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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Ziadeh: Restraint and constructive engagement to resolve outstanding issues (media)
  • Kurti: Transition period needed for regulation on cash payment operations (media)
  • Hovenier: Kosovo government should postpone enforcement of regulation (media)
  • UN Security Council to hold session on Kosovo on Thursday (media)
  • Rohde: We’re not criticizing the regulation, but the manner of enforcement (media)
  • Abbott: A transition period is needed for the Dinar (media)
  • Von Cramon: Current decision on Dinar came very unexpected (Gazeta Express)
  • Belgian Presidency of EU Council: Implementation of agreements crucial to consider application (Koha)
  • Bislimi reacts to Serbia cutting budget to Albanian National Council (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • UNMIK chief calls for resolving outstanding issues through dialogue (Tanjug, media)
  • UNSC session on Kosovo to be held on Thursday (Kosovo Online)
  • French Ambassador: Quint requests suspension of decision on dinar, establishment of ZSO (Tanjug)
  • Zakharova reacts to Pristina’s decision on abolishing dinar (Tanjug, media)
  • Rohde: We are not criticizing CBK decision, but manner of its implementation (Kosovo Online)
  • SNF: Working meeting of Serb political representatives held in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)
  • Independent Media Commission to reinstate Arena sport channels (KoSSev)
  • Signboard “Republic of Kosovo” placed on Zubin Potok municipal building (KoSSev, N1, media)

Albanian Language Media

Ziadeh: Restraint and constructive engagement to resolve outstanding issues (media) 

Most news websites covered a statement issued by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh on Tuesday in which she notes that she “has been following with serious concern recent developments that impact the economic and social rights of Kosovo Serbs and other non-majority communities”.

SRSG Ziadeh calls for outstanding issues to be discussed within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue, including appropriate time to allow for effective communication and adequate outreach to affected communities beforehand.

The SRSG reiterates UNMIK’s unwavering commitment for the respect and protection of human rights for all communities, including the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which is one of the pillars of Kosovo’s human rights framework.

Kurti: Transition period needed for regulation on cash payment operations (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti issued the following statement on Tuesday evening regarding the Central Bank of Kosovo’s regulation on cash payment operations:

I write this statement stressing that the Office of the Prime Minister fully supports the independence of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) and the professionalism with which it performs its duties. In this capacity, I feel obliged to protect the professionalism of public bodies.

At the end of last year, the Central Bank issued its own regulation on cash payments. Regulating the way foreign currencies operate in a country is, of course, a core competence of the Central Bank.

This rule does not target the Serbian Dinar. The Central Bank has rightly requested that informal transactions conducted in Dinars, Serbia, be formalized; Their existence and their continuity were unlawful. Kosovo's official currency is the Euro and the regulation comes almost 16 years after our declaration of independence.

This decision is the fundamental responsibility of the Central Banks, aiming at regulating the entry of foreign currencies within the territory. The lack of such regulation could result in money-wasting, terrorist financing and other illegal activities.

In practical terms, this decision implies that payments received by Kosovo Serbs are still permitted but will be deposited in their euro accounts. Of course, private ownership of foreign currencies remains permitted.

Since our government distributes public money in the form of subsidies and other means of social protection, which were taken simultaneously from the Serbian community into their bank accounts in Euro, there is strong evidence that these bank accounts are of wide use. Almost 35% of the Serb community in Kosovo receive pensions from our Government in its euro accounts. Pensions they receive from Serbia can be transferred to the same accounts, as supplements and not as replacements for existing benefit schemes. In addition to official bank branches, there are 15 other financial institutions where pensions from Serbia can be divided, in the absence of bank accounts.

Furthermore, the opening and maintenance of new bank accounts in Euro will be free of charge. Our ongoing efforts aim to simplify the process. The transition period has already begun and joint efforts will ensure its speed and convenience.

Change always brings difficulties, even if change strengthens democracy. But a transition period should never be misinterpreted as deepened attack or division. And the brief uncertainty encountered during this period should not be exploited for political gain. This period of change becomes more difficult not through the voices of the Serb community here, but through the instigation of intimidation, when we, in fact, should exercise caution and calmness.

