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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Government and allies to meet and agree on the Dinar (media)
  • Blinken congratulates Kosovo on independence day (media)
  • Shaheen: Radoicic must be arrested for Banjska (media)
  • Svecla: All suspects for Banjska attack are in Interpol’s system (media)
  • Kurti meets Borrell, calls for removal of “unfair measures” (media)
  • Kurti meets Munsch, highlights need for accountability for Banjska attack (media)
  • Maqedonci: Massive deployment of Serbian brigades on Kosovo border (media)
  • Rafuna: Govt to coordinate with U.S. to have economic sustainability (KSP)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic on Banjska: Interpol warrant issued at the request of “independent Kosovo”; our authorities are investigating (KoSSev, TV Prva)
  • US senator called for arrest of Milan Radoicic after meetings with Vucic and Kurti (KoSSev, N1)
  • Vucic: I expect an invitation to Brussels, I hope for some solution (KiM radio, RTS)
  • Dacic: Kosovo celebrating the anniversary of destruction international legal order (N1)
  • Djuric: Kurti leads a hybrid conflict against the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Kurir)
  • Rada Trajkovic: This Kosovo is not what the international community hoped for (KiM radio)
  • Gerxhaliu: Uncertainty is driving people away from Kosovo; it's not just the poor who are leaving (Kosovo Online) 
  • KFOR denied Index Online about the presence of the Serbian army in the Podujevo region (KiM radio, KoSSev)

International Media:

  • ​US peacekeepers ready to prevent violence in north Kosovo, commander says (Reuters)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani: Government and allies to meet and agree on the Dinar (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with Al Aan that the problem between the Kosovo government and internationals about the new regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo arose about “the way that it was communicated”. She said that everything that has been achieved in Kosovo came “as a result of cooperation with our international partners”. 

Osmani said that there is room for the government and our international allies to meet and discuss the matter. “I think it is only a matter of communication,” she argued. She also said she was certain that the issue of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo would be resolved because there is no reason why it shouldn’t be resolved. 

Full interview at:

Blinken congratulates Kosovo on independence day (media)

All media covered the statement of the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, congratulating the people of Kosovo on independence day.

“On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Kosovo as you celebrate your sixteenth anniversary as a sovereign, independent state.

The United States values our enduring partnership, rooted in mutual understanding, shared values, and friendship between our people.  As you continue to make progress on strengthening democratic institutions and promoting the rule of law, we will continue to support a multiethnic Kosovo that advances a safer, more secure, and more prosperous region.  The United States encourages Kosovo to implement its commitments and press ahead through the EU-facilitated dialogue to achieve a comprehensive normalization agreement with Serbia, on the path to eventual mutual recognition.

The United States believes Kosovo’s future is in Europe and Euro-Atlantic institutions.  We support the aspirations set out in your declaration of independence and constitution to “contribute to the stability of the region and entire Europe by creating relations of good neighborliness and cooperation.”  We welcome Kosovo’s steadfast support of Ukraine against Russia’s brutal and unjust war and are grateful for Kosovo’s generous assistance to journalists and others who sought refuge in your country.  I look forward to deepening our partnership in strengthening democracy and creating the conditions for Kosovo and all its citizens to thrive in a more secure, stable, and prosperous world.

Congratulations again to our friend, partner, and ally on the anniversary of Kosovo Independence Day. May you have a peaceful and prosperous year ahead.”

Shaheen: Radoicic must be arrested for Banjska (media) 

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen said that Milan Radoicic, former deputy leader of the Serbian List and the self-proclaimed leader of the armed group that carried out the attack in Banjska in September last year, must be arrested and brought to justice. Shaheen, who attended the Munich Security Conference, said she met separately with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and that the parties should cooperate when it comes to Radoicic. “I think they need to arrest Radoicic and send him to prison. He admitted his involvement in what happened on September 24, the killings, and he needs to be held responsible for these actions. Kosovo and Serbia need to cooperate on this matter,” she said.

Svecla: All suspects for Banjska attack are in Interpol’s system (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said that all suspects for the Banjska attack in the north of Kosovo in September last year have been included in the Interpol system for arrest warrants. “This is an important step, and it would have a full effect when Serbia, which is sheltering and accommodating these terrorists, hands them over to our authorities so that they can face justice,” Svecla said.

Kurti meets Borrell, calls for removal of “unfair measures” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, during his stay in Munich, met with EU High Representative Josep Borrell and Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, and discussed the process of dialogue, the implementation of reached agreements, the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. “In light of continuous violations by Serbia, the terrorist and paramilitary attack in Banjska against the territorial integrity of Kosovo and national security, the continuous public letters and statements about non-legal obligation to the agreement by Serbia and for the lack of a full implementation of the Basic Agreement reached in Brussels and its Annex in Ohrid, the signing of the agreements has become necessary as a guarantee that they will be fully respected and implemented, toward the full normalization of relations between the two countries. The Prime Minister also called for the lifting of unfair measures imposed by the European Union,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.

