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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 12, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • O’Brien: We will not allow violence in northern Kosovo (RFE)
  • State Department confirms Kosovo requested Javelin Missiles (media)
  • Osmani: Kosovo deserves the EU candidate country status (media)
  • Maqedonci: Kosovo has returned to Defender exercises (Koha)
  • Kosovo Police: Competencies of Special Intervention Unit remain the same (media)
  • COMKFOR meets Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces (media)
  • Media from Presevo Valley complain over discrimination by Serbia (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Arsenijevic: I have submitted request aiming at overturning decision on land allocation to Kosovo Interior Ministry (KoSSev)
  • Vucic: US decision to accept Pristina's request to buy missiles greatly disappointing (Tanjug)
  • Congresswoman Tenney: Dangerous decision of US to sell Kosovo anti-tank missiles (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Mojsilovic, KFOR Commander discuss security situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
  • O'Brien: Serbia and Kosovo should take their share of responsibility and avoid provocations in the north (Kosovo Online)
  • Office for KiM: Two Serb houses robbed during holidays in Ljubozda village (Radio KIM)
  • Prosecution on Sandulovic: Collected evidence does not point to mistreatment (N1)

International Media: 

  • US Confirms Kosovo’s Request for Anti-Tank Missiles, Serbia ‘Disappointed’ (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

O’Brien: We will not allow violence in northern Kosovo (RFE)

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O'Brien, said on Thursday that Washington will not allow repetition of violent incidents in the north of Kosovo following the violent events in September last year. At an online meeting with journalists, O’Brien called on Kosovo and Serbia to avoid provocative actions in the mainly Serb-inhabited north.

O’Brien commended the cooperation and coordination between Kosovo Police and NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, and said that the presence of international peacekeepers increased in the last months.

O’Brien also said that “communication and cooperation with Belgrade has allowed a relaxation of the situation. We expect this to continue, and in the coming months, we expect more transparency and discussions. This is very important, especially after the events of last September when a group tried to send a quantity of weapons that would cause serious violence if they could accomplish their plans. I think both parties understand that this will not be allowed to happen, and no one wants it to be repeated.”

State Department confirms Kosovo requested Javelin Missiles (media)

The U.S. State Department said in a press release on Thursday that “it approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Kosovo of Javelin Missiles and related equipment for an estimated cost of $75 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.”

“The Republic of Kosovo has requested to buy two hundred forty-six (246) Javelin FGM-148F missiles (includes six (6) fly-to-buy missiles); and twenty-four (24) Javelin Lightweight Command Launch Units (LWCLU). Also included are Javelin LWCLU Basic Skills Trainers; Javelin Outdoor Trainers; Missile Simulation Rounds; Outdoor Training Instructor Stations (OTIS); Battery Coolant Units (BCUs); System Integration and Check out (SICO); Life Cycle Support (LCS); Javelin Restricted Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM); Javelin Operator Manual and Technical Assistance (TAGM); tools; Javelin gunner training; Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) training; Javelin maintenance training; and other elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated cost is $75 million.”

“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security of the United States by improving the security of a European partner which is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe.”

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Osmani: Kosovo deserves the EU candidate country status (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Thursday with the Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar and discussed current political and security developments, mutual interests, and the expansion of opportunities for increased cooperation. “President Osmani expressed her gratitude for Ireland’s support to Kosovo’s path towards obtainment of Council of Europe membership. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of continuation of this support towards the final membership in the Council of Europe, the EU, as well as in other international organizations. Membership in the Council of Europe is to the benefit of all citizens of Kosovo and enables advanced protection of human rights. Osmani also said that it is time that Kosovo’s relations with the EU should be raised to the next level,” a press release issued by Osmani’s office notes.

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Maqedonci: Kosovo has returned to Defender exercises (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, said in an interview with KTV on Thursday that members of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) took part in the planning conferences for Defender Europe for 2025. Maqedonci said that the exercises in 2023 were suspended for Kosovo because of the international community’s reaction that their advice to avoid escalating tensions in the Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo were ignored.

Kosovo Police: Competencies of Special Intervention Unit remain the same (media)

Kosovo Police issued a statement on Thursday refuting reports in some media according to which the government decided to strip the Special Intervention Unit of some of its competencies.