We understand that the way this issue is communicated could have been clearer, to avoid confusion. Although the regulation came into effect on February 1, we understand that a transition period is necessary. During this month, we will make sure that we provide all the information and all necessary assistance to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. From now on, we also pledge to promote communication campaigns that address these issues with the sensitivity they deserve.

It is the opinion of everyone who loves Kosovo, that we are in progress and there is progress to be realized. In this way, our actions are judged on two bases: (1) the purposes and (2) the rule of the law. An action that aims to strengthen democracy by enforcing the law must be interpreted for what it is. As our country is growing in its democratic power, it will probably need some adjusting.

For the many parties who are strongly invested in the prosperity of our country, I encourage the same: let the adjustments happen, so that we can reach the next step towards which we all work diligently.

Hovenier: Kosovo government should postpone enforcement of regulation (media)

U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier, in an interview with RTV21 on Tuesday evening, said Washington and the Quint countries say that the Kosovo Government should postpone the enforcement of the Central Bank regulation at this time. “We are asking for this because we believe that the necessary preparatory work for this to be successfully implemented in a way that it does not unduly affect a vulnerable community, and we are talking about minority communities, and we are talking among other things about the ethnic Serb community in Kosovo, that the work that needed to be done to avoid a negative impact on them has not been done. But to be really quite clear about this, we do not dispute the Constitution of Kosovo. We acknowledge and respect it, we supported the process of its development. We do not dispute the authorities of the Central Bank of Kosovo to regulate the financial sector. In fact, again, the United States Government is proud of the work we have played in support of developing the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, and other institutions … We are concerned with the manner in which this regulation is being implemented or planned to be implemented does not adequately take into account some realities. And these realities that we believe were not adequately taken into account affect directly one of the most sensitive issues in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue that we support and that is actions that affect minority communities in Kosovo, particularly the Serb community. That is why we are making the request that we are making,” Hovenier said.

Full interview at:

UN Security Council to hold session on Kosovo on Thursday (media)

Several news websites report that the United Nations Security Council will hold a session on Kosovo on Thursday, following a request by Serbia. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic confirmed the news to the Radio Television of Serbia on Tuesday. Serbia claims that the current situation in Kosovo “is in deep contrast with the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244”.

Rohde: We’re not criticizing the regulation, but the manner of enforcement (media)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said in an interview with TV Dukagjini on Tuesday, that the Quint countries have not criticized the new regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo but the manner of enforcement and that additional talks were needed on the matter.

"First of all, people should be informed, and we are not criticizing the regulation but the way it was enforced and people were not informed and were afraid especially in the sensitive environment that we have now. We have the dialogue and the talks therefore we don’t need additional demands and there shouldn’t be any additional tensions,” he said.

Rohde said that one of the ways to resolve the issue are discussions between the two central banks of Kosovo and Serbia.

Abbott: A transition period is needed for the Dinar (media)

UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, at a meeting with Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi on Tuesday, asked for a transition period on the new regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo on cash payment operations. Abbott wrote in a Facebook post: “This afternoon I held my farewell meeting with DPM Besnik Bislimi. We discussed recent events, including the UK’s view that enforcement of the CBK’s new regulation on cash operations requires a transition period to enable a full information campaign to take place and to allow no interruption  to the delivery of essential services. We also talked about the successful Great Britain – Kosovo co-operation to strengthen Kosovo’s tax administration and customs, as well reflecting on the EU-facilitated Dialogue with Serbia”.

Von Cramon: Current decision on Dinar came very unexpected (Gazeta Express)

European Parliament’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon said on Tuesday that according to the Constitution of Kosovo, the Euro is the only currency in Kosovo. “Therefore, in principle, the decision on the use of the Dinar or another currency is absolutely legitimate and must not be criticized. It needs to ensure proper financial controls to avoid financial crisis, money laundering, the funding of terrorism, and so on. However, the current decision to ban the Serbian Dinar came very unexpected. What needs to be done from our perspective is more proper communication, more information, and a transition period. In fact, some issues need to be resolved before the ban enters into force, which from my perspective have not been resolved yet. Therefore, the Quint countries have asked for the postponement until these issues are resolved,” Von Cramon said.

