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Religious leaders support Kosovo's membership in UNESCO (Koha)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, through a Facebook post thanked all the representatives of religious communities in Kosovo for the joint letter addressed to UNESCO, calling for Kosovo’s acceptance in this organization. Thaci wrote that this was a strong testimony against “Serbia’s racist theories that Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO would hurt the religious communities.” “A wonderful support for our membership in UNESCO from all the religious communities in Kosovo. This is proof that we stand united when national interests are at stake,” Thaci wrote. The Islamic Community of Kosovo, Roman Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Bektashi Community, Union of Sufi Tarikates Community and Jewish Community in Kosovo sent an open letter to UNESCO’s general director Irina Bokova, and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, calling for support for Kosovo’s acceptance in UNESCO. “We hope that you will do your outmost to support Kosovo’s bid. Leaving our population isolated and without access to UNESCO will not help the cause of protection of our joint heritage, promotion of interfaith dialogue and inclusive approach to all peace-loving people in the world,” notes the letter.