COMKFOR meets Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces (media)

Commander of NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, Ozkan Ulutas visited the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic in Belgrade on Thursday. KFOR said in a post on X that during the meeting Ulutas and Mojsilovic exchanged views on the security situation in Kosovo and agreed on continuing close cooperation.

Media from Presevo Valley complain over discrimination by Serbia (media)

Representatives of Albanian media in Presevo Valley in Serbia met on Thursday with Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and expressed their concerns about the discrimination against Albanians and the unstable and discriminatory situation against Albanian media in Presevo Valley. Media representatives argued that “although legal provisions need to provide for equal access to the Albanian media in Serbia, they are still faced with obstacles and difficulties when they try to benefit from financial support, which is needed to meet all the necessary conditions. The need for financial stability is a key matter for cooperation, increasing professionalism and quality of information in Albanian in [Presevo] Valley, while respecting the principles of independent journalism and professional ethics,” a press release issued by the Kosovo government said.

Serbian Language Media

Arsenijevic: I have submitted request aiming at overturning decision on land allocation to Kosovo Interior Ministry (KoSSev)

The Serbian Democracy, party from northern Kosovo headed by Aleksandar Arsenijevic, said on Thursday they submitted a request to launch a procedure aiming at overturning a decision on allocation of a land parcel near the so-called Military Overhaul in Mitrovica North to the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs. This request will be presented to the MA councilors at regular session, chairman of Mitrovica North MA told KoSSev portal.

“We have submitted a request to the Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly Chair, Nedzad Ugljanin, to overturn illegal decision on allocating municipal land parcel to the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs”, Serbian Democracy said in a statement, adding they expect their request to be approved in the shortest time possible.

“By this we launch a democratic process to overturn undemocratic and illegal decision that was made to the detriment of the citizens”, the party said. Aleksandar Arsenijevic, leader of the party said he requested that the procedure to overturn the decision be explained to him, as it was not clearly stipulated to the legal acts, and in order not to have problems later while collecting signatures from citizens to overturn this decision.

Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly Chair, Nedzad Ugljanin in the meantime confirmed to KoSSev that Arsenijevic submitted a request to this institution. He said he can not comment on the request in advance and what will happen with it, adding that the request will be presented to the municipal councilors in a regular session. Arsenijevic told the portal that Ugljanin told him his request will be sent to the Ministry of Local Governance Administration.

Vucic: US decision to accept Pristina's request to buy missiles greatly disappointing (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday Serbia would continue to act responsibly, contribute to stability in the Balkans and work on maintaining ties with the US despite the fact Washington had accepted Pristina's request to buy Javelin anti-tank missiles, Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic said this in an official statement after receiving US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill, who informed him of a decision to accept the request. Vucic said the decision was "greatly disappointing" to Belgrade but that Serbia would work together with the US on maintaining Serbia-US relations.

"To us, it is of the utmost importance that peace in the region is not disrupted, and Serbia will continue to act responsibly and contribute to stability in the Balkans", Vucic said. The statement, released by the presidential press office, also said Vucic and Hill had discussed further advancement of bilateral political and economic relations, Serbia's international position, the situation in Kosovo and a continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, as well as current geopolitical developments.

Congresswoman Tenney: Dangerous decision of US to sell Kosovo anti-tank missiles (Kosovo Online, media)

US Congresswoman Claudia Tenney said the State Department’s agreement to send Javelin missiles to Kosovo was “incredibly inflammatory” especially while tensions are already heightened in the Western Balkans, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“(...) This decision only adds fuel to the fire and makes it more likely that a conflict breaks out. Further, this decision rewards Kosovo while it continues to ignore previous international commitments, such as those agreed to under the 2013 Brussels Agreement. That is why I introduced the BACKING the 2013 Brussels Agreement Act to hold Kosovo accountable for failing to uphold its international agreements. The United States should not continue arming and funding the Kurti regime’s blatant disregard of international norms”, reads Tenney’s statement posted on X social network.