Belgian Presidency of EU Council: Implementation of agreements crucial to consider application (Koha)

The implementation of agreements in the dialogue and the normalization of relations with Serbia remain crucial for Kosovo’s future in the European Union, officials from the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council told the news website when asked about the possibility of Kosovo’s EU membership application to be discussed in the next six months. Kosovo submitted its membership application in December 2022. “The normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia remains crucial for Kosovo’s future in the EU. To make progress on its path toward EU membership, in the short and long term, Kosovo – as well as Serbia – needs to engage in constructive and positive spirit in the EU-facilitated dialogue and meet its engagements from previous agreements,” David Jordens, a spokesperson at the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said.

Jordens said that no action has been undertaken since Kosovo submitted its application but adds that efforts will be made to reach a consensus on the Kosovo case at the EU Council. “During its presidency of the EU Council, Belgium will continuously try to reach consensus among the member states, taking into account the sensitivities of all member states and with full respect to the EU enlargement methodology,” he added.

Bislimi reacts to Serbia cutting budget to Albanian National Council (media)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi commented on Tuesday on Serbia’s decision to cut the budget of the Albanian National Council in Serbia. “This is how the most discriminated minority in Europe looks like. The ethnic cleansing through admin. means, is now pursued through budget cuts for the Albanian National Council. But probably EU still does not see this as a unilateral act of Serbia. Hence, no need for adjustment, and no concern about the implications for the Albanian population. Kosova denounces Serbia’s injustice towards Albanians in the Presheva Valley. We stand strong and determined to fight for equality and fair treatment,” Bislimi wrote.

Serbian Language Media

UNMIK chief calls for resolving outstanding issues through dialogue (Tanjug, media)

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh on Tuesday voiced serious concern over recent developments impacting the economic and social rights of Serbs and other non-majority communities in Kosovo and called for all issues to be discussed within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

In a statement released by the UN Mission in Kosovo, Ziadeh called for "outstanding issues to be discussed within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue, including appropriate time to allow for effective communication and adequate outreach to affected communities beforehand".

"The SRSG reiterates UNMIK’s unwavering commitment for the respect and protection of human rights for all communities, including the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which is one of the pillars of Kosovo’s human rights framework", the statement said.

On January 17, Pristina announced the euro would become the only legal currency for cash transactions in Kosovo, as from February 1. In response, Belgrade has requested an extraordinary UNSC session over the move and the overall situation in Kosovo and said Pristina's abolition of the Serbian dinar was illegal and represented a "continuity of measures of brutal physical and institutional violence against Serbs", Tanjug news agency reported.

UNSC session on Kosovo to be held on Thursday (Kosovo Online)

UNSC session on situation in Kosovo, as per request of Serbia, will be held on Thursday, starting at 21.00 CET, Kosovo Online portal reported citing Belgrade-based Alo.

It remains unclear yet whether the session will be closed or open to the public. Ambassador of Serbia to the UN, Nemanja Stevanovic submitted a request of Serbia to convene an extraordinary session of UNSC over the situation in Kosovo on Monday, the portal recalled.

French Ambassador: Quint requests suspension of decision on dinar, establishment of ZSO (Tanjug)

French Ambassador in Pristina, Olivier Guerrot said yesterday Quint states requested from Pristina authorities to suspend Kosovo Central Bank decision on banning use of dinar, adding that France expects from Pristina to establish a Community of Serbian Municipalities, Tanjug news agency reported.

"The request we have made, we and the Quint states, is to make a transition before this regulation is implemented. There should be more consultation and information before the decision is implemented. We call for the suspension of this regulation for proper information of the population, and the possibility of finding possible technical solutions", Guerrot is quoted as saying.

He pointed out that the only way to resolve the situation is for representatives of Belgrade and Pristina to sit down and discuss the technical issues of implementing the regulation.

Zakharova reacts to Pristina’s decision on abolishing dinar (Tanjug, media)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said yesterday that “the criminal regime of the prime minister of Pristina provisional institutions of self-governance, Albin Kurti, moved to an active phase of ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija”, Tanjug news agency reported.

