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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Kosovo has no ally and friend that is more important than the U.S. (Koha)
  • U.S. determined for Serbian Dinar issue to be resolved diplomatically (media)
  • Murati: Tomorrow all Kosova-Serb pensioners will receive their pension as they do every 15th of each month (media)
  • Murati: We consult and coordinate with our allies (RFE)
  • Bislimi: 25 billion dinars entered Kosovo, one part goes to Bridge Watchers or Northern Brigade (KTV)
  • NATO SG: Dialogue is way forward; parties to refrain from inciting rhetoric (media)
  • Rama: Don’t want to lecture Kurti on Dinar; allies need to understand Kosovo (ATV)
  • Bislimi implies Lajcak is not fair and neutral to parties in normalization process (media)
  • Lajcak meets O’Brien, “grateful for strong U.S. support” (media)
  • Kosovo Police stop two suspects for disseminating leaflets for resistance (Telegrafi)
  • Kurti meets Ruecker and Sejdiu, highly appreciates Germany’s contribution (media)
  • Torres: We must continue to support Kosovo’s progress, strengthen partnership (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Radosavljevic on Bislimi’s cricitisms: The fact that we had to go to Brussels an indication that the PR government doesn’t accept Serbs as a political factor (KoSSev)
  • Vucic: Pristina lied to its Western partners; we will find a way to help the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTS)
  • Dacic thanked the Egyptian ambassador for the understanding on the Kosovo issue (Blic, media)
  • Grenell: Bislimi now attacks Lajcak as well - Kurti and Osmani alienating all sides (Kosovo Online)
  • Ymeri: O'Brien's message one of the most serious for Kosovo; the issue of the dinar connected to the C/ASM (Kosovo Online)
  • In connection with leaflets two Serbs detained in Mitrovica, another person  identified, searches conducted (KoSSev)
  • Telekom's signal again available in the north of Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)
  • Serbia’s National Bank condemns halting of dinar shipment bound for Kosovo (N1)

International Media:

  • Inside Secretary Blinken’s Agenda in Albania: A Comprehensive Overview (

Albanian Language Media

Kurti: Kosovo has no ally and friend that is more important than the U.S. (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Wednesday that Kosovo has no ally and friend that is more important than the United States of America, while commenting on a statement by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien yesterday that they would not treat the Kosovo government as a partner if Kosovo does not act the same way.

“The Republic of Kosovo has no partner, ally or friend that is more important than the U.S. This is how I consider it and cooperate as Prime Minister of Kosovo. The Central Bank of Kosovo has presented a 10-point plan for the enforcement of its regulation. We are a democratic republic. The government cannot put itself above independent institutions, such as the CBK,” Kurti said during a visit to Prizren.

Kurti said that no penalty measures are foreseen for the enforcement of the regulation and that the plan is to move forward without incidents. “Among the ten points as an action plan for the enforcement of the regulation, the CBK has not foreseen any penalty measure. So no fines, and no incidents, and we want to move forward. Constitutionality and legality are our priority, but at the same time we are careful to ensure peace and security, and the well-being of our Serb citizens too,” he said.

Kurti said the new regulation is aimed at legalizing and formalizing every financial transaction. “I am a Prime Minister that does not want our citizens to have less money, but to have more money. The CBK sent a letter to the Serbian National Bank, and we hope they will respond. The [Serbian] Dinar has not been banned in Kosovo. This concerns the Dinar only as means of payment, not the Dinar that the citizens can possess. We don’t want to fine anyone, or introduce any measures, but we want to make this transition in order to legalize and formalize every financial transaction. In the four [northern] municipalities there are four branches of commercial and 15 non-banking financial institutions. The exchange is very easy,” he said.

According to Kurti, the regulation is not seen as a problem by Serbs in Kosovo but by Belgrade. “I don’t believe that Serb citizens see this as a problem, but Belgrade certainly does not recognize our independence or accept the crimes that were committed 25 years ago in Kosovo in the form of genocide. Belgrade is making these preapocalyptic alarms. We will make sure there is a period of transition. For the CBK, for our democratic state-building process, and for our financial system, we are grateful to the United States for contributing these 25 years in Kosovo,” he argued.

