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Vucic met Lajcak in Belgrade today (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received in Belgrade today Slovakian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs as well as Chairman of the OSCE Miroslav Lajcak, Serbian media reported.

During the meeting, President Vucic expressed serious concern over events in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and warned that Pristina by unilateral and provocative acts causes tensions and deterioration of the security situation.

Ashton: We did not ask Belgrade and Pristina to cross red lines (RTS, Tanjug)

Former EU High Representative Catherine Ashton under whose mediation the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has started in 2012 said at the Belgrade Security Forum that neither side was requested to cross their red lines, RTS reports. She added the aim was to bring representatives of the both sides in the same room, at the same table.

Hahn warns EU member states (Kosovo online, B92)

Johannes Hahn warned EU member states that negative decision on the date of accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania affects opportunities in the region, B92 reports referring to Pristina-based Gazeta Blic.

European Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations Hahb believes that this would most affect the relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Vucic asks British Ambassador: On which election did Kurti win and whose flag is it? (B92)

Belgrade based B92 portal reports on Serbian President tweet with a question for the British Ambassador in Pristina, photographed with leader of Vetëvendosje next to Albanian flag.

"I have a question for the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Pristina: On whose elections did Kurti and his party win and whose is the flag in front of which, Your Excellency, you proudly got photographed with Kurti? I will keep asking you this until I get an answer," Aleksandar Vucic wrote on his Twitter account, portal quotes.

"They expected me to agree, I didn't: FRY bombing and recognizing Kosovo - a mistake" (B92, Politika, Tanjug)

Retired Canadian General, former UNPROFOR Commander in Sarajevo, Lewis MacKenzie, reiterates that FRY bombing and recognition of Kosovo were "insane", Serbian media report today.

Retired Canadian General, former UNPROFOR Commander in Sarajevo, Lewis MacKenzie, comes to Belgrade on the forthcoming Belgrade Book Fair, in order to promote Serbian edition of his book entitled: "Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo", written 26 years ago, that was a bestseller in Canada.

Covic: Kurti talks what international stakeholders want to hear (RTS)

There is nothing logical or realistic in Kosovo, much of that is surreal, the former chief of the Serbian Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic told RTS. He added that Albanians want conflict, but the Serbian community should be seen as a culprit.

RTS recalled that Albanian members of the Central Election Commission on Sunday reported being poisoned after getting in touch with election material from central Serbia. At the same time, Serb members of the Central Election Commission had no symptoms, however they remain concerned.

The citizens of Serbia do not care much about who will lead the government in Pristina, and most believe that nothing will change (Blic)

As many as 62 percent of Serbian citizens believe elections in Kosovo will not significantly affect the flow of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, according to a study by the Factor Plus agency.

According to the same survey, 16 percent of Serbian citizens believe that negotiations will stop completely, 10 percent that it will accelerate and be closer to agreement, while 12 percent said they did not know the answer to this question.

German MPs proud of 13 withdrawn recognitions of Kosovo independence (B92, Tanjug)

Armin Paulus Hampel is proud of the authorities in Serbia which have succeeded in persuading as many as 13 states to revoke recognition of Kosovo independence, Tanjug news agency reports today.

Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD) in the Bundestag, Hampel, also emphasized the fact that today there are also Nobel Prize winners supporting Serbia.

China will not support Kosovo membership in Interpol (Tanjug, B92)

China did not change its stance and will not support the admission of Kosovo to Interpol, Serbian media reported today. This was stated during the meeting of the Serbian Internal Affairs Minster Nebojsa Stefanovic and Head of the Chinese Delegation at the Interpol General Assembly session Duan Daqi.

During the meeting the head of the Chinese delegation reiterated China’s support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and unchanged stance on Kosovo request to join Interpol.