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Opposition will not send Thaci’s election to the Constitutional Court (Gazeta Blic)

Newspaper Fjala, has learned from its sources within the opposition parties that the united opposition has decided not to send the issue of Hashim Thaci’s election for president at the Constitutional Court. The President’s mandate and pledge are determined by Article 87 of the Constitution. Point 1 stresses that the President of the Republic starts the mandate after the pledge at the Assembly of Kosovo. Fjala newspaper contacted officials of the opposition parties, however they did not want to speak about this issue.

Muharrem Nitaj from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said that they still do not have information and that they do not know if the material which contests Thaci’s election will be submitted to the Constitutional Court. “We still do not know, we will inform you in time,” Nitaj said. Vetevendosje movement did not want to give any statement on the issue.