U.S. determined for Serbian Dinar issue to be resolved diplomatically (media)

Spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, Matthew Miller, said on Wednesday that the U.S. are committed to a diplomatic solution for the issue of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo. “Our goal is to be active in using diplomatic means to address this problem. We want the parties to return to the EU-facilitated talks and I would not want to make predictions on specific actions,” he said.

Murati: Tomorrow all Kosova-Serb pensioners will receive their pension as they do every 15th of each month (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, said in a post on X on Wednesday that “tomorrow all Kosova-Serb pensioners will receive their pension from Kosova’s Treasury into their bank account, as they do every 15th of each month. Same accounts could be used to receive aid from Serbia. But Belgrade wants to continue transfers of untraceable cash.”

Murati: We consult and coordinate with our allies (RFE)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, said on Wednesday that Kosovo consults and coordinates with its allies on the regulation of the Central Bank. Asked to comment on U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien’s statement that the U.S. might not consider Kosovo as a partner if it makes decisions without consultations, Murati said: “As far as the statements of our international partners are concerned, one needs to emphasize that this was a decision taken by the Central Bank in December last year. It was not taken recently. The decision entered into force in February this year, but it was taken earlier. We certainly consult and coordinate and take into account all aspects that the regulation foresees to achieve. But also on many other laws that we have adopted, all international partners support us all the way. I believe you have seen in the statements of the embassies too. There is no dilemma or difference in terms of the objective we want to achieve. The only difference is in the period or how to design the transition period which has been requested”.

Bislimi: 25 billion dinars entered Kosovo, one part goes to Bridge Watchers or Northern Brigade (KTV)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said in an interview with the TV station on Wednesday that they have details about the damages inflicted on Kosovo through the illegal flow of money into Kosovo, namely the money that Serbia says it sends to Serbs in Kosovo and how they are distributed in reality. He claims there is evidence that one part of money coming from Serbia into Kosovo is destined for criminal groups. “We informed the international community about the money that entered Kosovo, that we had information, it is around 24-25 billion Serbian Dinars. No transaction in Dinars can be registered in the state accounts and consequently they are all part of the informal economy. This then determines Kosovo’s international ranking on income per capita and it affects foreign investments in Kosovo. We have documented all damages that Kosovo suffers from the illegal cash flow. Then we showed the difference between the amount of money that is declared for which Serbia says it sends for education and healthcare, and we documented that the other part goes for weapons and for the Bridge Watchers or the Northern Brigade,” Bislimi argued.

Rama: Don’t want to lecture Kurti on Dinar; allies need to understand Kosovo (ATV)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Wednesday that Kosovo is in its right to enforce the Constitution on the issue of the Serbian Dinar, but that it must definitely coordinate with its allies. “I don’t want to give lectures to anyone, but on the one hand Kosovo is in its right and those that recognize it as a state must understand it when it tries to enforce its Constitution, but at the same time Kosovo needs to establish communication and interaction with our strategic allies on every step that can potentially cause clashes with those who are irreplaceable allies,” he argued.

Rama said that Kosovo made a meaningful step by accepting the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities] that is in line with the law. “The role of politics is to contribute with the necessary legal arguments and not have accusations if the Association is treason. Kosovo must not look like an unserious party in the process,” he said.

Rama also said that he doesn’t want to take sides in Kosovo’s politics. “I wouldn’t want my words to be taken as words that suit the Kosovo government or the opposition because this is not my role. But I want to see Kosovo as a serious party on the international level because some EU countries don’t recognize Kosovo while another part of them wants to see it in the EU as soon as possible,” he said.

NATO SG: Dialogue is way forward; parties to refrain from inciting rhetoric (media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday that in the case of Kosovo all must refrain from using inciting rhetoric and focus on the dialogue. Addressing a press conference in Brussels, he said that “we have seen tensions in Kosovo and in other parts of the Western Balkans in the last couple of months. I visited the region before Christmas. My main message is that all parties must refrain from inciting rhetoric and actions that can lead to increased tensions in the region”.

