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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 12, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti says he and Sarrazin talked about Berlin Process and importance of respecting agreements (Klan)
  • Osmani hosts Sarrazin, highlights importance of Council of Europe membership (media)
  • Sarrazin: Voting in north, a good opportunity for new momentum (Koha/Telegrafi)
  • Kurti meets Borg, thankful for OSCE’s continuous contribution (media)
  • Borg: Continuation of dialogue and implementation of agreements - key for regional security (media)
  • Osmani: NATO and KFOR have high credibility among Kosovo citizens (RTK)
  • Haziri: Kurti’s resignation, right way toward new general elections (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic on the Quint criticism of boycotting the vote on April 21: Shame on you (Kosovo Online)
  • Sarrazin says the referendum boycott call a difficult signal; Non-formation of the A/CSM does not lead to the EU; no hint of invasion plans (KoSSev, KiM radio)
  • Dacic met French special Western Balkans envoy (Tanjug)
  • Dacic thanks Ghana for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity, sovereignty (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Kreni-Promeni movement: "We place in Belgrade posters of Vucic and Hill trading lithium and Kosovo, and call for a protest on April 13 in front of RTS" (Danas)
  • The KPK proposed temporary ''replacements'' for three months in N.Mitrovica after the resignation of the Serbian prosecutors (Kosovo Online)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti says he and Sarrazin talked about Berlin Process and importance of respecting agreements (Klan)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, received the special emissary of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, in a meeting.

"As the Berlin Process celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, I underlined its importance as a platform for cooperation and the importance of respecting past agreements, including the one on free movement between Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina," Kurti wrote.

Osmani hosts Sarrazin, highlights importance of Council of Europe membership (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Thursday with German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, and highlighted the importance of Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe. Osmani and Sarrazin also talked about the importance of implementing agreements of the Berlin Process and latest developments in Kosovo and the region.

Sarrazin: Voting in north, a good opportunity for new momentum (Koha/Telegrafi)

German Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, met with representatives of the Serbian List on Thursday to try and convince them to take part in the voting process to dismiss the current mayors of the four Serb-majority municipalities. He said that the removal of the mayors that do not represent the majority is an ideal opportunity for a new momentum.

“We learned about the Serbian List’s statement that they will not encourage citizens to take part in the removal of the mayors. This was the reason why I came here to learn more and express our conviction that the failure to participate in a democratic process is a difficult signal. The boycott is not a solution,” he told reporters.

Sarrazin said the Kosovo government should find a solution for the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo in order, as he said, not to make the lives of Serbs difficult. He said the EU’s penalty measures could be lifted after the Kosovo government responds to the concerns of internationals. “We hope we are on a good path in terms of de-escalation in the north and the steps to find a solution for the Serb-majority municipalities in the north. The concerns of Serbs need to be seriously addressed. As far as the mayors are concerned, everyone knows the position of the EU and we are trying to solve the problem that has existed for a year now,” he said.

Asked about Germany’s position about Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe, Sarrazin mentioned the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities]. “As far as Bakoyannis’s report is concerned, Germany doesn’t have a final position yet. First, we need to see the vote at the Parliamentary Assembly, and we will consider it in the light of that decision. But certainly there are duties that need to be accomplished, and one of them is the Association, which has been mentioned as a topic. But we don’t have a final position yet,” he said.

Telegrafi quotes Sarrazin as saying that Germany will never support a form of the Association that undermines Kosovo’s integrity. “But not forming the Association does not lead to the European Union,” he said.

Kurti meets Borg, thankful for OSCE’s continuous contribution (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Thursday with the Foreign Minister of Malta and chair of the OSCE, Ian Borg, thanking him for the continuous contribution of the OSCE in promoting democratic governance. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that the meeting focused on Kosovo’s successes and achievements in the las three years, and that Kurti highlighted international reports that prove Kosovo’s democratic advancement, and the economic progress with focus on sustainable growth, equal distribution for all citizens and reducing inequalities. They also discussed the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime and cooperation on common challenges.

Borg: Continuation of dialogue and implementation of agreements - key for regional security (media)

Malta’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Trade, at the same time OSCE Chair-in-Office, Ian Borg has requested progress in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process with the mediation of the European Union. He has said that it is necessary to implement the Brussels Basic Agreement and the Ohrid annex. 

Asked if Serbia is violating the Brussels Agreement by opposing Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, Borg refused to comment saying that "he cannot judge. "Europe has rules and when the application goes, the Council democratically decides where each member will vote in the way they want to present their positions", he said in a press conference on Thursday afternoon. 

