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Jahjaga: Balkan countries stand united in aspiration of EU membership (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, said today during the Summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Tirana that the countries of the Balkans stand united in their aspiration of European Union membership. “This has been possible only through opening of the European perspective for every one of us, because in essence, this has been a step which has helped us overcome the consequences of the past and which has made the need to cooperate a necessity. And we must cherish this moment, as the EU project has not only brought political stability but has increased prosperity, has enabled freedom of movement and has helped reconciliation between nations. For this reason this is the most special common project of all the nations of Europe, project which has converted diversity to its greatest value. We are at an unstoppable process of European integrations. This is a guarantee for development of all our countries. Integration into a system of such values will preserve the peace and will build understanding between us. This pragmatic cooperation between people is necessary for the western Balkan’s region. It helps us deepen the dialogue and close the road of confrontation. The latest changes in our region have only been possible through the clear aim of European integrations. And for this reason we still require that the European perspective of the region, which unites us all, to be concrete and to offer incitement for internal reforms. Kosovo remains dedicated to regional stability and strengthening of neighbourly relations by contributing to this cooperation. Our countries need more investment, and we all know that investors will evade countries which do not offer stability in order to develop their economy. Region must speak in unison; in creation of joint developmental projects, particularly in the fields of infrastructure and energy and to become important part in the European maps in these relevant fields. For this, we need closer cooperation among us, which induces economic development and competition. Above all, cooperation in fighting of corruption and organised crime, particularly the fighting of cross-border crime. Meetings like this very one must help us find ways in which to respond to the challenges of the future. No country is untouchable and inviolable by the latest trends of radicalisation and extremism, and therefore our fight against these evils which are threatening our collective security must be a joint fight. Our governance, built upon the will of the citizens, dedicated to rule of law and order, democratization and economic development, are the best response to these phenomena. Security is not just an internal issue, and we must turn it into the strongest link of regional unity. Our response to extremism and radicalisation must be our development, undertaking of reforms and engagement in all sectors, greater inclusion of citizens in decision making and above all, offering of greater opportunities. Therefore, governance which is based upon democratic values in our countries, which aims to cooperate with other countries and has all inclusiveness as a response, is necessary. By maintaining the dynamics of our advancement in European agenda, we shall consolidate the values of developed and just societies, which overcome the torments of the past. We must not waste away the moment at which we are and we cannot undo the dialogue through which we have opened the way to each other. The answer lies in us - in our will to talk and to reach agreements. In our willingness to implement agreements which are products of political solutions. During these decisive moments for the region, we need more courage. We need more clarity and less daily politics. We need more dedication for the values we committed to be led by in this new century. Following our membership in this important regional forum in Bucharest last year, Kosovo has continued to provide its active contribution as an equal member to strengthening of the regional cooperation,” Jahjaga said.