“When it comes to Kosovo, the way forward is the EU-facilitated dialogue and I encourage Belgrade and Pristina to engage in good faith,” he said.

Bislimi implies Lajcak is not fair and neutral to parties in normalization process (media)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said in a post on X on Wednesday that EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia Miroslav “Lajcak posted from a meeting held with NCEU, hours before reporting to PSC on the normalization dialogue between Kosova and Serbia, but decided not to mention that it is about NCEU in Serbia. However, the delegation is mainly composed of Serb NGO-s from Kosova, actively and openly advocating against integration of Serb citizens in the economic & social life of Kosova. Mr. Lajcak should explain to us whether in his narrative, serb NGO-s from Kosovo are part of NCEU Serbia & whether NCEU Serbia fall under his umbrella. Another strong demonstration of Mr. Lajcak’s “fair” & “neutral” approach to parties in the normalization process.”

Lajcak meets O’Brien, “grateful for strong U.S. support” (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a post on X on Wednesday that he met with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, James O’Brien ahead of the Munich Security Conference. “We compared notes on the latest developments in the Western Balkans and prospects for the coming period. Agreed to stay in very close touch. Grateful for the strong U.S. support to my work,” Lajcak said.

Kosovo Police stop two suspects for disseminating leaflets for resistance (media)

Kosovo Police stopped two persons in Mitrovica North on Wednesday who are suspected of recently disseminating leaflets inciting hatred and calling for resistance. Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, said that they are looking for a third suspect too and that four locations were searched during the operation. He said that the two persons are being interviewed and that the prosecutor will decide on the further steps.

Kurti meets Ruecker and Sejdiu, highly appreciates Germany’s contribution (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Wednesday with German diplomat and former UNMIK chief Joachim Rucker and former President of Kosovo Fatmir Sejdiu, who shared with him details about a lecture they held at the University of Pristina focusing on the importance of education and the development of new generations. Kurti highly appreciated the contribution and role that Germany has played in the development and consolidation of Kosovo. “Another topic of discussion were current developments and challenges faced by Kosovo especially in the dialogue with Serbia. Kurti expressed the engagement of the government to advance in the process of normalization of relations centered on mutual recognition, by safeguarding state interests and promoting stability and peace in the region,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.

Torres: We must continue to support Kosovo’s progress, strengthen partnership (media)

U.S. Congressman Ritchie Torres met on Wednesday with Kosovo’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ilir Dugolli. After the meeting, Torres said in a post on X: “Honored to meet with Ambassador Ilir Dugolli of Kosovo today and speak at the Kosovo Independence Day event in Washington, DC. Kosovo's journey to independence is a testament to the power of determination and resilience. We must continue to support Kosovo's progress and strengthen our partnership.”

Serbian Language Media

Radosavljevic on Bislimi’s cricitisms: The fact that we had to go to Brussels an indication that the PR government doesn’t accept Serbs as a political factor (KoSSev)

Besnik Bislimi and Self-Determination claimed that the fact a delegation comprised of ethnic Serbs met with Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels is proof of an unfair approach and an attitude that they believe is not neutral. At the same time, Pristina claims that the delegation consisted of NGOs from Kosovo which “actively and openly advocate against the integration of Serbs.” Jovana Radosavljevic, the director of the New Social Initiative, responded, saying that this is an example of Bislimi’s well-known pressure on civil society and the media.

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Besnik Bislimi reacted, claiming that the delegation that met with Lajcak is mainly made up of Serbian NGOs from Kosovo, which reportedly “actively and openly advocate against the integration of Serbs” into Kosovo institutions.

According to KoSSev, Self-Determination also reacted in an almost identical tone.