He has also requested that the voting process for the dismissal of the mayors in the north be fair and just. "I had the pleasure of meeting with President Osmani and we focused on our partnership so far. We also discussed the importance of dialogue facilitated by the EU, the importance it has for the security of the entire region. Continued dialogue and implementation are key, re-committing to dialogue and continued implementation of the agreements reached, is one that requires much progress. The OSCE stands ready to support all efforts. We also had a conversation on the protection and promotion of the rights of all communities, it remains a long-term field of interest and engagement of the OSCE in Kosovo," he said. "I also say what our organization said, it is very important to have free elections and free voting, I call for participation and for the organization to be available to help the institutions of Kosovo", he said.

Osmani: NATO and KFOR have high credibility among Kosovo citizens (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Thursday with outgoing director of the NATO Advisory and Liaison Team, Ralf Peter Hammerstein, and the next NALT director Christian Nawrat. Osmani expressed her gratitude for Hammerstein’s cooperation and service and wished him success in his future military career. Osmani reiterated the commitment to maximise cooperation opportunities between Kosovo and NATO in developing and further advancing the Kosovo Security Force in line with NATO’s highest standards. Osmani also said that NATO and KFOR have high credibility among the citizens of Kosovo.

Haziri: Kurti’s resignation, right way toward new general elections (Telegrafi)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) deputy leader, Lutfi Haziri, said on Thursday that Prime Minister Albin Kurti should resign and make way for early general elections. “The LDK believes that the resignation of Prime Minister Kurti is the best option to make way for parliamentary elections this year,” Haziri wrote in a Facebook post. “In the last three years, this Prime Minister has not built any consensus. On the contrary, there is no political dialogue with the opposition or any social dialogue with the unions or with civil society”.

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic on the Quint criticism of boycotting the vote on April 21: Shame on you (Kosovo Online)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said last evening that the countries of the Quint, which criticize the Serbian List for calling for a boycott of the vote for the removal of the mayor in the north of Kosovo on April 21, should be ashamed of such allegations, reminding that the local elections in the north last year only 3.4 percent of citizens, reported Kosovo Online in English.

"I saw that some are trying to keep their mouths shut, what a shame," Vucic said in response to a journalist's question regarding the fact that the Quint is transferring the announced boycott of voting on April 21 to the Serbs.

As he said, Albin Kurti first organized elections in which 3.4 percent of the citizens turned out, and before that he carried out countless actions against Serbs.

"They arrested Serbs, mistreated, beat, injured people... Then he organized brilliant elections with 3.4 percent of the people who came out. But that's not a problem. They told us just accept to participate and they will resign. When we accepted, they say - they will not resign", reminded Vucic.

After that, he says, they told the Serbs from the Quint to submit a petition, if, he points out, it was necessary to collect the signatures of even 20 percent of registered voters.

"And when, with all the tricks of Kurti, the petty matchmaker, we collect those signatures, they say - no, let's go to the referendum. And, the referendum requires 50 plus 1 vote. Well, there aren't that many Serbs living there... Another 862 people signed up," said Vucic. 

He adds, the Serbian List reacted to all of this and pointed out that it was actually pointless, because the Serbs could no longer bear terror.

"Even after 3.4 percent of those who went to the polls, they say - Belgrade is to blame? Shame on you. Look in the mirror, you liars," said Vucic.

Sarrazin says the referendum boycott call a difficult signal; Non-formation of the A/CSM does not lead to the EU; no hint of invasion plans (KoSSev, KiM radio)

The German envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, is currently staying in Kosovo. The latest events in the North, he points out, led to this unannounced visit. In addition to Kosovo officials, Sarrazin also met with civil society and representatives of the Serbian List. After the meeting with the leaders of this party, he points out that he "did not come out with a clear idea" of how they plan to deviate from the referendum for the impeachment of the mayor, reported KoSSev, citing TV Dukadjini. On the other hand, speaking about the A/CSM, he states that the non-formation of this body does not lead Kosovo to the EU.

Apart from the photos and the allegation that these were "important meetings", this official in the post on the "X" social network did not provide details of what was discussed, nor the reason for his unannounced visit. Sarrazin, however, according to the media, spoke publicly after the meetings.

Speaking about the A/CSM and the possibility that its non-formation will become an obstacle for Kosovo's membership in the CoE, Sarrazin says that Germany still does not have a position on this issue but that there is a connection and the A/CSM was mentioned as an issue, that it will be considered, reported KoSSev, citing Dugadjini. Sarazzin believes that now is the right moment for the formation of the A/CSM. He points out that Germany recognizes Kosovo, and that it will never support any form of Association/Community that would undermine the integrity of Kosovo. However, he states that the non-formation of the Community does not lead to the EU. 