Kurti meets Munsch, highlights need for accountability for Banjska attack (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met with Admiral Stuart Munsch, Commander of the NATO Joint Force Command in Naples. “I highlighted the need for accountability for the Banjska terrorist attack and Kosova's strong commitment to security and taking closer steps towards NATO membership,” Kurti said in a post on X after the meeting.

Maqedonci: Massive deployment of Serbian brigades on Kosovo border (media)

Several news websites cover an interview that Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, gave to the Geopost, highlighting his remarks that Kosovo is facing an enormous deployment of the Serbian army, police, and gendarmerie, in the south of Serbia, mainly along the borderline with Kosovo. According to Maqedonci, “Serbia has deployed on the border with Kosovo other capacities that were bought from China and Russia and that this represents a threat not only to Kosovo, but to all the countries of the Western Balkans”.

Full interview at:

Rafuna: Govt to coordinate with U.S. to have economic sustainability (KSP)

Chairman of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Lulzim Rafuna, said in an interview with the news agency, that delays in reforms in education, healthcare, justice, few foreign investments and pending issues with Serbia are some of the factors that continue to negatively affect the economic development in Kosovo.

Rafuna argues that Kosovo needs to be more serious with the institutions of the European Union “in order to better promote our country”.

He called on the Kosovo government to coordinate with the United States of America and EU member states on every important decision for Kosovo.

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic on Banjska: Interpol warrant issued at the request of “independent Kosovo”; our authorities are investigating (KoSSev, TV Prva)

“My struggle not to recognize the independence of Kosovo is heroic, and their behavior is pathetic,” said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, during Sunday’s guest appearance on TV Prva, commenting on the opposition in Belgrade.

“I have only one country, it is Serbia with Kosovo and Metohija included,” underlined Vucic. Although he is “struggling” not to recognize it, Vucic reiterated that he would receive the Nobel Prize if he did so and imposed sanctions on Russia.

The President of Serbia also revealed what were “his most difficult days” lately: the period immediately after the events in Banjska on September 24, when he was in Granada.

Take it easy, let the competent authorities of the state of Serbia do their job

The Kosovo Minister of the Interior said earlier this week, citing INTERPOL’s notice, that an international arrest warrant has been issued against the suspects for the attack in Banjska.

“Quite strange,” commented Vucic ironically, wrote KoSSev.

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US senator called for arrest of Milan Radoicic after meetings with Vucic and Kurti (KoSSev, N1)

US Senator Jeanne Shaheen called this week in Munich for the arrest of Milan Radoicic over the events in Banjska on September 24, reported N1, citing KoSSev.

Shaheen met separately with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti while attending the Munich Security Conference.

She said at the international forum that Radoicic “should be arrested and go to prison”.

“He (Milan Radoicic) admitted complicity in what happened on September 24 and the murders”, she said, stressing that he should face justice and that Serbia and Kosovo should cooperate on this issue.

Vucic confirmed the previous day in a post on Instagram that he had spoken with Shaheen and other US senators, stating that they had a long, open, and meaningful conversation.

He told them that he was worried about the Serbs after Pristina’s latest moves, called for continued dialogue, and thanked the US for their support in finding a solution.

However, he did not say that they also discussed the events in Banjska.

Vucic: I expect an invitation to Brussels, I hope for some solution (KiM radio, RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said in a statement to journalists in Munich that the EU either does not have or does not want to apply mechanisms towards Pristina, reported KiM radio on Saturday. 

Vucic said that at the security conference there were no new pressures "behind the scenes" on the issue of Kosovo, while there was on the issue of Russia. There will be more essential and important visits to Serbia, announced Vucic. 

Vucic said that he had talks with High Commissioner for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell and EU Special Envoy for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and that it seems to him that the EU either does not have or does not want to apply mechanisms towards Pristina, which is trying to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Serbs, reported KiM radio, citing RTS. 

"We said that we want to be at every meeting but that we want to see results. We were talking about the dinar, one of the insidious lies of Kurti, who tells everyone here that we are in a three-month transition period, which refers to the fact that they will not seize dinars," Vucic said, but he wondered how the dinars would arrive in Kosovo.

Vucic said that he expects an invitation to Brussels these days and hopes for a solution.

"Borrell is correct and understands what is happening, but no use of it," Vucic told reporters on the second day of the Munich Security Conference.