In addition to the representatives from Belgrade, the delegation also includes a smaller group of Serbs from Kosovo: the director of the New Social Initiative, Jovana Radosavljevic, the director of Radio and Television KiM, Isak Vorgucic, the director of the NGO “Aktiv,” Miodrag Milicevic, and the deputy of the Kosovo Ombudsman, Srdjan Sentic.

Sustainable integration and not primarily integration of the territory and dominance of the majority community

The comments of Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi represent an already established pattern of pressure on civil society and the media, Jovana Radosavljevic told KoSSev from Brussels.

“Obviously, our understandings of the term ‘integration’ differ,” she added.

“We understand it in the context of the sustainable integration of people through dialogue, respect for agreements, as well as through the existing mechanisms for the protection of the Serbian community, while the representatives of this government understand it primarily as the integration of territory, not people – ignoring not only the self-government mechanisms of the Kosovo Serbs resulting from the dialogue that concern the ASM, the police and the judiciary, but even ignore the protection mechanisms that are woven into the Constitution of Kosovo, which guarantees multi-ethnic institutions through a system of equal representation of all communities at all levels,” stated Radosavljevic from Brussels.

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Vucic: Pristina lied to its Western partners; we will find a way to help the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said yesterday that Serbia will find a way to help the Serbian people in Kosovo, where the transport of dinars was again prevented, stressing that this move only speaks of Pristina's ultimate intentions, reported Kosovo Online.

"I was right at the session of the UN SC, there was no suspension, they lied to their international partners that they had suspended the decision, and that they will normally release the dinar for two or three months. We will react accordingly and see how to help our people in Kosovo," said Vucic in Nis yesterday. He emphasized that he now expects all those who created and support this "grotesque and criminal government in Pristina" to come forward.

"In every case, our people should know that we will take care and find a solution. To us, this is a clear indication of what they think about the Serbian people and what their ultimate goal is," said Vucic.  He also said among other things that Serbia will preserve its military neutrality and protect its sky and its citizens.

During a tour of the weapons and equipment of the Serbian Armed Forces in Nis, he said that Serbia must learn a lot from the past and invest in further development and economic progress, but that it is of crucial importance to preserve freedom. "The highest value is freedom. We must never lose freedom," said Vucic, emphasizing that he is proud to lead a country that makes decisions independently.

On this occasion, the system for electronic actions Repelent intended for combating drones was presented for the first time. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Milan Mojsilovic, attended the display of military equipment in the Nis fortress complex. Combat and non-combat systems, numerous weapons, military equipment, as well as products of the Serbian defense industry were on display in Nis.

Dacic thanked the Egyptian ambassador for the understanding on the Kosovo issue (Blic, media)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, yesterday met the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Serbia, Bassel Salah, to whom he expressed his gratitude for the high level of understanding on the part of the Egyptian side regarding the issue of Kosovo, Blic reported.

At the meeting, among other things, it was noted that bilateral relations are successfully developing on the basis of the traditional friendship that exists between the two countries and peoples, to which a special contribution was made by the historic visit of the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to Serbia in 2022, stated the Ministry's announcement, reported the media.

Grenell: Bislimi now attacks Lajcak as well - Kurti and Osmani alienating all sides (Kosovo Online)

“Yikes. Albin Kurti’s guy, Bislimi Besnik, is now attacking Miroslav Lajcak. Kurti and Vjosa Osmani are alienating all sides. This isn’t good for the people of Kosovo,” Former US envoy for the Western Balkans, Richard Grenell posted on X, referring to Bislimi’s criticism of Lajcak, reported Kosovo Online.

Ymeri: O'Brien's message one of the most serious for Kosovo; the issue of the dinar connected to the C/ASM (Kosovo Online)

Political analyst Visar Ymeri stated for Kosovo Online that the message from the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, that the decision on dinar would jeopardize the partnership between the US and Kosovo was one of the most serious that Pristina had received, and that Kosovo PM Albin Kurti should consider it.

Ymeri emphasizes that Kosovo had not received such messages before.