“Pristina hopes it will get free of its obligation related to the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities”, Zakharova said in a statement published on the Russian Foreign Ministry website.

Following Pristina’s decision to ban dinar in payment transactions in Kosovo, she also said that by this decision “local non-Albanian population has been deprived of the possibility to receive pensions and other allowances”.

Rohde: We are not criticizing CBK decision, but manner of its implementation (Kosovo Online)

German Ambassador in Pristina, Jorn Rohde told Dukagjini media outlet that Quint states had not criticized the decision of Kosovo Central Bank to ban dinar in Kosovo, but rather the way it has been implemented, Kosovo Online portal reported. He added additional discussions were needed to prevent the situation from escalating.

"This was done in a way that should not have been done. Citizens need to be informed. We are not criticizing the CBK decision, but rather the way it is being implemented because citizens were not informed. We have a dialogue, there is no need for additional demands and tensions", Rohde said.

He also said one way to address this issue is through an agreement between the CBK and the National Bank of Serbia.

SNF: Working meeting of Serb political representatives held in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)

A working meeting of Serbian political parties and associations’ representatives in Kosovo was held in Mitrovica North yesterday, Radio KIM reports. The participants discussed the current political situation in Kosovo and the position of the Serbian people.

As the Serbian National Forum (SNF) said in a statement it was assessed that the current situation is alarming and demands urgent gathering of all political stakeholders on the ground among Serbs in Kosovo in order to take over responsibility for further processes. “In this regard it was agreed to direct activities towards all the factors that are responsible for the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija: the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, the Pristina authorities and the international community. It was also agreed that special efforts should be directed towards the intellectual elite (first of all the University), the non-governmental sector and the Serbian Orthodox Church (…)”, reads the statement, adding that it was also agreed to continue such meetings, consolidate leadership, take responsibility and “encourage the Serbian people to withstand the militant attacks of (Albin) Kurti's government in these most difficult moments".

The meeting was attended by Momcilo Trajkovic, SNF chair and member of Serbian National Council (SNV) presidency, Aleksandar Arsenijevic, leader of Serbian Democracy (DS), Milija Bisevac, leader of Serbian Peoples’ Movement (SNP), Jovica Nikolic from Peoples’ Movement of Serbs in KIM Fatherland, Marko Jaksic (younger) political activist, Valentina Djerkovic (SD), Stefan Veljkovic (SD), Dejan Nedeljkovic, political activist, Slavisa Bisevac (SNP), Djordje Dobric (SNP) and Aleksandar Stojanovic, political activist. As the statement said Serbian List president and vice-president, Zlatan Elek and Dragisa Milovic were also invited to attend.

Independent Media Commission to reinstate Arena sport channels (KoSSev)

Independent Media Commission (IMC) in Pristina in a session held yesterday decided to annul its previous decision made on October 3, 2023 banning the broadcasting of Arena sports channels as part of cable network operators’ programs in Kosovo, KoSSev portal reports.

The Arena sport channels were excluded from a package of several Kosovo cable network operators, because of broadcasting a TV spot glorifying Serbs who were killed in Banjska as heroes, in a September 24 armed clash there, when a Kosovo police officer was also killed.

Elaborating reasons to cancel its previous decision, IMC said the circumstances have changed, and the operator has extended an apology along with guarantees that something like that will not happen again, the portal added. Arena sport channels were broadcasted by cable network operators Artmotion, IPKO, Kujtesa, Telkos and MTS.

Signboard “Republic of Kosovo” placed on Zubin Potok municipal building (KoSSev, N1, media)

With assistance of Kosovo police a signboard “Republic of Kosovo” was placed yesterday at the entrance of Zubin Potok municipality, KoSSev portal reports citing ZubinPotokINFO portal. The new signboard was placed on the spot where the name of the municipality was written in Cyrillic alphabet earlier.

The portal recalled that Cyrillic inscriptions on the municipality “disappeared over the night”, with Kosovo police claiming that the signboard was “knocked down by wind”. Over the previous days the same signboards were placed on the buildings hosting center for social welfare and fire station in Zubin Potok, with the one on the center for social welfare being removed by unknown persons in the meantime.