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Thaci: Dialogue with Serbia should lead to mutual recognition (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, participated today at “Fol hapur” (Speak Openly) forum organized by “FOL”movement.

He stated that dialogue with Serbia in Brussels should take another direction in order not to become a routine. “Kosovo has correct relations with Serbia and dialogue in Brussels should not become routine and these discussions should take another course and conclude with reciprocal recognition,” Thaci said.

Asked whether there is going to be engagement of the President’s institution in the discussions in Brussels, Thaci said that he will respect the Constitution of Kosovo on this matter, and added that the dialogue will continue. “It is important to have  inclusiveness of the political spectrum and of the civil society in this process,” Thaci said.  He added that peace between Serbia and Kosovo means peace for the region.

He spoke also about the issue of the missing persons and the displaced persons, saying that a response to these issues has to be found.

Speaking about the justice system, Thaci said that he has discussed with the Prime Minister of Kosovo and the Minister of Justice regarding some changes of the Penal Code of Kosovo.

Asked about the possibility of early elections, Thaci said that he supports any agreement among the political parties. He added that European integration will unite the political spectrum, and that he will encourage dialogue among the political parties. “No party interest agendas should endanger Kosovo’s European perspective,” Thaci said.

He said that he stands behind the signature of the demarcation and added that this matter, as the one of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities should not be used by daily politics.

Thaci said that war against corruption and crime will be a priority, since SAA and recommendation for visa liberalization is a result of this fight.

He also spoke about decriminalization of political parties, saying that no candidate in the election lists should have problems with the law. He also spoke about a code for the civil society and media and transparency on their financing.

Concerning the Special Court and possible political turmoils, Thaci considers that there is no problem whatsoever. “I do not see any problem in its functioning or any reason for turmoil, because it (the Special Court) was voted by the Assembly of Kosovo to shed light on the alleged suspicions,” Thaci said.