Asked about Serbia's "lobbying" to prevent Kosovo's membership in the CoE, he points out that he is not "the judge to decide who violates the agreement", reminding of the agreements signed as part of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina that must be fulfilled.

Sarrazin said that at the last meetings in Belgrade last week, he was once again reassured by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic - with the promise that he would not reach for decisions like "this", that is, 'the invasion', reported KiM radio. 

"I repeat that I have no indication in this regard."

Sarrazin referred to the decision of the CBK, which removes the dinar from payment transactions. For him, this is an understandable move, that is, a legitimate request for the regulation of payment transactions but that, he says, the way the decision is implemented is very "un-German", among other things.

Dacic met French special Western Balkans envoy (Tanjug)

Serbian FM Ivica Dacic received French special Western Balkans envoy Rene Troccaz on Thursday.

The parties noted the exceptional significance of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's recent successful visit to Paris and discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron, Senate President Gerard Larcher and representatives of French companies interested in investing in Serbia.

Dacic and Troccaz also discussed separately the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and current regional affairs in the multilateral arena, the Serbian MFA said in a statement.

They agreed that overall bilateral relations between Serbia and France had reached a very high level and that activities towards strengthening further the strategic partnership between the two countries must be continued.

Troccaz also held a separate meeting with the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic, who informed him of a series of unilateral and unreasonable moves by Pristina that have made life for Serbs in the province impossible and unsustainable.

Petkovic noted that Pristina was refusing to meet its 11-year-old commitment to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, while Belgrade had met all its commitments from the dialogue, the Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in a statement.

Dacic thanks Ghana for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity, sovereignty (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian FM Ivica Dacic spoke with Ghanaian counterpart Shirley Ayorkor Botchway in Belgrade on Thursday, thanking her for Ghana's support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia regarding Kosovo.

"That is very important for us and the Serbs and the Republic of Serbia will certainly be eternally grateful for that stance," Dacic told a press conference after a meeting with Botchway.

He noted that diplomatic relations with Ghana had been established in 1959 and that Ghana had also attended the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade in 1961.

"That is why I am extremely happy that we have succeeded in revitalising our relations after all these years that followed the breakup of Yugoslavia," Dacic said.

"We are proud of the traditionally friendly ties and the cooperation between our countries and we remain firmly committed to advance our relations further and deepen our cooperation in all segments," Dacic said.

He added that Serbia and Ghana would sign agreements that were important for advancement of bilateral ties and for making them more concrete.

"I think we have very significant opportunities to boost our economic cooperation, which is relatively modest. The level of our bilateral trade has been at somewhere about 7 to 10 mln dollars a year," he said.

Kreni-Promeni movement: "We place in Belgrade posters of Vucic and Hill trading lithium and Kosovo, and call for a protest on April 13 in front of RTS" (Danas)

The Kreni-Pokreni (Start- Change) movement started a campaign of postering Belgrade with caricatures on which American Ambassador Christopher Hill symbolically crowns Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic while Vucic in turn hands him Kosovo and lithium wrapped as a gift.

In addition, the posters call citizens to protest "Everyone in front of RTS, April 13 at 7 p.m."

Savo Manojlovic, campaign director of the Kreni-Promeni movement, was the first to assess today's presence of American ambassador Christopher Hill at yesterday's meeting of government and opposition parliamentary groups on election conditions as humiliating, stating that Hill supported election theft in December last year, reported Danas. 

"Ambassadors Hill and Ambassador Kharchenko supported the direct theft of the election by the authorities. It is scandalous and humiliating that now Ambassador Hill is attending the official meeting on election conditions," said Manojlovic.

The KPK proposed temporary ''replacements'' for three months in N.Mitrovica after the resignation of the Serbian prosecutors (Kosovo Online)

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPK) recommended sending three prosecutors to the Basic Prosecutor's Office in North Mitrovica after three Serbian prosecutors resigned, this institution announced.

The announcement states that the resignations of the Serbian prosecutors caused difficulties in conducting cases before the Basic Prosecutor's Office in North Mitrovica.

"The recommendation of the president of the KPK to find a temporary solution through the transfer of three prosecutors for a period of three months was approved, and this will be resolved at the collegium of chief prosecutors in the following period," the announcement states.