General of the Kosovo Police Gazmend Hoxha and KFOR Commander General Ozkan Ulutas agreed on joint activities and patrols to ensure security in Kosovo, including the north.

The continuation of cooperation and the improvement of the exchange of information "in order to maintain a more peaceful and safer environment for all citizens without distinction," announced the Kosovo police.

As stated, "the two sides agree that the continuation of cooperation, good faith and the realization of joint activities affect the further increase of the level of general security".

An indictment filed in Pristina against Gavrilo Milosavljevic arrested last December (RTS, Beta, NMagazin)

The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina filed an indictment in the Basic Court against Gavrilo Milosavljevic on suspicion that he allegedly committed ''war crimes against the civilian population", reported RTS.

Milosavljevic was accused "of having participated in the murder of one hundred and nine (109) prisoners and the wounding of another one hundred and eight (108) prisoners, all of Albanian nationality, on May 22, 1999, in the prison in Dubrava near Istok", it was said in the prosecution's statement. 

"The investigations were provided with sufficient relevant legal evidence proving that the defendant, in collusion with other members of the Serbian police and army, participated and contributed to the commission of the criminal offense for which he is charged. This criminal case has already been handed over to the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina for further processing," the prosecution announced.

Milosavljevic is in custody according to the decision of the judge for the preliminary proceedings until the new decision of the court.

The investigation against the other defendants continues, in their absence, because they are unavailable to the law enforcement authorities.

Milosavljevic was arrested in December last year.

Lawyer on the indictment against Milosavljevic: Clear to everyone that Gavrilo is innocent (Kosovo Online)

Lawyer Dejan Vasic confirmed for Kosovo Online that a formal accusation has been filed against Gavrilo Milosavljevic, assessing that "all the citizens of Istok, as well as the Kosovo public, know that Gavrilo is innocent’’.

"After the phase of confirmation of the indictment, I will form a team with my colleagues, who, I am sure, will show to every well-intentioned observer that Gavrilo is not guilty of the actions he is accused of," said Vasic.

After 1999, Gavrilo Milosavljevic continuously came to Kosovo in search of his missing mother. 

The portal wrote that he believed that his mother was killed, but he did not manage to find her body, which is why he had to establish in court proceedings that she had passed away as a missing person. After that, he managed to inherit her apartment in Istok and planned to return and continue his life with his wife and daughter in Istok. 

According to Kosovo Online, on the day when he managed to get the ownership document for the apartment, he was arrested, and now, a year later, an indictment has been filed. He spent all these months in a cell of the high security prison in Podujevo. 

Lawyer: Savic released on bail, we will prove his innocence (Kosovo Online)

Lawyer Milos Delevic confirmed for Kosovo Online that his client Goran Savic was released yesterday on bail. 

"Goran Savic was released today on bail. The family of Goran Savic collected the amount of 10,000 euros and paid the bail. Before the state prosecutor, he denied the guilt of having committed the crime with which he was charged. I believe that in the further course of the proceedings we will prove his innocence," said Delevic.

Portal Kosovo Online recalled that Goran Savic, a Serb from Leposavic, a former member of the Kosovo Police, was arrested in his hometown on September 8.

Lajcak and Barbano before the EP foreign policy committee on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The EU's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, and EULEX head Giovanni Pietro Barbano spoke before the foreign policy committee of the European Parliament about the progress achieved in the dialogue.

"Today, Mr. Barbano and I informed the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament about the progress achieved in the dialogue under the auspices of the EU. I appreciate the parliament's interest in that issue," Miroslav Lajcak wrote on the X social network.

In Brussels, Lajcak spoke with the head of Finnish diplomacy, Elina Valtonen.

"We welcomed yesterday's opportunity to discuss dialogue and renewed efforts to make the EU perspective for the Western Balkans a reality with Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen. Grateful for Finland's continuous support," said Lajcak on X.

Lajcak and Sarrazin discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)

The European Union's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke yesterday with the German government's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.

