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Haliti: The agreement between Coalition Block and Vetevendosje, does not help the solution (RTKlive)

Xhavit Haliti, member of the leadership of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said for Radio Kosova that the agreement between Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje, is a free decision of the leaders of these political parties. However, according to him, the problem stands on the constitutional interpretation of this after election coalition.

“Of course they might know better than me about have they planned all this, but based on the decision of the Constitutional Court on the election of Assembly Speaker, it will be impossible for them to elect the Assembly Speaker without violating the Constitution,” he said.

“In democratic countries, everywhere in the world, the decision of the Constitutional Court is the final one, no matter if someone likes it or not, it cannot be changed by anyone. Now, if there is some kind of formula in Kosovo, then this is another matter. I do not know for another interpretation but the one made by the Constitutional Court,” said Haliti.
