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Government condemns attack on Deputy Foreign Minister Selimi (Telegrafi)

The Kosovo Government issued a press release condemning today’s attack by Vetevendosje activists against Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi. The government said the violent act, “which is in the series of recent violent actions by the Vetevendosje Movement and supported by other opposition parties, is directed against the legitimate institutions and the will of the people of the Republic of Kosovo”. “This attack, which was carried out at a time when Mr. Selimi and other heads of Kosovo institutions are strongly engaged in Kosovo’s membership of the UNESCO and other international organizations, and European integration prospects which include visa liberalization and the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement, proves the irresponsibility and attempt by the Vetevendosje Movement to impede the success of the Republic of Kosovo. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo once again calls on opposition representatives to renounce acts of violence that violate the work of legitimate heads of institutions and state bodies, and to become part of institutional engagements aimed at strengthening Kosovo’s statehood and international position in partnership with the United States of America and members of the European Union,” the press release notes.