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EU welcomes the constitution of the Assembly (Radio Kosova)

Radio Kosova reports that the European Union Office in Kosovo and heads of missions of EU Member States present in Kosovo, through a press statement, welcomed the constitution of the Kosovo Assembly and congratulated Prime Minister Isa Mustafa on the appointment of the new government.

“There are many challenges ahead of Kosovo, from pursuing political and economic reforms, to prioritizing socio-economic development and employment, to renewing the commitment to the dialogue with Belgrade, more emphasis on good governance, the rule of law and stepping up the fight against corruption, co-operating fully with EULEX and setting up the special court.

Citizens of Kosovo, as well as the international community, expect that the newly formed institutions will tackle these challenges with energy, commitment and determination. All these priorities are critical to Kosovo's development and its European path. The EU and its Member States stand ready to support the Assembly and the government in their work," states the press release.