"Borrell and Lajcak cannot do anything without the support of the member states"

Vucic satted that both Miroslav Lajcak and Joseo Borrell understand the situation in Kosovo well, but that they cannot do anything without the support of the EU member states.

When asked who showed greater understanding of the situation in Kosovo, European or American officials, and whether they even want to get involved in solving the problem that arose due to Pristina's decision to abolish the dinar in Kosovo, Vucic said that Borrell and Lajcak understand ''they are not blind, they know all that, but you have to have the support of the member states to do something".

Vucic added that he does not want to comment on whether this support actually exists or not.

Dacic: Kosovo celebrating the anniversary of destruction international legal order (N1)

Speaking about Kosovo’s celebration of its unilaterally declared independence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said that February 17, 2008, was the day when the international legal order was destroyed, reported N1.

“What is Pristina celebrating and what are they being congratulated on by the countries that recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, which was declared legally null and void by the National Assembly of Serbia?” asked Dacic.

He added that February 17, 2008, is “the day when the international legal order was destroyed and when the policy of double standards in the interpretation of the principle of protecting the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states, members of the United Nations, was made official.”

“It is an attempt to legalize the centuries-old ethnic cleansing of the Serb people, whose state was created in Kosovo and Metohija. 109 countries out of a total of 193 UN members are aware of this, and have not recognized this unilateral and illegal act,” said Dacic.

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Djuric: Kurti leads a hybrid conflict against the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Kurir)

Serbian Ambassador to the United States Marko Djuric emphasized in an interview for Kurir that all those who cared about peace and stability in the Balkans could not sit idly by in the face of what he described as the ''nationalist aggression of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti'', reported Kosovo Online. 

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Rada Trajkovic: This Kosovo is not what the international community hoped for (KiM radio)

The President of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic, assessed, on the 16th anniversary of the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, that it does not look the way the international community had hoped, reported KiM radio. 

She stated on the X that 25 years have passed since the war in Kosovo and 16 years since the unilateral declaration of independence, but that there is still no solution and readiness for the functional survival and integration of Serbs.

"Furthermore, institutions are becoming even more mono-ethnic and non-inclusive. This Kosovo is not what the international community hoped for," Trajkovic posted on X.

Gerxhaliu: Uncertainty is driving people away from Kosovo; it's not just the poor who are leaving (Kosovo Online) 

An economic expert from Pristina, Safet Gerxhaliu, said that estimates from some sectoral unions about the number of workers who have left Kosovo should be taken with caution and that what drives people away from Kosovo the most is the uncertain future.

“Look at education, look at healthcare... The lack of political stability is what drives people the most to leave Kosovo,“ Gerxhaliu emphasizes for Kosovo Online.

Gerxhaliu says that multiple factors are driving the workforce migration and emphasizes that it's not only the poor who leave.

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KFOR denied Index Online about the presence of the Serbian army in the Podujevo region (KiM radio, KoSSev)

The Albanian portal Index Online announced on Saturday that "a citizen encountered Serbian military forces" passing through the village of Brvenik in the municipality of Podujevo, who, as he testified for this portal, pointed their weapons at him. KFOR, whose forces patrol along the administrative line with Serbia and in cooperation with members of the Serbian Army, state that this is not true, reported KiM radio. 

The citizen, whose name was not published by Index Online, said that at the place where KFOR usually stands, there were no KFOR members, but members of the Serbian gendarmerie. "The moment they saw us, they pointed their guns at us," said the unnamed interlocutor of Index Online.

Index online has published photos, which, according to it, show people who are suspected to be Serbs. However, they also announced that the Kosovo Police did not confirm their allegations.

KFOR reacted to this news stating that "this information is not correct". "Today, around 2:45 p.m., the Latvian unit of KFOR was preparing to start a planned synchronized patrol with the Serbian Army, along both sides of the administrative-border line. At the time the photo in question was taken, Latvian personnel were coordinating with their Serbian counterparts, who were on their side of the administrative border line. It is important to note that the Latvian detachment was positioned further behind its leader, who was involved in the coordination of activities with the Serbian Army".

According to KFOR, the photo was cut in parts that show the Latvian leader talking to the leader of the Serbian armed forces. They add that "the synchronized patrol was conducted in a professional manner and with full respect for well-established procedures."

International Media

​US peacekeepers ready to prevent violence in north Kosovo, commander says (Reuters)

U.S. peacekeeping troops in Kosovo are well equipped and stand ready to prevent violence in the country's ethnically divided north, often the scene of armed clashes in which most recently a policeman was killed, a commander told Reuters.

NATO has reinforced its presence with another 1,000 troops after violence last September during which the policeman was killed in a shootout between Kosovo police and gunmen who entered from Serbia.

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