"The decision regarding the dinar is legal and legitimate and should be implemented, but when it comes to implementation, our government should consider the lives of people living in Kosovo, who are our fellow citizens, and whose lives should be improved, not worsened. I think the biggest messages and criticisms about this decision from our partners came because of the impact that decision may have on the lives of Kosovo Serbs, especially Kosovo Serbs in northern Kosovo. I think that, as it has been discussed publicly, PM Kurti agrees that citizens should be better informed and that we should consider everything before implementing that decision, but it seems that for US diplomats and EU members, this decision is not just about citizens not being well informed about what it means, how it will be implemented, but the decision is also connected to other topics in the dialogue, especially with the implementation of the agreement on the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities," Ymeri said.

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In connection with leaflets two Serbs detained in Mitrovica, another person identified, searches conducted (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported, based on the KP North region information, that a Serb G.K. was detained last night at the North Mitrovica police station, and in connection with the alleged distribution of leaflets from a few days ago. KP emphasized that it was only a matter of detention, not arrest. According to KoSSev, it was about the director of the sports hall, and added that he was questioned at the time of the publishing news last night. In the updated article, it was reported that G.K. was released and the case went into the regular procedure.

Shortly before the publication of this news, KoSSev learned of another detention in one of the famous Mitrovica bars. The person in question is also a Serb, D.S., from North Mitrovica, as confirmed by the deputy commander of the KP North region, Veton Elshani to KoSSev. The portal reported, in the updated news from last night, that the release of D.S. was expected depending on the police questioning.

In connection with the same case, a third person was also identified, but he was not found. Four searches were also conducted.

KoSsev recalled that in several groups on Telegram, and then on other social networks, few days ago photos of flyers calling for "resistance to Kurti's police" and signed by "National Defense" were published. The KP then announced that their officers allegedly found flyers, suspecting that they were allegedly distributed during and after the protest that took place in the city that day on Monday. Immediately after the publication of the photos of the alleged flyers, the Serbian List announced that it was a hoax and called on citizens not to fall for provocations, with the information that the flyers appeared in the evening hours. The alleged leaflets contained instructions on how to make Molotov cocktails and what should be done to resist the "Kurti's Police".

Telekom's signal again available in the north of Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)

The MTS signal is again available to users in the area of Lesak and Josanica in the north of Kosovo, Telekom confirmed last night to Tanjug.

Yesterday, around 5,000 users of Mobile Telephony of Serbia were left without a signal due to the works being carried out on the roof of the Leposavic Municipality building.

According to Telekom Serbia, the mayor of the municipality did not allow MTS employees to go on the roof of the building, adding that he twice mentioned that the work on the roof of the building was carried out by employees of another Kosovo mobile operator - Vala, reported Tanjug.

Serbia’s National Bank condemns halting of dinar shipment bound for Kosovo (N1)

The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) said, with great concern, that it strongly condemns the repeated prevention of the transport and distribution of dinars in Kosovo, and the impossibility of supplying the Kosovo Serbs with basic means of living.

The NBS reiterated that it is necessary to repeal as soon as possible “the discriminatory, unlawful and unprecedented measures of the provisional Pristina institutions introduced in order to deprive the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija of basic conditions for life,” reported N1.

“The solution to the entire problem would undoubtedly be achieved by restoring the previous way of transporting dinars and performing payment transactions in Kosovo and Metohija and by applying the agreement on the transport of dinars reached long ago and implemented over the past twenty years. It is the basic human right of members of the Serb community, who earn income or are entitled to pensions or social benefits in dinars, to receive these funds in dinars, and to decide on their own how they will dispose of these funds,” said the NBS.

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International Media

Inside Secretary Blinken’s Agenda in Albania: A Comprehensive Overview (

Secretary of State Antony Blinken begins a diplomatic journey to Albania, focusing on the nation’s future and the Western Balkans region.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken embarked on a diplomatic trip today, setting course for Albania. The visit, extending from the Thursday’s early hours of approximately 11:00 in the morning until 7:00 or 8:00 in the evening, is poised to delve deep into the future trajectory of Albania and the broader Western Balkans region, alongside the evolving landscape of Europe as a unified entity.

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