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Vetevendosje will not take part in the government, but has conditions (Lajm)

The head of the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, says the so-called “future emergency government,” established by the opposition parties, will suspend talks with Serbia, the implementation of the Association of Serb Municipalities, and privatization of enterprises. In a press conference, he said that Vetevendosje is not worried about posts in this government. “The future emergency government should suspend talks with Serbia; not implement the Association of Serb Municipalities; and stop the privatization of the Kosovo Electricity Company (KEK), Kosovo Post and Telecom (PTK) and Trepca mines,” said Kurti, adding, “Vetevendosje did not enter into the talks to discuss the division of posts. It is the governing program and concept that is important. We have agreed that no one will enter into a coalition with Hashim Thaci. The good news is that there won’t be a Thaci government. This was the first phase of the talks,” said Kurti.