"It is always useful to meet with my friend and special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin. We compared notes on the latest developments in the region and I informed him about the state of the dialogue," Lajcak wrote on the X platform, adding that he would remain in close contact with the German diplomat.

Dacic meets with German interior minister (Tanjug)

Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic met with German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in Belgrade on Wednesday.

The ministers exchanged views on the challenges of irregular migration on the Western Balkan route and the fight against human trafficking, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Noting Serbia's constructive role during the migrant crisis in 2015, Dacic said Serbia would continue to take the necessary measures to remain a dependable partner to Germany and other EU member states in curbing irregular migration, among other ways, through further alignment of Serbia's visa policy with that of the EU.

Faeser reiterated Germany's support for reform efforts bringing Serbia closer to EU membership as its strategic goal.

During the November 28-29 visit to Serbia, Faeser also met with Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic.

International Media

Kosovo Indicts Serbs for 1999 Dubrava Prison Massacre (BIRN)

Kosovo's Special Prosecution announced on Wednesday that it has filed an indictment to Pristina Basic Court charging a Serb who has dual citizenship of Kosovo and Serbia with committing war crimes during the Kosovo war in 1999.

"The defendant is accused of participating in the murder of 109 prisoners and the injuring of 108 other prisoners, all of Albanian nationality [ethnicity], on May 22, 1999 [in what is known as] the 'Dubrava Massacre'," the prosecution's announcement said. 

The suspect, who was only identified by his initials, G.M., is currently in detention.

He was arrested by the Kosovo police in December last year on suspicion of involvement in the massacre at the prison in Peja/Pec in May 1999.

Read more at:

Smoke Bombs Thrown as War Crime Court President Visits Kosovo (BIRN)

Police arrested six people in Pristina on Wednesday after a group of around 20 protesters threw smoke bombs outside the venue where Ekaterina Trendafilova, the president of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, which is trying Kosovo Liberation Army ex-guerrillas for alleged war crimes, was holding an outreach event. 

Because some of the smoke entered the venue, the event started around half an hour late. One journalist received medical treatment after he sustained injuries during the incident.

The protest was organised by Social Democrat Party, which has no MPs in parliament, to express dissatisfaction with the Hague-based court. The party announced that six of its activists, including its chairman Dardan Molliqaj, were arrested.

Commenting on the incident, Trendafilova insisted that her role is purely non-political.

“I am not here for political issues or to discuss about them. I have zero information regarding political issues,” she said.

Read more at:

Switzerland to boost Kosovo Force next year ( 

Switzerland will send 20 more soldiers to KFOR (Kosovo Force) in Kosovo from April 2024. The Federal Council took this decision on Wednesday to replace the transport unit that Austria will withdraw from the mission next spring.

Swisscoy in Kosovo and the neutrality debate 

Last June, Parliament approved Switzerland's participation in KFOR as well as its extension until December 31, 2026. It also gave the Federal Council the power to increase, during the mandate and until the end of the commitment, the strength of a maximum of 30 soldiers to meet possible additional needs.

Austria, for its part, announced to NATO that it wanted to reduce its participation in KFOR during the spring of 2024. It will withdraw two units: an infantry company and a transport company. The strength of the Austrian contingent will thus be greatly reduced.

Read more at:

KFOR has the largest Presence in Kosovo in the last Decade (

The international peacekeeping forces in Kosovo KFOR announced that at this moment, due to the security situation and tensions in the north, they have the largest presence in Kosovo in the last decade.

As they stated, almost 1,000 additional soldiers with heavy weapons were deployed in Kosovo.

“We quadrupled the presence of KFOR in the north of Kosovo and tripled the number of patrols, including along the border line. KFOR maintains a flexible and agile position throughout Kosovo and is ready to respond to all possible scenarios, in accordance with its UN mandate,” they pointed out.

As they said, KFOR remains the third responding factor in the security service in Kosovo, after the Kosovo Police and EULEX.

“Our commander is in regular contact with everyone,” they added.