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Serbia’s plan: Colonization of Kosovo with over 20000 Serbs (

Based on a project for building new settlements in north and south of Kosovo, the government of Serbia has planned to move to Kosovo over 20 thousand Serbs from Serbia.

According to the Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo at the government of Serbia, Dusan Kozarev, their plan foresees building of ten to fifteen thousand new flats in the north and south, to situate over 20 thousand Serbs from Serbia. Such a settlement has already started to build in Zvecan, very close to Kroi i Vitakut. Kosovo opposition parties call this initiative, colonization of Kosovo.

Kozarev told Serbian media that the regional group which has taken over permanent solution for the displaced people from Kosovo, met for the first time and discussed forms and manners of returning to Kosovo the displaced Serbs in different parts of Serbia.

According to Kozarev the manner used so far to return Serbs in Kosovo did not reach the required effect. “Our plan is to organize return in the future by building settlements, while the first one will be the “Sunny Valley,” in Zvecan, north of Kosovo. We will build settlements throughout the entire Kosovo and let us see if we can return one thousand to 1500 people at each settlement and if they can live there with dignity. This should also implement in 15 other settlements in Kosovo. Let us see what funds we will be able to use to build the settlements,” Kozarev said.