“We know that sending additional weapons to Kosovo will not lead to peace, instead, Serbia and Kosovo achieved progress through diplomacy to achieve a stable, secure, and prosperous Western Balkans region. That is why I will introduce a joint disapproval resolution under the Arms Export Control Act once Congress is formally notified of this sale. I urge Congress to expeditiously pass this resolution and also urge the President to reverse the course”, she added.

Mojsilovic, KFOR Commander discuss security situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic received KFOR Commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss the security situation in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reports.

The meeting also addressed implementation of joint SAF-KFOR activities to monitor the situation on the ground, prevent crises and avert the spread of disinformation, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Mojsilovic noted that the SAF fully complied with the Military-Technical Agreement and reiterated that KFOR was the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo as UNSCR 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement recognised no other parties except international civilian and security presence in Kosovo and Serbian security forces.

He said he expected KFOR to perform its mandate in full and without bias and react in a timely manner to any attempt of threatening the safety of citizens - above all, Serbs - and protect the Serbian national, cultural, historical and religious heritage in the territory of Kosovo.

O'Brien: Serbia and Kosovo should take their share of responsibility and avoid provocations in the north (Kosovo Online)

The United States supports the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, led by the European Union, and both sides must fulfill their obligations in this process and avoid provocations in the north, James O'Brien, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs said, Kosovo Online portal reported.

"Our position on Kosovo and Serbia has not changed. We strongly support the dialogue led by the EU and Miroslav Lajcak. I call on Serbia and Kosovo to take their share of responsibility within the dialogue. There has been progress in recent months regarding everyday issues, such as license plates and customs documents, enabling freedom of movement", O'Brien said during an online briefing with journalists.

He emphasized the importance of Serbia and Kosovo avoiding provocative actions in the north, pointing out that NATO's presence had been strengthened.

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Office for KiM: Two Serb houses robbed during holidays in Ljubozda village (Radio KIM)

During Christmas holidays family houses of Zarko Zaric and Radomir Ristic in the returnee village of Ljubozda, in Istok municipality, have been robbed, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Radio KIM reported.

The Office said the majority of the Serbs from this village spent holidays with relatives in central Serbia and upon returning found out that furniture, agriculture equipment and firewood were stolen from two houses.

“This is obviously about organized action in which several persons took part, while Serb returnee in this village are revolted not only by the fact that affected families suffered major material damage, but also because this shameful and brazen attack took place at the times of the most joyful Chirstian holiday, when Serbs and Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija were sending messages of peace and tolerance”, the Office said, adding they request perpetrators be identified and brought to justice. Zarko Zaric, one of the affected house owners is currently in detention, the Office for KIM said because of “fabricated accusations that he committed war crimes during the conflict in Kosovo”.

Prosecution on Sandulovic: Collected evidence does not point to mistreatment (N1)

The Second Basic Prosecution Office in Belgrade said yesterday that evidence collected thus far does not point to the existence of sufficiently convincing allegations and clear indications that mistreatment occurred in the case of Nikola Sandulovic, N1 reports.

The Prosecution added they acted upon information published by some media in relation to the alleged mistreatment of Nikola Sandulovic by official persons on duty, members of the Security Information Agency (BIA) on January 3 and started collecting evidence, including the discharge list from the Military Medical Academy (VMA) Clinic of Neurology, which, as they said, clearly state that there were no any bodily injuries identified.

“Having in mind the above stated thing, the evidence collected thus far does not point to the conclusion of existence of sufficiently convincing allegations and clear indications that a mistreatment occurred in this concrete case”, the statement said.

International Media

US Confirms Kosovo’s Request for Anti-Tank Missiles, Serbia ‘Disappointed’ (Balkan Insight)

After meeting the US ambassador to Serbia on Thursday, President Vucic says he was 'disappointed' to hear Kosovo’s request for anti-tank missiles has been forwarded to Congress – but will still 'work to preserve Serbian-American relations'.

The US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill told Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that the US has sent Kosovo’s request for the purchase of Javalin anti-tank missiles to Congress.

“As Ambassador Hill stated, the State Department will send Pristina’s request to the US Congress, which begins the official procedure,” it said in a press release that Vucic’s office issued after the meeting on Thursday.

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