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Krasniqi: Ahtisaari’s package is being reopened (Gazeta Express)

After the question of the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, on who gave them the mandate  to discuss Kosovo's justice system with Serbia, Chairman of the National Council of this party, Jakup Krasniqi, also wrote on his Facebook page that these discussions are reopening Ahtisaari’s Package. Krasniqi wonders which independent country in the  world would accept to discuss the issues such as security, energy, telephony, wealth, and judiciary with the other extremely hostile party, being that these are the most vital issues for a country and its population. “Today, the most significant pillar of the government, judiciary, will be discussed with the Prime Minister of Serbia, tomorrow, a decision on the Special Court will be made! What kind of sovereignty remains to the Republic?” asked Krasniqi adding that all these issues belong exclusively to Kosovo.